Half the country thinks a civil war is likely

Agreed. I want him around though, if for no other reason than to annoy the Democrats. He has a great mouth, he should be Speaker of the House. :p

Yeah, but he also annoys just about everyone else too, even some in his own party and frankly we don't need that.
Does not sound like a conventional war.

Each side would need land...and factories...and harbors...and foreign trade...and hot sexy women to seduce the enemy.

Good point. The right has very few trannies. Might be a problem. :p
Does not sound like a conventional war.

Each side would need land...and factories...and harbors...and foreign trade...and hot sexy women to seduce the enemy.

I do not see a conventional war taking place here. In fact, it'll be decidedly unconventional if it ever takes place at all. It isn't going to be armies fighting it out, it's going to be groups against other groups, like ANTIFA against Proud Boys.

Do the liberals have any hot, sexy women? And can they keep their mouths shut long enough to do the hokey-pokey?
I don't see 2 separate countries, but what I do see is big cities against everybody else. Riots and uprisings with confrontations and possibly assassinations or mass shootings regularly occurring. Recently we saw an assassin apparently going after Kavanaugh, but he got caught first. Next time might not work out so well. You shoot one of ours, we shoot one of yours, like that. Things could get out of hand pretty quickly.
So, are the mass shootings we already see the beginning of this conflict (war)?
But Trump / DeSantis is better
Trump is going to be tied up in court for a while. These Jan 6th commission hearings will see to that. Then after that he has cases in New York that require his attention.
Trump won't be able to run in 2024.
If you want a retort, then stop being a macho jackass. If you think 32% of the population who own a gun (even a percentage of that will be owned by the frail) will out fight America's army, let alone any other countries army, then you're thicker than my kitchen worktop.
Well, you tell me, you completely retarded limey fuck

America's standing army is less than 1 million.

It's 100:1.

A war between an army of even the most frail out numbering an army of commandos 100:1 will decidedly win and it will be over in a matter of days if not minutes.

in fact, America's armed population out numbers almost all of the militaries of every country in the whole fucking world combined.

Daily, you prove to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers ever to walk the face of the earth. I thought your country was supposed to be full of smart people.
I guess that's why we kicked your fucking ass twice. Care to go for around three?
So, are the mass shootings we already see the beginning of this conflict (war)?

IMHO, the mass shootings like the ones in Buffalo and Uvalde are a separate phenomenon, by a couple of one-off crazies. What I'm talking about are groups of people getting into a shootout with another group, sorta like gang warfare. If I'm not mistaken a few people have already been shot in places like Seattle and Portland where they kinda collide and somebody shoots somebody only this time it turns into a real shootout with multiple casualties. Might be some terrorists involved too. Things could spiral out of control.
Trump is going to be tied up in court for a while. These Jan 6th commission hearings will see to that. Then after that he has cases in New York that require his attention.
Trump won't be able to run in 2024.

Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking. In NY they stopped any investigation and are not going to bother with Trump. It's a losers game. And what do the Communists have against Trump on a federal level? Two days of dog and pony shows and yet not one allegation of any laws broken.

If Trump keeps his physical and mental health he'll be front and enter in 2024. It's not even a matter of the Communists losing Congress. The issue now is how bad they are going to lose.
Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking. In NY they stopped any investigation and are not going to bother with Trump. It's a losers game. And what do the Communists have against Trump on a federal level? Two days of dog and pony shows and yet not one allegation of any laws broken.

If Trump keeps his physical and mental health he'll be front and enter in 2024. It's not even a matter of the Communists losing Congress. The issue now is how bad they are going to lose.
I doubt he could win in 2024 even if his legal troubles are settled and even if the Electoral College helps him again like they did in 2016.
Do you honestly want a man as President who tried to incite an insurrection?
Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking. In NY they stopped any investigation and are not going to bother with Trump. It's a losers game. And what do the Communists have against Trump on a federal level? Two days of dog and pony shows and yet not one allegation of any laws broken.

If Trump keeps his physical and mental health he'll be front and enter in 2024. It's not even a matter of the Communists losing Congress. The issue now is how bad they are going to lose.
Ray, do you really live in Cleveland? Are you familiar with Shaker Heights? I know a lady who lives in that neighborhood.

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