Half the country thinks a civil war is likely

Great, another retarded leftist.

Listen to this garbage. ^^°

"Fear of replacement".

Where'd you learn that one? Aesop's Fables? Grimm's Fairy Tales?

Oh wait - let me guess - racist communist propaganda! The same place you got CRT!

What a load of hogwash.

Not buying the snake oil you're selling.

learned from republicans, the buffalo shooter.
A majority of Republicans (52%) also say it’s likely that “there will be a civil war in the United States in [their] lifetime”; half of independents (50%) and a plurality of Democrats (46%) agree. In each group, fewer than 4 in 10 say another civil war is unlikely.

And perhaps most unsettling of all, only about half of Americans are willing to rule out “physical violence” (50%) and “taking up arms against the government” (47%) when asked if there are times when such measures “would be justified in order to protect the country from radical extremists.” About a quarter of Americans say that violence (26%) and taking up arms (23%) could be justified.

These tendencies, it’s worth noting, are particularly pronounced on the right — as Jan. 6 itself demonstrated. Nearly 8 in 10 Trump voters (79%) say “limiting free speech” is off-limits as a method to protect the country from radical extremists; 65% say the same about “protesting outside personal residences of government officials.” Yet only 39% reject taking up arms against the government in such situations — and nearly as many (31%) say it could be justified.

Just 15% of Biden voters agree.

I think that 15% number of Biden voters will change their opinion if Trump gets elected in 2024.

But this is scary shit IMHO, that ought not to be ignored. It won't be a geographical thing like the original Civil War was with the North against the South, it'll likely be more localized with different factions attacking one another in the streets and maybe not just in the major cities either. Wish I could see a way forward that is peaceful, but I don't. I think we're too divided and becoming more so.

Note: this poll is the same one that Votto posted a thread on, concerning the end of democracy.

This thread focuses more on the possibility of violence and a new civil war.
Theyre not gonna like it

No one is

There were more than 100 people like that at the insurrection.

I don't understand.

You're trying to equate people who care about election security, with racism?

I don't want a civil war. I'll have to be on your side because all my money is invested in your side (capitalism) winning. I'm not looking to help the poor, anymore. Maybe when I was poorer but not now. I'm white, male, r
"My" side is parents. That's what I care about, is my kids.

Don't care about parties, been D, been R, neither, both... right now I'm neither. Right now both parties are on my shit list. A pox on both their houses, I say.

However that's just politics.

The part I HAVE TO care about is randomly directed violence.

I keep trying to make this point. The Trumptards were focused, whereas throwing a Molotov at a cop car in the middle of a residential area is not focused at all, it's dangerously irresponsible - not to the cops (that too), but to ME. As a parent. My kids, who just might happen to live right there.

That kinda shit is fucked up man, it really is. I'm not going to let you disguise that shit as "activism"
It would be the democrats doing that of course,

WHY do you dignify this slime by calling them Democrats? The Washington crowd are not democrats anymore, Obumma and Biddum controlled by the Far Left and foreign powers have made them now the American Socialist Nazi Party. The democrat party now only exists in name only to continue fooling stupid people.

The Nazi Party is trying to vilify and criminalize mere opponents running against them, which means Trump and his supporters first and secondarily, republicans in general unless you are an ass-kisser RINO like Lez Chunky. They've been working on this ever since Nov. 3, 2016.

They had hoped to quell Trumpamania with impeachments, errant charges and hearings, but just too many people like and know a good deal and saw they weren't getting it from the Washington Pressed Suits to ever go back.

The Nazi Party wants your guns first now so they can better take you over, and if possible, they want to round up all 80 million America First MAGA followers and leaders and put them in a FEMA camp at least, preferably a gas chamber, this way, rather than having to argue with and debate others whom might reveal their true seditious nature, they want to simply declare you a domestic terrorist.
Odd. It isn’t the Progressives who are forcing people to do things. It’s you awesome Conservatives.
  • Is it conservatives who are making me pay $5.00 for a gallon of gas?
  • Is it conservatives who are driving hyperinflation?
  • Is it conservatives who are leaving the border wide open inviting millions of invaders in?
  • Is it conservatives who wanted to defund the police?
  • Is it conservatives who are hung up on a war with Russia?
  • Is it conservatives who are trying to take my guns blaming me for an 18 year old kid?
  • Is it conservatives who are calling me a domestic terrorist?
  • Is it conservatives who are going on prime time with a TV produced show trial trying swing another election by spreading lies?
  • Is it conservatives who are corrupting children with gender perversion, drugs and operations while forcing vaccines on them they don't need?
  • Is it conservatives who are forcing me to listen to that 78 year old vile stuttering stumbling idiot installed at the oval office every day?
I thought gay people were the same as everyone else.

If they were, then why are they perpetually consumed with constantly proving to everyone how different they really are?! And why would you think gays no different than straight people when since the day I was born and long before, homosexuality was frowned upon as deviant and dirty at the very least, and sinfully immoral at the worst?!
WHY do you dignify this slime by calling them Democrats? The Washington crowd are not democrats anymore, Obumma and Biddum controlled by the Far Left and foreign powers have made them now the American Socialist Nazi Party. The democrat party now only exists in name only to continue fooling stupid people.

The Nazi Party is trying to vilify and criminalize mere opponents running against them, which means Trump and his supporters first and secondarily, republicans in general unless you are an ass-kisser RINO like Lez Chunky. They've been working on this ever since Nov. 3, 2016.

They had hoped to quell Trumpamania with impeachments, errant charges and hearings, but just too many people like and know a good deal and saw they weren't getting it from the Washington Pressed Suits to ever go back.

The Nazi Party wants your guns first now so they can better take you over, and if possible, they want to round up all 80 million America First MAGA followers and leaders and put them in a FEMA camp at least, preferably a gas chamber, this way, rather than having to argue with and debate others whom might reveal their true seditious nature, they want to simply declare you a domestic terrorist.
I hear ya.

Let's be specific though. Precise.

Nazi, in its original form, was a response to communism. It was the alternative, because no one wanted what the Bolsheviks were dishing out in the east.

And, the defining characteristic of European fascism was the nexus between the state and the corporations. We have Mussolini's own words on it, and he had the idea before Hitler did.
Care to give us an example?

Didn't Dementia try and force companies to have their employees vaxed or else? Didn't DumBama do the same with his commie healthcare plan? Didn't Dementia state he wants the ability for people to sue firearms manufacturers and sellers out of business so nobody could buy a legal gun? Didn't DumBama force restaurants to post calorie count on everything they sell? Didn't Moooochelle try to force school children to eat the crap that only she selected? Speaking of schools, didn't DumBama and Dementia force schools to allow weirdos in dresses to compete in female athletics and use their personal facilities? Are they not trying to force everybody to drive an electric vehicle?

Actually. That Vax thing started under. Um. What was his name? The fellow before Biden? Yeah. Him. Beautiful Vaccine. Just great as I recall.

Examples. Fine. Was it Democrats who decided school districts could be sued into bankruptcy if they said Gay in Florida? Was it those damned Democrats who have made a miscarriage Murder in Oklahoma? Was it the Liberals and their Ilk who made Abortion illegal anywhere?

It is the Republicans making it ten times harder for my Handicapped wife to vote. It isn’t the Democrats.

It isn’t the Democrats who threaten businesses in Texas who dare sell oil stocks. That’s right. If you don’t support the companies who support Republicans you can’t do business in Texas.

I have before. And will almost certainly post again issues and times I agreed with Republicans. I often heap praise on Reagan as one example. I joined the Army while Reagan was President. I went to war under HW Bush. I left the army while Clinton was President.

You scream Democrats want to take guns. Why can’t I buy an UZI? Or a Tec 9? A Street Sweeper 12? How about a bump stock for my Mini-14?

Wait. All of those were lost because of Republicans? You mean I have lost more in any way you want to measure It regarding firearms under Republicans than the Democrats have threatened.

No fly lists? Remember those? Who passes those every chance they get? Oh yeah. Republicans who vote in lockstep to reauthorize warrantless wiretapping and all that.

You guys need to look in the mirror. Seriously. You on the right are just as big a pile of steaming shit as those on the left.

Bank runs going on in China for days no one is talking about

Food lines in Italy and western europe continues to be over run with Africans
Canaduh run by a black faced faggit and on and on

Mass death round the world coming

Oh and some of us will be coming for some of you ...bet on it


Wait patiently for the collapse
Nazi, in its original form, was a response to communism.
But we are not dealing with 1938 Nazism here, but the 2022 version of it.

It was the alternative, because no one wanted what the Bolsheviks were dishing out in the east.
In the most pure sense, Nazism then and now as with communism were both less about political leanings and just different forms of a totalitarian state with total government control.

And, the defining characteristic of European fascism was the nexus between the state and the corporations.
And that is now emerging again as the MO of the Bidenista Nazi Party. Left or Right, the end result is always the same.
Actually. That Vax thing started under. Um. What was his name? The fellow before Biden? Yeah. Him. Beautiful Vaccine. Just great as I recall.

Examples. Fine. Was it Democrats who decided school districts could be sued into bankruptcy if they said Gay in Florida? Was it those damned Democrats who have made a miscarriage Murder in Oklahoma? Was it the Liberals and their Ilk who made Abortion illegal anywhere?

It is the Republicans making it ten times harder for my Handicapped wife to vote. It isn’t the Democrats.

It isn’t the Democrats who threaten businesses in Texas who dare sell oil stocks. That’s right. If you don’t support the companies who support Republicans you can’t do business in Texas.

I have before. And will almost certainly post again issues and times I agreed with Republicans. I often heap praise on Reagan as one example. I joined the Army while Reagan was President. I went to war under HW Bush. I left the army while Clinton was President.

You scream Democrats want to take guns. Why can’t I buy an UZI? Or a Tec 9? A Street Sweeper 12? How about a bump stock for my Mini-14?

Wait. All of those were lost because of Republicans? You mean I have lost more in any way you want to measure It regarding firearms under Republicans than the Democrats have threatened.

No fly lists? Remember those? Who passes those every chance they get? Oh yeah. Republicans who vote in lockstep to reauthorize warrantless wiretapping and all that.

You guys need to look in the mirror. Seriously. You on the right are just as big a pile of steaming shit as those on the left.

Your claim is about "forcing" people. Not laws that are voted on by our representatives. And because you're so uninformed, there is nothing in the Florida law that even mentions gay people. It was a lie by the Communists because most people agree that parents should have a say-so in what their kids are taught in school.

Now, can you show me one instance where Trump ever tried to force anybody to get the vaccine? He only participated in getting the vaccine out there. He left the decision making to the individuals unlike Dementia.
Actually. That Vax thing started under. Um. What was his name? The fellow before Biden? Yeah. Him. Beautiful Vaccine. Just great as I recall.

But he didn't force anyone to take it. That was a Democrat - oh excuse me Stalin - thing

Examples. Fine. Was it Democrats who decided school districts could be sued into bankruptcy if they said Gay in Florida?

Liar. Swallow Kool Aid much?

You can say gay anywhere in Florida, dummy.

Was it those damned Democrats who have made a miscarriage Murder in Oklahoma? Was it the Liberals and their Ilk who made Abortion illegal anywhere?

No one made abortion illegal "anywhere". This kind of bullshit rhetoric doesn't help

It is the Republicans making it ten times harder for my Handicapped wife to vote. It isn’t the Democrats.


Anyone can get a mail in ballot.

You can mail it for her.

End of story.

It isn’t the Democrats who threaten businesses in Texas who dare sell oil stocks. That’s right. If you don’t support the companies who support Republicans you can’t do business in Texas.

Gee well, the city of Los Angeles won't let it's employees fly to Florida. Pot, meet kettle.

I have before. And will almost certainly post again issues and times I agreed with Republicans. I often heap praise on Reagan as one example. I joined the Army while Reagan was President. I went to war under HW Bush. I left the army while Clinton was President.

You scream Democrats want to take guns. Why can’t I buy an UZI? Or a Tec 9? A Street Sweeper 12? How about a bump stock for my Mini-14?

You can. All of the above. Easy peasy.

Wait. All of those were lost because of Republicans? You mean I have lost more in any way you want to measure It regarding firearms under Republicans than the Democrats have threatened.

Leftist agitators threatened my children.

No fly lists? Remember those? Who passes those every chance they get? Oh yeah. Republicans who vote in lockstep to reauthorize warrantless wiretapping and all that.

You guys need to look in the mirror. Seriously. You on the right are just as big a pile of steaming shit as those on the left.
I agree that Republicans are almost as stinky as the Democrats.

But the lefties take the cake right now.

They're going down the Stalinist rabbit hole and they're too stupid to see it. Or maybe they do see it, which makes them truly evil. Stupid or evil, take your pick. And the two are not mutually exclusive.

Either way these people need to go. They're much worse than the Neo-Cons ever were. They're truly rotten human beings.
A majority of Republicans (52%) also say it’s likely that “there will be a civil war in the United States in [their] lifetime”; half of independents (50%) and a plurality of Democrats (46%) agree. In each group, fewer than 4 in 10 say another civil war is unlikely.

And perhaps most unsettling of all, only about half of Americans are willing to rule out “physical violence” (50%) and “taking up arms against the government” (47%) when asked if there are times when such measures “would be justified in order to protect the country from radical extremists.” About a quarter of Americans say that violence (26%) and taking up arms (23%) could be justified.

These tendencies, it’s worth noting, are particularly pronounced on the right — as Jan. 6 itself demonstrated. Nearly 8 in 10 Trump voters (79%) say “limiting free speech” is off-limits as a method to protect the country from radical extremists; 65% say the same about “protesting outside personal residences of government officials.” Yet only 39% reject taking up arms against the government in such situations — and nearly as many (31%) say it could be justified.

Just 15% of Biden voters agree.

I think that 15% number of Biden voters will change their opinion if Trump gets elected in 2024.

But this is scary shit IMHO, that ought not to be ignored. It won't be a geographical thing like the original Civil War was with the North against the South, it'll likely be more localized with different factions attacking one another in the streets and maybe not just in the major cities either. Wish I could see a way forward that is peaceful, but I don't. I think we're too divided and becoming more so.

Note: this poll is the same one that Votto posted a thread on, concerning the end of democracy.

This thread focuses more on the possibility of violence and a new civil war.
If the right wing loons REALLY thought that the election were stolen, they'd be shooting people already. What are they waiting for? What would set it off if that alleged theft didn't?
There will be no civil war over Donald Trump. Just stop it.

I will say that the 1/6 committee videos reveal that the Trump supporters are essentially a bunch of worthless thugs. I expect more rampage shootings from that quarter along with the ordinary "thoughts and prayers". One thing you might see is right wing nutjob-on-nutjob violence. Both sides are packing their faux manhood and they are itching to shoot someone. So I wouldn't be too surprised to see some fallout if the Senate were to agree to keeping an 18 y/o from buying a bazooka. This is what the batshit-crazy Trump supporters do.
If the right wing loons REALLY thought that the election were stolen, they'd be shooting people already. What are they waiting for? What would set it off if that alleged theft didn't?
There will be no civil war over Donald Trump. Just stop it.



Civil war over Donald Trump is a leftist invention.

I will say that the 1/6 committee videos reveal that the Trump supporters are essentially a bunch of worthless thugs.

Says the left wing rioter.

I expect more rampage shootings from that quarter along with the ordinary "thoughts and prayers". One thing you might see is right wing nutjob-on-nutjob violence.

Gee that's funny, the overwhelming majority of shooters have been lefties on antidepressants.

Both sides are packing their faux manhood and they are itching to shoot someone. So I wouldn't be too surprised to see some fallout if the Senate were to agree to keeping an 18 y/o from buying a bazooka. This is what the batshit-crazy Trump supporters do.


No one cares about the Senate.

Not even the Senate cares about the Senate. :p
I've been saying this for years.

The divide will likely come down to political affiliation more than anything else (such as race, etc).

The upshot to this is that the good guys have over 400,000,000 guns and the bad guys can't decide which bathroom to use...
You guys couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag. Put your cap guns down and get on with life, Cowboys v Indians was a playground game
Your claim is about "forcing" people. Not laws that are voted on by our representatives. And because you're so uninformed, there is nothing in the Florida law that even mentions gay people. It was a lie by the Communists because most people agree that parents should have a say-so in what their kids are taught in school.

Now, can you show me one instance where Trump ever tried to force anybody to get the vaccine? He only participated in getting the vaccine out there. He left the decision making to the individuals unlike Dementia.
Oh. So it isn’t forcing people as long as some elected individuals do it? Got it.

The legislation was properly called don’t say gay.

Read the bottom of page four. I read it all.

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