Half the country thinks a civil war is likely

Some of us are waging a guerilla war against the establishment's plans for us by,
Maintaining our physical and mental health.
Providing for our financial security.
Enjoying our lives.

These are the things that ensure the independence and freedom of the individual, but is the bane of Democrat controlled government.
Best post I've seen in weeks!
The government/military has the most guns.

Yes, they do. It's possible we could see martial law declared in some places, but most of the trouble in 2020 was in democrat cities in democrat states where they refused to do that. Don't know why it would be any different in the future, although with any luck some of those cities and states might turn RED this November.

Who will the REAL winners be in the 2nd civil war? Hint: It won't be Republicans or Democrats. And once Marshall law is declared, you WILL give up your guns.

Don't bet on it, sweetie.
Thinking out Loud: The next 10-20 years in the USA are going to be very interesting. Hopefully, my children and grandchildren will be prepared. I am older so I probably won't be around to see most of it.
I don't believe the division and hatred is going away though.
Gotta stay prayed up.
The government/military has the most guns.

Sorry bozo but the US Army has 1.3 million active duty personnel, and most of those are 2A loving patriots. Strike One.

Right now, there are at least 80 million gun owners in this country and about 15 million of them belonging to gun organizations. Strike Two.

Those gun owners own more than 300 million guns and over a trillion rounds of ammo. Strike Three.

You can't get planes and nukes and tanks into people's homes; at some point you have to get on the ground going door to door.

Most police and at least half the military will not take up arms against their fellow citizen.

If it ever comes to civil war, you lose.
Sorry bozo but the US Army has 1.3 million active duty personnel, and most of those are 2A loving patriots. Strike One.

Right now, there are at least 80 million gun owners in this country and about 15 million of them belonging to gun organizations. Strike Two.

Those gun owners own more than 300 million guns and over a trillion rounds of ammo. Strike Three.

You can't get planes and nukes and tanks into people's homes; at some point you have to get on the ground going door to door.

Most police and at least half the military will not take up arms against their fellow citizen.

If it ever comes to civil war, you lose.
I'm sure Robert E. Lee and the Confederates thought they were sure winners at one time too.
I believe YOU are the one suffering from fear.
1) Fear of replacement.
2) Fear of being without a firearm.
3) Fear of anyone different than yourself (xenophobia).

I don't have any of those fears.
You leave a trail of the unmistakable odor of fear. It smells delicious. We eat your fear for breakfast.

Just look at how few reactions your posts get. That's EVERYBODY disagreeing with you.

Face it. You are on the losing side.

1) Fear of replacement.
2) Fear of being without a firearm.
3) Fear of anyone different than yourself (xenophobia).

I don't have any of those fears.

Just remember that when some illegal alien comes kicking in your door with a gun some night and all you got in your right hand is your worthless ideology and phony bravado..
Civil war is unlikely. Most Americans are too soft and weak and lack the conviction to follow through. They may talk a lot of shit but if the time came they would fold faster than superman on laundry day. Most just want to eat cheese burgers and watch TV, as long as they have that they won't stand up. COVID proved that when millions of people fell right in line with the government, kept their mouth shut, followed orders and barked at the ones who didn't.

I don't want to see one. Ive seen real violence, not on tv or in the movies either. It's worse than most can understand. But I also love my country and I don't want to see it ruined, taken apart, and transformed. Sadly we're well on the way towards that already.

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