Hall of Fame Inductee Issues Powerful Message To Hate-Driven Anti-Trumpers

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...

Yeah, because that didn't happen from the right when Obama was President.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

Here's your chance to point out the deficiencies on the right.....

The current strife was brought on by the left and there's no denying that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

In the vein of the discussion not really.
So here's your chance to educate me.
If you don't think the Right needs any kind of fixing or improving, if you don't think there are people on the Right who demonstrate hate and division, there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

I simply lack that ability. You win.

It's like when a Regressive tells me there's no such thing as PC. I don't know how to respond.

So you cant come up with anything?
No I can't. The Right is pristine.
And Independents say, "I'm just the totally reasonable guy who is reasonable and logical and rational in all things."

yes we know, because we hear it from independents like 500 times a day to be honest
Well, I guess if I had actually said that, you'd have a point.

That doesn't change anything I have said.

"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

And the problem with Independents is, no matter what the issue, the just sit in Switzerland atop their mountaintop and smugly proclaim, "Well BOTH sides do it!" as if that settles a darn thing.

Is that reasonable?
So you don't want to answer my question. I know: No matter what, don't challenge your tribe.

And my specific stances on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I'm honest and open.

THis thread is about hate-driven anti-Trumpers. It's right in the title. So what is it you're trying to say, exactly, "the other side does it too?" Hello?
Well, I guess if I had actually said that, you'd have a point.

That doesn't change anything I have said.

"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

And the problem with Independents is, no matter what the issue, the just sit in Switzerland atop their mountaintop and smugly proclaim, "Well BOTH sides do it!" as if that settles a darn thing.

Is that reasonable?
So you don't want to answer my question. I know: No matter what, don't challenge your tribe.

And my specific stances on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I'm honest and open.

THis thread is about hate-driven anti-Trumpers. It's right in the title. So what is it you're trying to say, exactly, "the other side does it too?" Hello?
I've already said it: There is hate coming from both ends.

Both ends should clean their own house before pointing the finger.

You do realize that he was speaking about all of us, right?

There is plenty of hate coming from both ends.

Except for you, Stormy Mac... we know you are extra special.

YOu know, like Short bus special.
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

And the problem with Independents is, no matter what the issue, the just sit in Switzerland atop their mountaintop and smugly proclaim, "Well BOTH sides do it!" as if that settles a darn thing.

Is that reasonable?
So you don't want to answer my question. I know: No matter what, don't challenge your tribe.

And my specific stances on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I'm honest and open.

THis thread is about hate-driven anti-Trumpers. It's right in the title. So what is it you're trying to say, exactly, "the other side does it too?" Hello?
I've already said it: There is hate coming from both ends.

Both ends should clean their own house before pointing the finger.


Says who? An edict from a mountaintop from Switzerland? Because the Independents have nothing but pure mountain water flowing from them?

Listen: we know.
So you cant come up with anything?

For one, many on the Right went Full Retard during the Obama administration, trying to delegitimatize our first black President by saying he wasn't born in America, not to mention all the other batshit crazy conspiracy theories such as Jade Helms, FEMA camps, etc.

All that sows discord in society.

I mean, one has to be a blind partisan if one thinks only the other side is to blame. Anyone believing this is part of the problem.
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

And the problem with Independents is, no matter what the issue, the just sit in Switzerland atop their mountaintop and smugly proclaim, "Well BOTH sides do it!" as if that settles a darn thing.

Is that reasonable?
So you don't want to answer my question. I know: No matter what, don't challenge your tribe.

And my specific stances on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I'm honest and open.

THis thread is about hate-driven anti-Trumpers. It's right in the title. So what is it you're trying to say, exactly, "the other side does it too?" Hello?
I've already said it: There is hate coming from both ends.

Both ends should clean their own house before pointing the finger.


Says who? An edict from a mountaintop from Switzerland? Because the Independents have nothing but pure mountain water flowing from them?

Listen: we know.
Oh good, so you admit I'm right.

Why all the complaining, then?
Here's your chance to point out the deficiencies on the right.....

The current strife was brought on by the left and there's no denying that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

In the vein of the discussion not really.
So here's your chance to educate me.
If you don't think the Right needs any kind of fixing or improving, if you don't think there are people on the Right who demonstrate hate and division, there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

I simply lack that ability. You win.

It's like when a Regressive tells me there's no such thing as PC. I don't know how to respond.

So you cant come up with anything?
No I can't. The Right is pristine.

I honestly want to know what you think is lacking or problematic on the right.
And Independents say, "I'm just the totally reasonable guy who is reasonable and logical and rational in all things."

yes we know, because we hear it from independents like 500 times a day to be honest
Well, I guess if I had actually said that, you'd have a point.

That doesn't change anything I have said.

"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution (I.e. a crap stirring poster).
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And the problem with Independents is, no matter what the issue, the just sit in Switzerland atop their mountaintop and smugly proclaim, "Well BOTH sides do it!" as if that settles a darn thing.

Is that reasonable?
So you don't want to answer my question. I know: No matter what, don't challenge your tribe.

And my specific stances on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I'm honest and open.

THis thread is about hate-driven anti-Trumpers. It's right in the title. So what is it you're trying to say, exactly, "the other side does it too?" Hello?
I've already said it: There is hate coming from both ends.

Both ends should clean their own house before pointing the finger.


Says who? An edict from a mountaintop from Switzerland? Because the Independents have nothing but pure mountain water flowing from them?

Listen: we know.
Oh good, so you admit I'm right.

Why all the complaining, then?

So the Left is full of hate, the Right is full of hate, they can neither admit they're ever wrong, but you Independents sit on Swiss mountaintops in a pristine condition.

Listen, again. WE KNOW. Your job is simply to sniff and snivel and look above it all. Again. WE. KNOW.
So you cant come up with anything?

For one, many on the Right went Full Retard during the Obama administration, trying to delegitimatize our first black President by saying he wasn't born in America, not to mention all the other batshit crazy conspiracy theories such as Jade Helms, FEMA camps, etc.

All that sows discord in society.

I mean, one has to be a blind partisan if one thinks only the other side is to blame. Anyone believing this is part of the problem.

No riots,no burning down neighborhoods.
Just the same political bullshit we see every election from both sides.
The left upped the ante with the election of Trump and brought the violence to the forefront.
Now they are being answered in kind and you want to bitch about it.....yawn.
The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...

Yeah, because that didn't happen from the right when Obama was President.

No, it didn't. Not to this extent.
Well, I guess if I had actually said that, you'd have a point.

That doesn't change anything I have said.

"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

He cannot see how invested he is in his own position as mountain-sitter, see. He's just as invested.
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

Here's your chance to point out the deficiencies on the right.....

The current strife was brought on by the left and there's no denying that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
Plenty, but what about keeping it all in context for the bigger picture to be solved, instead of making it larger and larger by adding to it ?
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

In the vein of the discussion not really.
So here's your chance to educate me.
If you don't think the Right needs any kind of fixing or improving, if you don't think there are people on the Right who demonstrate hate and division, there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

I simply lack that ability. You win.

It's like when a Regressive tells me there's no such thing as PC. I don't know how to respond.

So you cant come up with anything?
No I can't. The Right is pristine.

I honestly want to know what you think is lacking or problematic on the right.
Why? If you can't come up with anything, if you don't see any weaknesses or poor behaviors or problems on the Right, then your thought processes are such that there is simply nothing I can say, no examples I can provide, that would resonate with you. You literally wouldn't "see" what I'm talking about. You would deny everything.

I've been down this road too many times. We'll stipulate that the Right is blameless and faultless, and move on.
Well, I guess if I had actually said that, you'd have a point.

That doesn't change anything I have said.

"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.
In the vein of the discussion not really.
So here's your chance to educate me.
If you don't think the Right needs any kind of fixing or improving, if you don't think there are people on the Right who demonstrate hate and division, there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

I simply lack that ability. You win.

It's like when a Regressive tells me there's no such thing as PC. I don't know how to respond.

So you cant come up with anything?
No I can't. The Right is pristine.

I honestly want to know what you think is lacking or problematic on the right.
Why? If you can't come up with anything, if you don't see any weaknesses or poor behaviors or problems on the Right, then your thought processes are such that there is simply nothing I can say, no examples I can provide, that would resonate with you. You literally wouldn't "see" what I'm talking about. You would deny everything.

I've been down this road too many times. We'll stipulate that the Right is blameless and faultless, and move on.

So ya still got nothing.
So you cant come up with anything?

For one, many on the Right went Full Retard during the Obama administration, trying to delegitimatize our first black President by saying he wasn't born in America, not to mention all the other batshit crazy conspiracy theories such as Jade Helms, FEMA camps, etc.

All that sows discord in society.

I mean, one has to be a blind partisan if one thinks only the other side is to blame. Anyone believing this is part of the problem.

I am a conservative and I thought it was way out there. And yes, Trump was interested in the birth certificate stuff for a while. However, you did not see ongoing investigations into this like you see with Trump. Hello: he has ongoing investigations on this "Russian Collusion" and if any of you were really honest with yourselves, you would know it's all smoke and mirrors. There are Congressmen and women and Senators calling for his IMPEACHMENT for what?? Celebrities holding disembodied heads...

Yep, we had fringey crazy stuff with Obama but it wasn't this high up and this pervasive, it just wasn't.
If you don't think the Right needs any kind of fixing or improving, if you don't think there are people on the Right who demonstrate hate and division, there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

I simply lack that ability. You win.

It's like when a Regressive tells me there's no such thing as PC. I don't know how to respond.

So you cant come up with anything?
No I can't. The Right is pristine.

I honestly want to know what you think is lacking or problematic on the right.
Why? If you can't come up with anything, if you don't see any weaknesses or poor behaviors or problems on the Right, then your thought processes are such that there is simply nothing I can say, no examples I can provide, that would resonate with you. You literally wouldn't "see" what I'm talking about. You would deny everything.

I've been down this road too many times. We'll stipulate that the Right is blameless and faultless, and move on.

So ya still got nothing.

Again. What did the right do other than beat hillary?
That is the catalyst.

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