Hall of Fame Inductee Issues Powerful Message To Hate-Driven Anti-Trumpers

One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

Here's your chance to point out the deficiencies on the right.....

The current strife was brought on by the left and there's no denying that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
Plenty, but what about keeping it all in context for the bigger picture to be solved, instead of making it larger and larger by adding to it ?
It depends on the goal.

If the goal is to "beat" the other "side" - and indeed, that's where we are right now - then we just keep doing what we're doing: Remain nice and comfy in our big, warm Ideological Safe Spaces, from which we fling poo and see who gets dirtier.

If the goal were to actually improve things, the most efficient and effective way to begin would be for all us to look within ourselves first, clean our own house first, and then see where things stand. At that point, I suspect improvements would be much easier.

So, my goals aren't the same as many here.
Well, I guess if I had actually said that, you'd have a point.

That doesn't change anything I have said.

"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

And the problem with Independents is, no matter what the issue, the just sit in Switzerland atop their mountaintop and smugly proclaim, "Well BOTH sides do it!" as if that settles a darn thing.

Is that reasonable?
So you don't want to answer my question. I know: No matter what, don't challenge your tribe.

And my specific stances on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I'm honest and open.

THis thread is about hate-driven anti-Trumpers. It's right in the title. So what is it you're trying to say, exactly, "the other side does it too?" Hello?
Exactly... LOL
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

Uh, yes you did

  • Birtherism
  • Jade Helms invasion
  • Obama is a Muslim and will impose Shariah Law
  • Agenda 21
  • FEMA Camps
  • Obama is coming to take our guns!
  • Obama is gay and is imposing the Homosexual Agenda!
  • Michelle is a man

Full-on Batshit Crazy Retarded
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

Uh, yes you did

  • Birtherism
  • Jade Helms invasion
  • Obama is a Muslim and will impose Shariah Law
  • Agenda 21
  • FEMA Camps
  • Obama is coming to take our guns!
  • Obama is gay and is imposing the Homosexual Agenda!
  • Michelle is a man

Full-on Batshit Crazy Retarded
Fake news!
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

Uh, yes you did

  • Birtherism
  • Jade Helms invasion
  • Obama is a Muslim and will impose Shariah Law
  • Agenda 21
  • FEMA Camps
  • Obama is coming to take our guns!
  • Obama is gay and is imposing the Homosexual Agenda!
  • Michelle is a man

Full-on Batshit Crazy Retarded

None of which rises to the level of shit we're seeing now.
Not even close.
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.

Part of the reason I have absolutely no tolerance for this stuff is that I deal with this at my job--from first graders, which is fine. They're learning. I think adults should be beyond it, and my frustration that they're not is, well, probably obvious.

Two 6 year olds approach me. One is crying.

Me: What's the matter?

Child one: Johnny punched me in the stomach!!

Child two: But Billy called me a name!

Okay I don't say, "Well that's too bad, you're both wrong. Now go sit down." That's a fail in judgment. My job is not to sit on some mountain afar off and say, well I'm just going to call a pass on this, I"m past first grade, they were both wrong these darn kids, I'm out.


Obviously, Billy was wrong to call a name, which I tell him, but Johnny was WAY over the line to throw a punch, and he has to call home. BTW, this is not JUST in the wheelhouse of teachers; this is how our judicial system works too. You don't just say, well you're both wrong, I'm better than you, that's it.

Yet that's pretty much most Independents for you, from what I've seen.
It depends on the goal.

If the goal is to "beat" the other "side" - and indeed, that's where we are right now - then we just keep doing what we're doing: Remain nice and comfy in our big, warm Ideological Safe Spaces, from which we fling poo and see who gets dirtier.

If the goal were to actually improve things, the most efficient and effective way to begin would be for all us to look within ourselves first, clean our own house first, and then see where things stand. At that point, I suspect improvements would be much easier.

So, my goals aren't the same as many here.

It's human nature to demonize the other tribe and rationalize away and the bad behavior of my tribe. That's what is happening here.

When Obama was President, the Left thought everything was fine and the Right was going batshit crazy retarded with all their conspiracy theories.

Now that Trump is President, the Right thinks everything is fine and the Left is going Full Retard.

That's the nature of tribal partisanship.

Given that >90% of the posters are highly partisan, good luck getting through to them. They won't believe you because you are outside of their tribe.
None of which rises to the level of shit we're seeing now.
Not even close.

That's because you are on the Right.

You couldn't see all the damage your side was doing when Obama was President. You thought it was either reasonable or not that bad.

But now that your side is getting attacked, you take it as an affront, and blame them for all the problems.
It depends on the goal.

If the goal is to "beat" the other "side" - and indeed, that's where we are right now - then we just keep doing what we're doing: Remain nice and comfy in our big, warm Ideological Safe Spaces, from which we fling poo and see who gets dirtier.

If the goal were to actually improve things, the most efficient and effective way to begin would be for all us to look within ourselves first, clean our own house first, and then see where things stand. At that point, I suspect improvements would be much easier.

So, my goals aren't the same as many here.

It's human nature to demonize the other tribe and rationalize away and the bad behavior of my tribe. That's what is happening here.

When Obama was President, the Left thought everything was fine and the Right was going batshit crazy retarded with all their conspiracy theories.

Now that Trump is President, the Right thinks everything is fine and the Left is going Full Retard.

That's the nature of tribal partisanship.

Given that >90% of the posters are highly partisan, good luck getting through to them. They won't believe you because you are outside of their tribe.

Uh....everything is fine now,in fact things are excellent!!!
What can you possibly say is bad?
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.

Part of the reason I have absolutely no tolerance for this stuff is that I deal with this at my job--from first graders, which is fine. They're learning. I think adults should be beyond it, and my frustration that they're not is, well, probably obvious.

Two 6 year olds approach me. One is crying.

Me: What's the matter?

Child one: Johnny punched me in the stomach!!

Child two: But Billy called me a name!

Okay I don't say, "Well that's too bad, you're both wrong. Now go sit down." That's a fail in judgment. My job is not to sit on some mountain afar off and say, well I'm just going to call a pass on this, I"m past first grade, they were both wrong these darn kids, I'm out.


Obviously, Billy was wrong to call a name, which I tell him, but Johnny was WAY over the line to throw a punch, and he has to call home. BTW, this is not JUST in the wheelhouse of teachers; this is how our judicial system works too. You don't just say, well you're both wrong, I'm better than you, that's it.

Yet that's pretty much most Independents for you, from what I've seen.
Then your perceptions are incorrect.

Life is nuance. There are degrees. Both children (and I thank you for the use of children in your example, most appropriate given our current political discourse) did something wrong, but to different degrees. There is no rule that each must be punished EXACTLY the same way. Both could have behaved better, in different ways. To different degrees. BOTH should know that and try to improve in the future.


There's too much binary thinking right now, and that's a self-inflicted wound.
It depends on the goal.

If the goal is to "beat" the other "side" - and indeed, that's where we are right now - then we just keep doing what we're doing: Remain nice and comfy in our big, warm Ideological Safe Spaces, from which we fling poo and see who gets dirtier.

If the goal were to actually improve things, the most efficient and effective way to begin would be for all us to look within ourselves first, clean our own house first, and then see where things stand. At that point, I suspect improvements would be much easier.

So, my goals aren't the same as many here.

It's human nature to demonize the other tribe and rationalize away and the bad behavior of my tribe. That's what is happening here.

When Obama was President, the Left thought everything was fine and the Right was going batshit crazy retarded with all their conspiracy theories.

Now that Trump is President, the Right thinks everything is fine and the Left is going Full Retard.

That's the nature of tribal partisanship.

Given that >90% of the posters are highly partisan, good luck getting through to them. They won't believe you because you are outside of their tribe.
It's much easier in real life, I no longer try much here.

Fascinating to watch, though.
There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

Here's your chance to point out the deficiencies on the right.....

The current strife was brought on by the left and there's no denying that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
Plenty, but what about keeping it all in context for the bigger picture to be solved, instead of making it larger and larger by adding to it ?
It depends on the goal.

If the goal is to "beat" the other "side" - and indeed, that's where we are right now - then we just keep doing what we're doing: Remain nice and comfy in our big, warm Ideological Safe Spaces, from which we fling poo and see who gets dirtier.

If the goal were to actually improve things, the most efficient and effective way to begin would be for all us to look within ourselves first, clean our own house first, and then see where things stand. At that point, I suspect improvements would be much easier.

So, my goals aren't the same as many here.
Ahhh the old deflection of suggesting that one should go straighten up where one may have spilled their ice cream on the counter, before one can say that antifa spilling blood on the street is no worse than spilling ones ice cream on the counter ?? You crack me up Mac.
Uh....everything is fine now,in fact things are excellent!!!
What can you possibly say is bad?

If you are serious, thank you for proving my point.

If you are not, I applaud you for your deft use of irony.
None of which rises to the level of shit we're seeing now.
Not even close.

That's because you are on the Right.

You couldn't see all the damage your side was doing when Obama was President. You thought it was either reasonable or not that bad.

But now that your side is getting attacked, you take it as an affront, and blame them for all the problems.

Where were the riots?
White lives matter movement?
Shooting Congressman at baseball practice?
Trump supporters attacking little kids?

There is no comparison.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?

Here's your chance to point out the deficiencies on the right.....

The current strife was brought on by the left and there's no denying that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
Plenty, but what about keeping it all in context for the bigger picture to be solved, instead of making it larger and larger by adding to it ?
It depends on the goal.

If the goal is to "beat" the other "side" - and indeed, that's where we are right now - then we just keep doing what we're doing: Remain nice and comfy in our big, warm Ideological Safe Spaces, from which we fling poo and see who gets dirtier.

If the goal were to actually improve things, the most efficient and effective way to begin would be for all us to look within ourselves first, clean our own house first, and then see where things stand. At that point, I suspect improvements would be much easier.

So, my goals aren't the same as many here.
Ahhh the old deflection of suggesting that one should go straighten up where one may have spilled their ice cream on the counter, before one can say that antifa spilling blood on the street is no worse than spilling ones ice cream on the counter ?? You crack me up Mac.
Of course, that's not what I'm saying. Post 50 debunks your point nicely.

But I do realize that distortion and straw man arguments are standard tactics of partisans.

On both ends.
It's much easier in real life, I no longer try much here.

Fascinating to watch, though.

Frustrating is a better word.

This site is not a cross-section of America.

People here are older, whiter, and - most importantly - more partisan than the average American.
Uh....everything is fine now,in fact things are excellent!!!
What can you possibly say is bad?

If you are serious, thank you for proving my point.

If you are not, I applaud you for your deft use of irony.

Lowest black and latino unemployment numbers.
Millions off of foodstamps.
Manufacturing jobs coming back.
People making more money and being able to keep more of it.

What the fuck more do you want?
Where were the riots?
White lives matter movement?
Shooting Congressman at baseball practice?
Trump supporters attacking little kids?

There is no comparison.


The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

Of course, you'll explain this away as not being representative of the mainstream Right, but you'll believe that all the violence on the Left is representative of the mainstream of Left.

That is the nature of tribal partisanship, and you are exhibiting it now.
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

If you cannot or will not admit that, then guess what? Switzerland Sitting. "NO NO, it's BOTH sides! Both sides do it!" You're just as bad
One of the many behaviors both ends share is deflection: "THAT OTHER side is WORSE".

Indeed, the Left has lost its shit with Trump. Their behaviors have been pretty surprising. That doesn't justify the Right's behaviors during the Obama years, nor does it justify the right wing hate groups that have increased in volume since Trump's election. But I know, you don't "see" that part.

How about you clean your own house first, before attacking the other side? Is that reasonable?

There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.
Don't have to say it, just attempt to illustrate it while sitting on that moutain top... LOL.
Where were the riots?
White lives matter movement?
Shooting Congressman at baseball practice?
Trump supporters attacking little kids?

There is no comparison.


The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

Of course, you'll explain this away as not being representative of the mainstream Right, but you'll believe that all the violence on the Left is representative of the mainstream of Left.

That is the nature of tribal partisanship, and you are exhibiting it now.

Sorry,but a graph from the anti defamation league isnt going to cut it.
If this were true the leftwing media would be screaming those numbers from the roof tops.
Yet they are silent.

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