Hall of Fame Inductee Issues Powerful Message To Hate-Driven Anti-Trumpers

Don't have to say it, just attempt to illustrate it while sitting on that moutain top... LOL.
Just pointing out the obvious.

And it's the wings who think they're sitting on the mountaintop. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.

The rest of us think the best answers come from cooperation and collaboration from everyone.

So get over yourselves.
Why? If you can't come up with anything, if you don't see any weaknesses or poor behaviors or problems on the Right, then your thought processes are such that there is simply nothing I can say, no examples I can provide, that would resonate with you. You literally wouldn't "see" what I'm talking about. You would deny everything.

I've been down this road too many times. We'll stipulate that the Right is blameless and faultless, and move on.

We can't all be as Holier than Thou as you, Stormy Mac.
Lowest black and latino unemployment numbers.
Millions off of foodstamps.
Manufacturing jobs coming back.
People making more money and being able to keep more of it.

What the fuck more do you want?

You want to get into a discussion about the economy? Because that's basically all I do.

I can pull out chart after chart after chart to show that the economy was doing very well in the last few years of Obama. But you probably thought things weren't great then like you do now. That's because you are a Trump supporter and weren't an Obama supporter.

I'm quite happy to give credit to Trump for some things - the tax cuts, all the ISM numbers are directly related to Trump, the deregulation, etc. And I'm also happy to blast Obama for some things - the excessive regulations, the EOs, the expansion of the welfare state, etc.

But the OP of this thread is about the divisiveness in society caused only by the Left.

That is absolute horseshit.

The only people who believe that are hyper-partisans on the Right.
"Are you living every day to make this world better?" Lewis asked Saturday night at the end of his 33-minute oratory, often invoking the teachings of Martin Luther King. "Think what we can do if we work together as a country ... teaching our nation to love each other again."

"It's how we react to the challenges in our life that shows our greatness. How do we execute that dream? Who will answer that knock on the door in the middle of the night? And it has to start right now. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right."

"Tell me something can't be done is like pouring lighter fluid on an open flame."

"Look at what unites us ... the answer is simple, love. Hope, faith and love, and the greatest is love.

Ray Lewis urges togetherness in Hall of Fame speech after Randy Moss' political statement

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...
Idaho's Jerry Kramer was the only one that deserved to be in the Hall
The rest of those players sucked.
Lowest black and latino unemployment numbers.
Millions off of foodstamps.
Manufacturing jobs coming back.
People making more money and being able to keep more of it.

What the fuck more do you want?

You want to get into a discussion about the economy? Because that's basically all I do.

I can pull out chart after chart after chart to show that the economy was doing very well in the last few years of Obama. But you probably thought things weren't great then like you do now. That's because you are a Trump supporter and weren't an Obama supporter.

I'm quite happy to give credit to Trump for some things - the tax cuts, all the ISM numbers are directly related to Trump, the deregulation, etc. And I'm also happy to blast Obama for some things - the excessive regulations, the EOs, the expansion of the welfare state, etc.

But the OP of this thread is about the divisiveness in society caused only by the Left.

That is absolute horseshit.

The only people who believe that are hyper-partisans on the Right.
What did obama exactly do to merely restore something that was lost
What jobs did he create?
A trillion dollar stypen to the union thugs, who in return paid in back to the dem party in the form of a slush fund thru union dues?
Doubling the deficit restored the economy?
Tell us, what exactly did he do?
"Are you living every day to make this world better?" Lewis asked Saturday night at the end of his 33-minute oratory, often invoking the teachings of Martin Luther King. "Think what we can do if we work together as a country ... teaching our nation to love each other again."

"It's how we react to the challenges in our life that shows our greatness. How do we execute that dream? Who will answer that knock on the door in the middle of the night? And it has to start right now. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right."

"Tell me something can't be done is like pouring lighter fluid on an open flame."

"Look at what unites us ... the answer is simple, love. Hope, faith and love, and the greatest is love.

Ray Lewis urges togetherness in Hall of Fame speech after Randy Moss' political statement

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...
You do realize that he was speaking about all of us, right?

There is plenty of hate coming from both ends.

To be honest I get weary of the Switzerland sitters calling foul on both sides.

These anti-Trumpers get up every morning and their entire moral compass is built around Trump. Anti-Trumpism is their due north. Conservatives did not like Obama at all, but there were very, very few of us who set him as our moral compass.
Being independent does mean I have to take incoming from both ends every day. I'm just the kid in the cafeteria trying to eat his lunch during a food fight.

And each end justifies their actions not by rationally explaining them, but by pointing the finger at the other. Reasonable, honest adults don't do that.

Actually you’re the guy who starts the food fight then feigns innocence when called out on it.
Lowest black and latino unemployment numbers.
Millions off of foodstamps.
Manufacturing jobs coming back.
People making more money and being able to keep more of it.

What the fuck more do you want?

You want to get into a discussion about the economy? Because that's basically all I do.

I can pull out chart after chart after chart to show that the economy was doing very well in the last few years of Obama. But you probably thought things weren't great then like you do now. That's because you are a Trump supporter and weren't an Obama supporter.

I'm quite happy to give credit to Trump for some things - the tax cuts, all the ISM numbers are directly related to Trump, the deregulation, etc. And I'm also happy to blast Obama for some things - the excessive regulations, the EOs, the expansion of the welfare state, etc.

But the OP of this thread is about the divisiveness in society caused only by the Left.

That is absolute horseshit.

The only people who believe that are hyper-partisans on the Right.
What did obama exactly do to merely restore something that was lost
What jobs did he create?
A trillion dollar stypen to the union thugs, who in return paid in back to the dem party in the form of a slush fund thru union dues?
Doubling the deficit restored the economy?
Tell us, what exactly did he do?
Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 8.55.11 AM.png
"Are you living every day to make this world better?" Lewis asked Saturday night at the end of his 33-minute oratory, often invoking the teachings of Martin Luther King. "Think what we can do if we work together as a country ... teaching our nation to love each other again."

"It's how we react to the challenges in our life that shows our greatness. How do we execute that dream? Who will answer that knock on the door in the middle of the night? And it has to start right now. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right."

"Tell me something can't be done is like pouring lighter fluid on an open flame."

"Look at what unites us ... the answer is simple, love. Hope, faith and love, and the greatest is love.

Ray Lewis urges togetherness in Hall of Fame speech after Randy Moss' political statement

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...

Oh…and you’re doing everything you can to “unite us” I suppose?
"There is plenty of hate coming from both sides".


There was NOTHING like this coming when Obama won the presidency twice. I don't like Leftists but I am being objective about this. We didn't lose our ever-loving minds in numbers like this and to this extent. Anti-Trumpism motivates these people from sunup to sundown.

Uh, yes you did

  • Birtherism
  • Jade Helms invasion
  • Obama is a Muslim and will impose Shariah Law
  • Agenda 21
  • FEMA Camps
  • Obama is coming to take our guns!
  • Obama is gay and is imposing the Homosexual Agenda!
  • Michelle is a man

Full-on Batshit Crazy Retarded
Yeah well, you can sit there and make your claims now that those fears weren't realized, but you forget Obama's agenda was derailed.

Hillary was expected to carry Obama's water once elected, but thank God that was stopped, and now dealing with the left overs has proven to be an arduous task.

No one hates the other side of the isle, but some of the bat crap crazy policies that were being supported and enacted by them was of course bat crap crazy.

The left defeated itself, and not realizing that makes it bat crap crazy.
"Are you living every day to make this world better?" Lewis asked Saturday night at the end of his 33-minute oratory, often invoking the teachings of Martin Luther King. "Think what we can do if we work together as a country ... teaching our nation to love each other again."

"It's how we react to the challenges in our life that shows our greatness. How do we execute that dream? Who will answer that knock on the door in the middle of the night? And it has to start right now. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right."

"Tell me something can't be done is like pouring lighter fluid on an open flame."

"Look at what unites us ... the answer is simple, love. Hope, faith and love, and the greatest is love.

Ray Lewis urges togetherness in Hall of Fame speech after Randy Moss' political statement

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...
You do realize that he was speaking about all of us, right?

There is plenty of hate coming from both ends.

To be honest I get weary of the Switzerland sitters calling foul on both sides.

These anti-Trumpers get up every morning and their entire moral compass is built around Trump. Anti-Trumpism is their due north. Conservatives did not like Obama at all, but there were very, very few of us who set him as our moral compass.
Being independent does mean I have to take incoming from both ends every day. I'm just the kid in the cafeteria trying to eat his lunch during a food fight.

And each end justifies their actions not by rationally explaining them, but by pointing the finger at the other. Reasonable, honest adults don't do that.

Actually you’re the guy who starts the food fight then feigns innocence when called out on it.
Hey, that's possible!

And the children keep falling for it!
"Are you living every day to make this world better?" Lewis asked Saturday night at the end of his 33-minute oratory, often invoking the teachings of Martin Luther King. "Think what we can do if we work together as a country ... teaching our nation to love each other again."

"It's how we react to the challenges in our life that shows our greatness. How do we execute that dream? Who will answer that knock on the door in the middle of the night? And it has to start right now. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right."

"Tell me something can't be done is like pouring lighter fluid on an open flame."

"Look at what unites us ... the answer is simple, love. Hope, faith and love, and the greatest is love.

Ray Lewis urges togetherness in Hall of Fame speech after Randy Moss' political statement

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...

Oh…and you’re doing everything you can to “unite us” I suppose?
You won't let him.
"Are you living every day to make this world better?" Lewis asked Saturday night at the end of his 33-minute oratory, often invoking the teachings of Martin Luther King. "Think what we can do if we work together as a country ... teaching our nation to love each other again."

"It's how we react to the challenges in our life that shows our greatness. How do we execute that dream? Who will answer that knock on the door in the middle of the night? And it has to start right now. We need people willing to fight for what is good and what is right."

"Tell me something can't be done is like pouring lighter fluid on an open flame."

"Look at what unites us ... the answer is simple, love. Hope, faith and love, and the greatest is love.

Ray Lewis urges togetherness in Hall of Fame speech after Randy Moss' political statement

The leftist extremists eat, breath, & live 'hate' today, doing nothing to unite us, doing nothing to make this country better, and continue to pour gas on an open flame they started by trying to set the world on fire when Hillary lost, believing if they could not have it then no one can...

Oh…and you’re doing everything you can to “unite us” I suppose?
Yup...trying to get you hate-driven snowflakes to understand what you are doing, how you are helping Putin divide this nation.
Q: The difference between Ray Lewis and Donald Trump?
A: Ray Lewis pled guilty to obstruction of justice.
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There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.

Part of the reason I have absolutely no tolerance for this stuff is that I deal with this at my job--from first graders, which is fine. They're learning. I think adults should be beyond it, and my frustration that they're not is, well, probably obvious.

Two 6 year olds approach me. One is crying.

Me: What's the matter?

Child one: Johnny punched me in the stomach!!

Child two: But Billy called me a name!

Okay I don't say, "Well that's too bad, you're both wrong. Now go sit down." That's a fail in judgment. My job is not to sit on some mountain afar off and say, well I'm just going to call a pass on this, I"m past first grade, they were both wrong these darn kids, I'm out.


Obviously, Billy was wrong to call a name, which I tell him, but Johnny was WAY over the line to throw a punch, and he has to call home. BTW, this is not JUST in the wheelhouse of teachers; this is how our judicial system works too. You don't just say, well you're both wrong, I'm better than you, that's it.

Yet that's pretty much most Independents for you, from what I've seen.
Then your perceptions are incorrect.

Life is nuance. There are degrees. Both children (and I thank you for the use of children in your example, most appropriate given our current political discourse) did something wrong, but to different degrees. There is no rule that each must be punished EXACTLY the same way. Both could have behaved better, in different ways. To different degrees. BOTH should know that and try to improve in the future.


There's too much binary thinking right now, and that's a self-inflicted wound.
Both children were corrected in her illustration, and they were corrected to different degree's. The fence riders usually do neither but just sit up on the fence trying to even the score accomplishing nothing.
Don't have to say it, just attempt to illustrate it while sitting on that moutain top... LOL.
Just pointing out the obvious.

And it's the wings who think they're sitting on the mountaintop. You think you and your tribe have all the answers.

The rest of us think the best answers come from cooperation and collaboration from everyone.

So get over yourselves.

Oh no doubt.
The problem being the left and right rinos have no intention of cooperating with Trump.
He's upset their apple cart and they're pissed.
Americans are seeing the marked improvements in our economy and are tuning out the MSM.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.

Part of the reason I have absolutely no tolerance for this stuff is that I deal with this at my job--from first graders, which is fine. They're learning. I think adults should be beyond it, and my frustration that they're not is, well, probably obvious.

Two 6 year olds approach me. One is crying.

Me: What's the matter?

Child one: Johnny punched me in the stomach!!

Child two: But Billy called me a name!

Okay I don't say, "Well that's too bad, you're both wrong. Now go sit down." That's a fail in judgment. My job is not to sit on some mountain afar off and say, well I'm just going to call a pass on this, I"m past first grade, they were both wrong these darn kids, I'm out.


Obviously, Billy was wrong to call a name, which I tell him, but Johnny was WAY over the line to throw a punch, and he has to call home. BTW, this is not JUST in the wheelhouse of teachers; this is how our judicial system works too. You don't just say, well you're both wrong, I'm better than you, that's it.

Yet that's pretty much most Independents for you, from what I've seen.
Then your perceptions are incorrect.

Life is nuance. There are degrees. Both children (and I thank you for the use of children in your example, most appropriate given our current political discourse) did something wrong, but to different degrees. There is no rule that each must be punished EXACTLY the same way. Both could have behaved better, in different ways. To different degrees. BOTH should know that and try to improve in the future.


There's too much binary thinking right now, and that's a self-inflicted wound.
Both children were corrected in her illustration, and they were corrected to different degree's. The fence riders usually do neither but just sit up on the fence trying to even the score accomplishing nothing.
Could be. You'd have to ask someone like that. I believe life is nuanced, not binary.
Lowest black and latino unemployment numbers.
Millions off of foodstamps.
Manufacturing jobs coming back.
People making more money and being able to keep more of it.

What the fuck more do you want?

You want to get into a discussion about the economy? Because that's basically all I do.

I can pull out chart after chart after chart to show that the economy was doing very well in the last few years of Obama. But you probably thought things weren't great then like you do now. That's because you are a Trump supporter and weren't an Obama supporter.

I'm quite happy to give credit to Trump for some things - the tax cuts, all the ISM numbers are directly related to Trump, the deregulation, etc. And I'm also happy to blast Obama for some things - the excessive regulations, the EOs, the expansion of the welfare state, etc.

But the OP of this thread is about the divisiveness in society caused only by the Left.

That is absolute horseshit.

The only people who believe that are hyper-partisans on the Right.

My bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share during the barry era to just short of 25 at the moment and still rising.
There is no comparing the two.
Conservatives never rioted because barry got elected.
It was pantifa that brought on the rise of groups like the Proud Boys and rightfully so.
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.

Part of the reason I have absolutely no tolerance for this stuff is that I deal with this at my job--from first graders, which is fine. They're learning. I think adults should be beyond it, and my frustration that they're not is, well, probably obvious.

Two 6 year olds approach me. One is crying.

Me: What's the matter?

Child one: Johnny punched me in the stomach!!

Child two: But Billy called me a name!

Okay I don't say, "Well that's too bad, you're both wrong. Now go sit down." That's a fail in judgment. My job is not to sit on some mountain afar off and say, well I'm just going to call a pass on this, I"m past first grade, they were both wrong these darn kids, I'm out.


Obviously, Billy was wrong to call a name, which I tell him, but Johnny was WAY over the line to throw a punch, and he has to call home. BTW, this is not JUST in the wheelhouse of teachers; this is how our judicial system works too. You don't just say, well you're both wrong, I'm better than you, that's it.

Yet that's pretty much most Independents for you, from what I've seen.
Then your perceptions are incorrect.

Life is nuance. There are degrees. Both children (and I thank you for the use of children in your example, most appropriate given our current political discourse) did something wrong, but to different degrees. There is no rule that each must be punished EXACTLY the same way. Both could have behaved better, in different ways. To different degrees. BOTH should know that and try to improve in the future.


There's too much binary thinking right now, and that's a self-inflicted wound.

You missed my point entire.

All you're doing is sitting on your mountaintop and proclaiming both children wrong. You're not assigning who has the greater blame; you're not assigning proper repercussions or solutions. You're basically washing your hands of it with a smug, "thank goodness that's not me".

It's not just you, btw, that's how most moderates/independents come off, and you did it AGAIN by citing "children". You're just so above it all. That's independents.

Yes. We know.
It's much easier in real life, I no longer try much here.

Fascinating to watch, though.

Frustrating is a better word.

This site is not a cross-section of America.

People here are older, whiter, and - most importantly - more partisan than the average American.
Keeping tallies eh ?? The site is free to join, so if what you say is true, then why are you in the minority here ?? You can't convince your supporters to support your positions here, and to state state their own positions in which would support your positions here ???
Are you saying that there is nothing on the Right that needs to be fixed, changed, or improved?
No, they are saying how's about keeping it all in context. You can't always attempt to call both sides as equals when they aren't keeping it equal for you at all.

When one side becomes far more aggredious in it's actions, then you have to go against the more aggressive offenders who are causing the most trouble, and then you should be willing to write about that in your disdain for their aggressions, instead of trying to constantly even the score in order to suggest that the other side somehow is just as guilty as those aggressors when it's not.

If not careful you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I've never said the two sides are "equal", or the "same", ever.

Part of the reason I have absolutely no tolerance for this stuff is that I deal with this at my job--from first graders, which is fine. They're learning. I think adults should be beyond it, and my frustration that they're not is, well, probably obvious.

Two 6 year olds approach me. One is crying.

Me: What's the matter?

Child one: Johnny punched me in the stomach!!

Child two: But Billy called me a name!

Okay I don't say, "Well that's too bad, you're both wrong. Now go sit down." That's a fail in judgment. My job is not to sit on some mountain afar off and say, well I'm just going to call a pass on this, I"m past first grade, they were both wrong these darn kids, I'm out.


Obviously, Billy was wrong to call a name, which I tell him, but Johnny was WAY over the line to throw a punch, and he has to call home. BTW, this is not JUST in the wheelhouse of teachers; this is how our judicial system works too. You don't just say, well you're both wrong, I'm better than you, that's it.

Yet that's pretty much most Independents for you, from what I've seen.
Then your perceptions are incorrect.

Life is nuance. There are degrees. Both children (and I thank you for the use of children in your example, most appropriate given our current political discourse) did something wrong, but to different degrees. There is no rule that each must be punished EXACTLY the same way. Both could have behaved better, in different ways. To different degrees. BOTH should know that and try to improve in the future.


There's too much binary thinking right now, and that's a self-inflicted wound.

You missed my point entire.

All you're doing is sitting on your mountaintop and proclaiming both children wrong. You're not assigning who has the greater blame; you're not assigning proper repercussions or solutions. You're basically washing your hands of it with a smug, "thank goodness that's not me".

It's not just you, btw, that's how most moderates/independents come off, and you did it AGAIN by citing "children". You're just so above it all. That's independents.

Yes. We know.
As I point out in Post 61, it's the wings who think they're sitting on the mountaintop. You think you and your tribe have all the answers. The rest of us think the best answers come from cooperation and collaboration from everyone.

So get over yourselves. And get me out of your head.

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