“Hamas does not represent the Palestinians”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
You’re going to hear that a lot going forward.

Problem is, they do represent them. Palestinians elected Hamas year after year since Carter. On top of that, it took just one Palestinian to tip off Israel that thousands of rockets were being moved around and/or movement of Hamas at the border.

Jimmy Carter:

“On election day, Rosalynn and I visited 25 polling sites, in East Jerusalem and its outskirts, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho. It seemed obvious to us and other observers that the election was orderly and peaceful and that there was a clear preference for Hamas candidates even in historically strong Fatah communities. Even so, we were all surprised at the enormity of the Hamas victory.

They won such a clear majority of parliamentary seats (76 of 132 members) that the Fatah government immediately announced their resignation.”

Hamas plainly state their goal: to eradicate Israel in violent means. Their Palestinian voters understand this well. Hamas proceeded a year later, 2007, to murder all their opposition in Gaza, literally throw them off the rooftops, massacre Palestinians from opposition parties in the streets.

The writing was on the wall. In blood.

You’re going to hear that a lot going forward.

Problem is, they do represent them. Palestinians elected Hamas year after year since Carter. On top of that, it took just one Palestinian to tip off Israel that thousands of rockets were being moved around and/or movement of Hamas at the border.

Jimmy Carter:

“On election day, Rosalynn and I visited 25 polling sites, in East Jerusalem and its outskirts, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho. It seemed obvious to us and other observers that the election was orderly and peaceful and that there was a clear preference for Hamas candidates even in historically strong Fatah communities. Even so, we were all surprised at the enormity of the Hamas victory.

They won such a clear majority of parliamentary seats (76 of 132 members) that the Fatah government immediately announced their resignation.”

Hamas plainly state their goal: to eradicate Israel in violent means. Their Palestinian voters understand this well. Hamas proceeded a year later, 2007, to murder all their opposition in Gaza, literally throw them off the rooftops, massacre Palestinians from opposition parties in the streets.

The writing was on the wall. In blood.

Yes, we will hear it. It's true and it's not.

I say that, meaning it IS true, in that many of the Palestinians don't really have much choice. Women and children, for starters.

It also is NOT true. Why?

Let's see... 2 MILLION people in Gaza... and not ONE tip about the attack? Not ONE?

Looks like complicity to me. On the largest scale possible. They batted 1.000.

Did the PLO President know? No? Well it appears he is just a hood ornament.
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You’re going to hear that a lot going forward.

Problem is, they do represent them. Palestinians elected Hamas year after year since Carter. On top of that, it took just one Palestinian to tip off Israel that thousands of rockets were being moved around and/or movement of Hamas at the border.

Jimmy Carter:

“On election day, Rosalynn and I visited 25 polling sites, in East Jerusalem and its outskirts, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho. It seemed obvious to us and other observers that the election was orderly and peaceful and that there was a clear preference for Hamas candidates even in historically strong Fatah communities. Even so, we were all surprised at the enormity of the Hamas victory.

They won such a clear majority of parliamentary seats (76 of 132 members) that the Fatah government immediately announced their resignation.”

Hamas plainly state their goal: to eradicate Israel in violent means. Their Palestinian voters understand this well. Hamas proceeded a year later, 2007, to murder all their opposition in Gaza, literally throw them off the rooftops, massacre Palestinians from opposition parties in the streets.

The writing was on the wall. In blood.

You are incorrect. The Palestinian Authority also existed and Netanyahu used Hamas to divide Palestinians to stop having to negotiate a two state solution.
You are incorrect. The Palestinian Authority also existed and Netanyahu used Hamas to divide Palestinians to stop having to negotiate a two state solution.
The Jews control Hamas!
You are incorrect. The Palestinian Authority also existed and Netanyahu used Hamas to divide Palestinians to stop having to negotiate a two state solution.
Then I guess the Palestinians are pretty gullible. I would like to think that's why they back an evil death cult.
Then I guess the Palestinians are pretty gullible. I would like to think that's why they back an evil death cult.
Not all of them back Hamas and it seems that the biggest backer of Hamas was Netanyahu. I want the people who did the act caught and punished. And I want the Netanyahu government who made Hamas basically a partner in negotiating deals with Egypt removed and punished. We need to stop the one sided narrative that even the Jewish people in Israel do not accept.
The Jews control Hamas!
View attachment 843074
This is ignorance.

Here is what an Israeli citizen says about this situation.

The Reckoning

Israel must grapple first with its enemies, and then with the failures of its own government.
By Yossi Klein Halevi

Israel faces two very different reckonings. The first is with our enemies. Until now, Netanyahu and his right-wing allies viewed Hamas as a kind of strategic asset: So long as it was in power in Gaza, a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was impossible. For that reason, in addition to effectively bribing Hamas to refrain from attacking Israel, Netanyahu allowed massive infusions of cash from Qatar to prop up the Hamas government.

Besides Netanyahu’s delusion that Hamas could be politically useful, successive Israeli governments had other reasons to stop short of removing Hamas. The price of such a military conflict, in the loss of both Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians, would be horrific. And now all-out war with Hamas would mean an almost certain death sentence for the 150 Israeli hostages it has seized in its attacks.

Israel is hardly blameless. Understandably but disastrously, many Israelis have conflated security fears, which justify a military presence in the West Bank, with historical and religious longings for the biblical land we call Judea and Samaria. Those longings are the basis for the settlement enterprise, whose political goal is to preclude any solution to the Palestinian tragedy. And in recent months we have seen an outrageous rise in settler violence against innocent Palestinians. Even as we protect ourselves from Hamas, we need to oppose those among us who would emulate Hamas.

Israel’s second reckoning, which must await the end of the war, will be with Benjamin Netanyahu.
Following the Yom Kippur War, a lone reservist named Motti Ashkenazi began a hunger strike outside the office of Prime Minister Golda Meir, demanding that she take responsibility for the joint Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack and resign. The Agranat Commission, a government-appointed inquiry headed by Israeli Supreme Court Chief Justice Shimon Agranat, focused on the failures of the military leadership and avoided blaming the politicians. But an enraged public rallied around Ashkenazi and, six months after the war, the prime minister resigned.

If anything, the rage many Israelis feel today toward Netanyahu is far greater. By tearing apart the country in his attempt to weaken the courts, he knowingly undermined Israeli deterrence. He was repeatedly warned by the IDF of the likely consequences of his judicial revolution, in terms of both the IDF’s readiness for war and the willingness of Israel’s enemies to test its weakness. Netanyahu ignored the warnings, even refusing at one point to meet with the IDF chief, Herzi Halevi.

This is ignorance.

Here is what an Israeli citizen says about this situation.

The Reckoning

Israel must grapple first with its enemies, and then with the failures of its own government.
By Yossi Klein Halevi

Israel faces two very different reckonings. The first is with our enemies. Until now, Netanyahu and his right-wing allies viewed Hamas as a kind of strategic asset: So long as it was in power in Gaza, a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was impossible. For that reason, in addition to effectively bribing Hamas to refrain from attacking Israel, Netanyahu allowed massive infusions of cash from Qatar to prop up the Hamas government.

Besides Netanyahu’s delusion that Hamas could be politically useful, successive Israeli governments had other reasons to stop short of removing Hamas. The price of such a military conflict, in the loss of both Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians, would be horrific. And now all-out war with Hamas would mean an almost certain death sentence for the 150 Israeli hostages it has seized in its attacks.

Israel is hardly blameless. Understandably but disastrously, many Israelis have conflated security fears, which justify a military presence in the West Bank, with historical and religious longings for the biblical land we call Judea and Samaria. Those longings are the basis for the settlement enterprise, whose political goal is to preclude any solution to the Palestinian tragedy. And in recent months we have seen an outrageous rise in settler violence against innocent Palestinians. Even as we protect ourselves from Hamas, we need to oppose those among us who would emulate Hamas.

Israel’s second reckoning, which must await the end of the war, will be with Benjamin Netanyahu.
Following the Yom Kippur War, a lone reservist named Motti Ashkenazi began a hunger strike outside the office of Prime Minister Golda Meir, demanding that she take responsibility for the joint Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack and resign. The Agranat Commission, a government-appointed inquiry headed by Israeli Supreme Court Chief Justice Shimon Agranat, focused on the failures of the military leadership and avoided blaming the politicians. But an enraged public rallied around Ashkenazi and, six months after the war, the prime minister resigned.

If anything, the rage many Israelis feel today toward Netanyahu is far greater. By tearing apart the country in his attempt to weaken the courts, he knowingly undermined Israeli deterrence. He was repeatedly warned by the IDF of the likely consequences of his judicial revolution, in terms of both the IDF’s readiness for war and the willingness of Israel’s enemies to test its weakness. Netanyahu ignored the warnings, even refusing at one point to meet with the IDF chief, Herzi Halevi.

Nobody cares what one Leftard says.
The fact remains if Israel laid down their arms every Jew and Christian in Israel would be dead tomorrow.
If Hamas laid down their arms there’d be peace immediately.
This is no time for this nonsense.

And if not all of them back hamas, why not one single tipoff?
The nonsense comes from you. What this is not time for is demonizing all Palestinians. The truth must be recognized here. The actual members of Hamas need to bet caught and punished. The reality here is that Netanyahu propped up Hamas and he is complicit. Whether or not anyone likes this being said or agree is of no matter to me. End Hamas and end the Israeli government that propped up Hamas. That is the solutiojn.
Palestinian "oppostion": Fatah member express their support for the massacres by Hamas and promise to repeat the massacre in Judea and Samaria

In recent days, the call has been heard for the separation between the Arabs of Judea and Samaria and the Arabs of Gaza, between the Arabs of Hamas and the Arabs of Fatah.

As mentioned, the members of Fatah show their support for the massacres and atrocities committed by the Arabs of Gaza, and even talk about their ambition to restore them in Judea and Samaria. Abbas Zaki and Jamal al-Khawail, two members of Fatah's council, made declarations of support for Hamas' actions in the south. In a statement to the press, Zeki said, "Thank you to Hamas for preparing for October 7 and to Islamic Jihad. They know how to complete and achieve the lifting of the siege and the withdrawal of the occupation from the West Bank."

Jamal al-Khawail also joined these statements by saying that it is time to leave the two-state solution and return to the one-state solution, Arab Palestine. In his words in a televised interview, he stated that the United States will not be able to save Israel because of the changes in the map of world powers and that the tremendous victory of Hamas proves that with the help of will and faith, the Jews can be defeated.

Later in the interview, he promised that the State of Israel is in for a big surprise in Judea and Samaria and that the scenes that were in Gaza will return there as well.

Source: The Jewish Voice on Twitter.

All it took is one text of phone call that thousands of missiles and men were on the move.


Just one.
Are you talking about Hamas? They didn't use phones to avoid detection, that's why Israel was unable to avoid the attacks.
Are you talking about Hamas? They didn't use phones to avoid detection, that's why Israel was unable to avoid the attacks.
You can’t move 6,000 rockets and 50,000 terrorists around in a densely populated city without thousands seeing you.

Yet not one tip came in.

All Gaza residents are represented by Hamas, they’re duly elected officials.
You’re going to hear that a lot going forward.

Problem is, they do represent them. Palestinians elected Hamas year after year since Carter. On top of that, it took just one Palestinian to tip off Israel that thousands of rockets were being moved around and/or movement of Hamas at the border.

Jimmy Carter:

“On election day, Rosalynn and I visited 25 polling sites, in East Jerusalem and its outskirts, Hebron, Ramallah, and Jericho. It seemed obvious to us and other observers that the election was orderly and peaceful and that there was a clear preference for Hamas candidates even in historically strong Fatah communities. Even so, we were all surprised at the enormity of the Hamas victory.

They won such a clear majority of parliamentary seats (76 of 132 members) that the Fatah government immediately announced their resignation.”

Hamas plainly state their goal: to eradicate Israel in violent means. Their Palestinian voters understand this well. Hamas proceeded a year later, 2007, to murder all their opposition in Gaza, literally throw them off the rooftops, massacre Palestinians from opposition parties in the streets.

The writing was on the wall. In blood.

One in the same
You can’t move 6,000 rockets and 50,000 terrorists around in a densely populated city without thousands seeing you.

Yet not one tip came in.

All Gaza residents are represented by Hamas, they’re duly elected officials.
Then you should be tried for Iraqi war crimes, if you're American.

Anyway, they were told to start on a specific day at a specific time. I've seen film of how they hide the rockets underground and take them out through these kind of large pipes to go in the building above.

But believe what you will.
Then you should be tried for Iraqi war crimes, if you're American.

Anyway, they were told to start on a specific day at a specific time. I've seen film of how they hide the rockets underground and take them out through these kind of large pipes to go in the building above.

But believe what you will.
Not one tip.
2.38 million in 140 sq miles.

Rockets don’t come via Amazon.
50,000 terrorists don't beam in on transporters.

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