Hamas in Miami!!!

After seeing that demonstration by those rabid terrorist style muslims, I wonder how does the Kenyan in the White House allows enemies of the state to behave like this!

There is not a shadow of doubt that the US as a superpower is doomed!

Thank you Hussein Obama, you are easily the worst and the most dangerous President ever, but unfortunately you are dangerous only to the US, not to its enemies!

What a disgrace!

Jimmy Carter's one term mess needed a Republican president with the stature of Ronald Reagan to be cleaned up.

If - as you say - the US as super power is doomed, it is because Obama messed up far worse than Carter, and sadly no Republican with the stature of Regan seems to be on the horizon.
After seeing that demonstration by those rabid terrorist style muslims, I wonder how does the Kenyan in the White House allows enemies of the state to behave like this!

There is not a shadow of doubt that the US as a superpower is doomed!

Thank you Hussein Obama, you are easily the worst and the most dangerous President ever, but unfortunately you are dangerous only to the US, not to its enemies!

What a disgrace!

Jimmy Carter's one term mess needed a Republican president with the stature of Ronald Reagan to be cleaned up.

If - as you say - the US as super power is doomed, it is because Obama messed up far worse than Carter, and sadly no Republican with the stature of Regan seems to be on the horizon.
You are probably too young to remember that Reagan went so far as to suspend the delivery of F16`s to Israel in 1981 after they annexed the Golan Heights.
Reagan was also so far the only President who publicly condemned Israel after they bombed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq....and when Israel did that there were nowhere near the number of casualties or the type of casualties as there are now in Gaza.
Menachim Begin then lashed out against Reagan accusing him of treating Israel like a Banana Republic.
Nah there is no way Reagan would have supported this kind of "defensive" operation, shelling a densely populated area like Gaza with high explosives that so far killed more kids than terrorists.
He would not have been stupid enough not to realize what the political cost would be for rubber stamping IDF operations such as this one.
If today`s conservatives are stupid enough to fall for that cheap ploy which makes you a "Jew hater" if you don`t support Israel unconditionally no matter how many kids get killed in Gaza, then they fully deserve to loose the next Presidential election to Hillary Clinton....and if that happens things won`t get any better than they are now.
The middle east conflict will be the least of America`s problems.
Reagan had his priorities right when he focused America`s might on the Soviet Union which is now firmly under the control of ex- KGB Putin.
Russia`s military now challenges quite blatantly the US and other NATO member states not just in Europe but also with nuisance long range bomber incursions along the coast of California, Alaska, Greenland etc etc.
China no longer gives a damn either doing more of the same to Japan either directly or indirectly through proxies like North Korea.
All the while the enrichment centrifuges keep on spinning in Iran and the US is loosing influence in Pakistan which already has nuclear weapons + the missiles to deliver them.
These so called "missiles", these primitive and totally ineffective DIY rockets Hamas lobs at Israel will be the least of our problems.
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There are thugs and general bastards in every group on earth, including Muslims, but the Muslims are tarred and feathered as a whole, whilst others are hardly ever mentioned as being representative of the whole of their group.

Doesn't help their case when one of their favorite chants is "Allah wants you to die in jihad"..
There WAS a demonstration gonna happen there. The cameraman did not plan or incite the demonstration that followed..

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