Hamas in Miami!!!

After seeing that demonstration by those rabid terrorist style muslims, I wonder how does the Kenyan in the White House allows enemies of the state to behave like this!

There is not a shadow of doubt that the US as a superpower is doomed!

Thank you Hussein Obama, you are easily the worst and the most dangerous President ever, but unfortunately you are dangerous only to the US, not to its enemies!

What a disgrace!

Have no fear as the US is well known for bouncing to extremes.
I have no love for either party but our next President WILL be a Republican and will kick lots of Muslim ass, as MUST be done, but also put the US into a deeper depression by off-shoring every last thing we make and service.
Liberty is a responsibility that neither party can legislate properly.
The 'umbrella' organization for any protests are ultimately responsible for policing the protesters. They DO have the choice of which groups they allow, and what slogans they approve. 'Free speech' does not mean 'a free-for-all' verbal brawl.

At the big Vietnam war protests, there were marshals whose job it was to keep people peaceful and to insure that placards and slogans were 'on topic'. Anyone who looked like they might consider engaging in violence was asked to calm down, escorted aside - and if nothing else worked, the 'HQ' people called for the police to escort those individuals away from the march.

Since HAMAS is indeed a terrorist group and inimical to America - I feel the 'we are HAMAS' slogan is a plea for arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason. I hope it will be treated as such by police departments across this country.

More money spent to control a few troublemakers...but, it costs more to lock them all up.:(
Since HAMAS is indeed a terrorist group and inimical to America - I feel the 'we are HAMAS' slogan is a plea for arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason. I hope it will be treated as such by police departments across this country.
Exactly how is Hamas "inimical" to America?

And what makes expressing a political stance conspiracy to commit treason?

Looks to me like Israel loving zionist Juden don't believe in free speech. ... :cuckoo:

One must control the method AND except the consequences of the excerise thereof.
As the kids say, "shits getting real"

BREAKING VIDEO>>> Protesters Shouting ?We Are Hamas? Assault, Threaten To Kill Jewish Cameraman? In Miami | The Gateway Pundit

Who knew the carnage for these subhumans would extend to Florida??:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Chomping at the bit to see how this turns out!!!:woohoo:
I hope law enforcement took pictures of every single protestor who was yelling "We are Hamas". If any of these folks are immigrants, they should be deported ASAP. Immigrants can be deported for having even a minor association with a terrorist organization, or voicing support for a terrorist organization.
As the kids say, "shits getting real"

BREAKING VIDEO>>> Protesters Shouting ?We Are Hamas? Assault, Threaten To Kill Jewish Cameraman? In Miami | The Gateway Pundit

Who knew the carnage for these subhumans would extend to Florida??:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Chomping at the bit to see how this turns out!!!:woohoo:
I hope law enforcement took pictures of every single protestor who was yelling "We are Hamas". If any of these folks are immigrants, they should be deported ASAP. Immigrants can be deported for having even a minor association with a terrorist organization, or voicing support for a terrorist organization.
Does that include the hispanics who support La Raza or are members of MS-13 ?? .. :cool:
As the kids say, "shits getting real"

BREAKING VIDEO>>> Protesters Shouting ?We Are Hamas? Assault, Threaten To Kill Jewish Cameraman? In Miami | The Gateway Pundit

Who knew the carnage for these subhumans would extend to Florida??:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Chomping at the bit to see how this turns out!!!:woohoo:
I hope law enforcement took pictures of every single protestor who was yelling "We are Hamas". If any of these folks are immigrants, they should be deported ASAP. Immigrants can be deported for having even a minor association with a terrorist organization, or voicing support for a terrorist organization.
Does that include the hispanics who support La Raza or are members of MS-13 ?? .. :cool:
Neither are on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations. Hamas is however.


Foreign Terrorist Organizations
The 'umbrella' organization for any protests are ultimately responsible for policing the protesters. They DO have the choice of which groups they allow, and what slogans they approve. 'Free speech' does not mean 'a free-for-all' verbal brawl.

At the big Vietnam war protests, there were marshals whose job it was to keep people peaceful and to insure that placards and slogans were 'on topic'. Anyone who looked like they might consider engaging in violence was asked to calm down, escorted aside - and if nothing else worked, the 'HQ' people called for the police to escort those individuals away from the march.

Since HAMAS is indeed a terrorist group and inimical to America - I feel the 'we are HAMAS' slogan is a plea for arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason. I hope it will be treated as such by police departments across this country.


Protests attract a wide variety of participants. Organizers don't have the facilities to do background checks on all of them. The vast majority were not stating "we are HAMAS". So you you are smearing an entire organization (because they are pro-Palistinian) based on a few bad actors.
After seeing that demonstration by those rabid terrorist style muslims, I wonder how does the Kenyan in the White House allows enemies of the state to behave like this!

There is not a shadow of doubt that the US as a superpower is doomed!

Thank you Hussein Obama, you are easily the worst and the most dangerous President ever, but unfortunately you are dangerous only to the US, not to its enemies!

What a disgrace!


It was a perfectly normal American style protest.

Obama is not Kenyan.

American protestors are NOT enemies of the state.

That is the craziest thing I've ever heard.

A provocative cameraman, a few angry protestors (a distinct minority within the largely peaceful protest) and kaboom - enemies of the state.

Does that mean you agree that the Tea Party Movement is racist because they attract a few racists?
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As the kids say, "shits getting real"

BREAKING VIDEO>>> Protesters Shouting ?We Are Hamas? Assault, Threaten To Kill Jewish Cameraman? In Miami | The Gateway Pundit

Who knew the carnage ....................would extend to Florida??:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Chomping at the bit to see how this turns out!!!:woohoo:

That would be all the people who've been speaking out about many things since 9/11 and have been branded as 'racist', 'Islamophobic', 'xenophobic' etc as a result ...by the usual suspects.

The Middle East war arives in America.

Reality check:
Provocative cameraman who is a member of a militant pro-Israeli group
A few angry pro-Palistinian protestors who exhibit poor anger management skills
A much larger group of peaceful protestors trying to maintain the peace

and VOILA - the Middle East arrives in America!

Islamophobic? Ya think?

Retarded? You bet.
The 'umbrella' organization for any protests are ultimately responsible for policing the protesters. They DO have the choice of which groups they allow, and what slogans they approve. 'Free speech' does not mean 'a free-for-all' verbal brawl.

At the big Vietnam war protests, there were marshals whose job it was to keep people peaceful and to insure that placards and slogans were 'on topic'. Anyone who looked like they might consider engaging in violence was asked to calm down, escorted aside - and if nothing else worked, the 'HQ' people called for the police to escort those individuals away from the march.

Since HAMAS is indeed a terrorist group and inimical to America - I feel the 'we are HAMAS' slogan is a plea for arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason. I hope it will be treated as such by police departments across this country.


Protests attract a wide variety of participants. Organizers don't have the facilities to do background checks on all of them. The vast majority were not stating "we are HAMAS". So you you are smearing an entire organization (because they are pro-Palistinian) based on a few bad actors.

In fact, from just the evidence supplied -- I'd say it was clear that this Hamas group had been cut from the Main demonstration and were on their own.. Didn't see a single sign of the main CAIR/student demonstration in that video..

One guy wearing an AMANA shirt was calling (presumably) the organizers to INFORM them of this side-show. That's what I saw.. Even in the US --- RESPONSIBLE folks who are SERIOUS about progress for the Pali causes -- are wary or revolted by an association with Hamas.
The 'umbrella' organization for any protests are ultimately responsible for policing the protesters. They DO have the choice of which groups they allow, and what slogans they approve. 'Free speech' does not mean 'a free-for-all' verbal brawl.

At the big Vietnam war protests, there were marshals whose job it was to keep people peaceful and to insure that placards and slogans were 'on topic'. Anyone who looked like they might consider engaging in violence was asked to calm down, escorted aside - and if nothing else worked, the 'HQ' people called for the police to escort those individuals away from the march.

Since HAMAS is indeed a terrorist group and inimical to America - I feel the 'we are HAMAS' slogan is a plea for arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason. I hope it will be treated as such by police departments across this country.


Protests attract a wide variety of participants. Organizers don't have the facilities to do background checks on all of them. The vast majority were not stating "we are HAMAS". So you you are smearing an entire organization (because they are pro-Palistinian) based on a few bad actors.

In fact, from just the evidence supplied -- I'd say it was clear that this Hamas group had been cut from the Main demonstration and were on their own.. Didn't see a single sign of the main CAIR/student demonstration in that video..

One guy wearing an AMANA shirt was calling (presumably) the organizers to INFORM them of this side-show. That's what I saw.. Even in the US --- RESPONSIBLE folks who are SERIOUS about progress for the Pali causes -- are wary or revolted by an association with Hamas.

Not to mention - this was all from one seriously edited video and we don't know what was edited out:doubt:
Yup and yup.

There's enough genuine wrong-doing going on all 'round the world that it doesn't need 'set-ups' to show that some people are real idiots and get real nasty.

I still think it's exceedingly unwise for anyone to claim 'we are HAMAS' - even if it's "only" a la JFK 'Berliner' quote. Ditto the death threats.

It just doesn't send that 'pacifist humanitarian' message any responsible group of protesters wants to convey.

Protests attract a wide variety of participants. Organizers don't have the facilities to do background checks on all of them. The vast majority were not stating "we are HAMAS". So you you are smearing an entire organization (because they are pro-Palistinian) based on a few bad actors.

In fact, from just the evidence supplied -- I'd say it was clear that this Hamas group had been cut from the Main demonstration and were on their own.. Didn't see a single sign of the main CAIR/student demonstration in that video..

One guy wearing an AMANA shirt was calling (presumably) the organizers to INFORM them of this side-show. That's what I saw.. Even in the US --- RESPONSIBLE folks who are SERIOUS about progress for the Pali causes -- are wary or revolted by an association with Hamas.

Not to mention - this was all from one seriously edited video and we don't know what was edited out:doubt:

That video was produced & published for the sole purpose to pour more fuel into the fire of hatred. No way would a cameraman working for a reputable news agency pursue angry protestors hoping to provoke them into assaulting him.
He would not dare to try that shit if that had been a teamster`s union rally a gay pride parade or wade like this into one of these angry mobs who demanded the death penalty for George Zimmerman .
This protest is nothing compared to the huge anti-Israel protests that are happening now `round the world.
take your pick
In Britain, France and many other EU member states it`s not just Muslims either who are now demonstrating against Israel in huge numbers....
There is no doubt that support for Israel is slipping:
Why nobody but the US voted against the UN's anti-Israel resolution | The Times of Israel
On Wednesday, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted on a heavily one-sided resolution condemning “in the strongest terms the widespread, systematic and gross violations of international human rights and fundamental freedoms arising from the Israeli military operations” in Gaza.
Only the United States voted against the resolution

Twenty-nine nations voted in favor, among them not only the usual suspects such as Saudi Arabia, Algeria and South Africa, but also some ostensible friends of Israel, including Russia, Kenya, India and Mexico. Equally hurtful for Israel, if not more so, were the abstentions of the eight European Union member states who had the right to vote: Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Romania and the United Kingdom. (Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are not EU members but also abstained; non-member states Iceland, Serbia, Albania and Liechtenstein aligned themselves with the EU position.)
Yes, even the Czech Republic, which in November 2012 was the only EU country to oppose granting the Palestinians nonmember state status at the UN, did not vote against a resolution that denounces Israel for “disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks,
And now there are also serious rifts developing between the current WH admin and Israel as reported by Reuters, the BBC etc right down the entire list of serious news outlets world wide.
None of their columnists including those who write for Israeli news papers have the kind of delusions like some of the posters that show up in these USMB Gaza conflict threads who advocate that Israel would be "better off" by killing even more "human shields".
And that "human shield" term for the mounting death toll is starting to wear thinner by the day and Netanyahu knows that else he would not even have bothered trying to adhere to a seize fire...which Hamas promptly rejected.
Why on earth would Hamas do that ?
It`s a silly question, because the answer is as obvious as if you`ld have asked why this cameraman tried to get one of these "We are Hamas" protestors to punch him out and then publish it.
Thugs will be thugs!

lotta Islamic thugs in that disturbing OP video.
The jew cameraman shouldn't have been there......he was just trying to cause problems.....it's what jews do. ... :eusa_hand:

This is the USA...people are allowed to go wherever they damn well please so long as they are not on private property. Where do you think this is Iran where the mullahs own everything?

Given the cameraman seemed to be trying to incite violence, I'm unsure I can agree.
Yes, he has the right to film, but not to try to cause a problem.
As for the subtitles on the video, they were made up as the protesters simply didn't say what was written on screen.

The claim of a push isn't evidenced by the video, only claimed, and the "stabbing" attempt never saw a weapon, or even a pen, taken from the man's pocket - the cameraman simply made it up.

Now, given these people were clearly incited by the cameraman, attempting to get a reaction, I can understand why they got angry.
More so when you realise, the protesters probably knew their words would be badly distorted, as they were.
However, telling the cameraman they were going to "kill" him, a common slang meaning to beat up or perhaps pwn by use of words, was foolish.
Thugs will be thugs!

lotta Islamic thugs in that disturbing OP video.

Yeah that`s right, just look at all these "Islamic thugs"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqCNW_hGiOg"]Lincoln cop caught on tape assaulting woman at Twin River - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpT6GLk6a0"]Police Brutality: California Highway Patrol Officer Beats Black Woman Senseless On Side Of Freeway - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU5fAGOVvEM"]Police Brutality - Officer Beats Special Ed Kid - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tDZlkWt5mg"]POLICE BRUTALITY - Cops Beat Down Another Cop's Son. Then Falsify Reports.avi - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQFqhrasusE"]Psychopath Police Assaulted Teen Exposed (Surveillance footage) - YouTube[/ame]

None of those would have a problem blowing your brains out in "self defense"
What is it with people like you and why are you so eager to motivate others to join you in your hatred against entire (religious) groups.
You are no more a credit to America as any of these garbage cops are to the rest of the men (& women) in uniform, who actually do uphold the law as any peace officer should.
There are thugs and general bastards in every group on earth, including Muslims, but the Muslims are tarred and feathered as a whole, whilst others are hardly ever mentioned as being representative of the whole of their group.

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