Hamas is preventing Palestinian civilians from fleeing north Gaza

The resolution that they are in violation of, by seizing East Jerusalem, and building settlements in the West Bank.

Resolution 2334.

Yes, you are correct, the Arabs rejected a deal they felt was not good for them because they got their ass handed to them in a civil war, hoped their allies could reverse their fortunes, and were defeated again.

Then the Zionists ignored the entire world, and Palestinian sovereignty and robbed them of E. Jerusalem and illegally made settlements on the W. Bank. . . and that is where we are at.

. . . and here in the same thread, folks in one breath fault the Arabs for not taking the UN deal for a two state solution in '47, while at the same time telling me that the UN can piss off, they have no authority over Israel in that Dec '16 resolution.

Clown World, absolute clown world.
And you were posting Israel refused.

Did in fact the entire arab world attack Israel after the agreed to the UN resolution????
No, you only read the first sentence. Her second sentence said: "The Israeli government now says today it CANNOT confirm babies were beheaded. I needed to be more careful with my words and I am sorry."
The israel prime min office released photos
Yup. Ended WWII.

Before we burned their cities to the ground with incendiaries.

We were at War. Whats the fucking problem?
Because it is all a sham, nothing but emotion & controlled propaganda.

Most of it? Is hypocritical as fuck too.


Because it is all a sham, nothing but emotion & controlled propaganda.

Most of it? Is hypocritical as fuck too.



You are trying to rewrite History.

They refused. They attacked. They lost.

They lost 2 more Wars. So now they wage war in chikdren.

Screw them
Never heard it. The first gulf war was done because saddam invaded Kuwait

Well thanks for answering the question, but much of what we were told about the situation leading to the Gulf War was lies.

This is not a mere theory, the tearful testimony about babies being yanked out of incubators turned out to be a lie, but it was the catalyst for escalating that war, because it's what got the public behind it. And this is not the first time something like that has happened. Numerous wars have been started based on what later turned out to be well-crafted lies or false flags. (Again, I'm not making a claim here about this situation, just stating some facts and the point that people should not be so quick to believe whatever they're told by the government or MSM.)
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Well thanks for answering the question, but much of what we were told about the situation leading to the Gulf War was lies.

This is not a mere theory, the tearful testimony about babies being yanked out of incubators turned out to be a lie, but it was the catalyst for escalating that war, because it's what got the public behind it. And this is not the first time something like that has happened. Numerous wars have been started based on what later turned out to be well-crafted lies or false flags. (Again, I'm not making a claim here about this situation, just stating some facts and the point that people should be so quick to believe whatever they're told by the government or MSM.)
What about the first gulf war was lies?
I dont care if they were beheaded or not. They were murdered by Hamas Scum.

Cheered by the crowds as they drug dead naked women through the street.

Screw Hamas, those that cheered this.

I have ZERO Sympathy here. NONE

Again, I never claimed that method of death was what mattered. Talk about missing the point.

I asked if it had been confirmed in the last day or two, because last I heard the Israeli government stated that it was an unconfirmed story. But maybe you have the verification that no one else seems to have?
What about the first gulf war was lies?

Babies pulled out of incubators, for one. Did you even watch the video? Weapons of mass destruction. If they lied about something like that.... why would you think everything else they said about that war was truth?
Again, I never claimed that method of death was what mattered. Talk about missing the point.

I asked if it had been confirmed in the last day or two, because last I heard the Israeli government stated that it was an unconfirmed story. But maybe you have the verification that no one else seems to have?
Makes no difference. Splutting hairs changes nothing on what they did.

The IDF is going in for patback. And they arent playing stupid games no more.
Makes no difference. Splutting hairs changes nothing on what they did.

The IDF is going in for patback. And they arent playing stupid games no more.

It makes no difference that a story that huge is not verified?

Sorry, I hate to repeat myself, but we've been lied to so many times in the past, I for one prefer to have a wait and see attitude before reacting emotionally to everything we're fed by the MSM. Who, btw, is typically in bed with the government... that's another thing some here seem to be blissfully unaware of.

You are trying to rewrite History.

They refused. They attacked. They lost.

They lost 2 more Wars. So now they wage war in chikdren.

Screw them
wow. You totally ignored my post. Good job! :113:

Admit it. . . you don't like hearing the hypocrisy of our controlled press calling Putin a "war criminal," with the knowledge, that here Israel and the US are, about to do the same types of shit, with those same presstitutes, cheering them on.
Well thanks for answering the question, but much of what we were told about the situation leading to the Gulf War was lies.

This is not a mere theory, the tearful testimony about babies being yanked out of incubators turned out to be a lie, but it was the catalyst for escalating that war, because it's what got the public behind it. And this is not the first time something like that has happened. Numerous wars have been started based on what later turned out to be well-crafted lies or false flags. (Again, I'm not making a claim here about this situation, just stating some facts and the point that people should not be so quick to believe whatever they're told by the government or MSM.)
This off topic. Certainly off topic to the OP. If this is your interest you should start a new thread. This will be one time I think a thread on this topic belongs in the conspiracy forum

And another thing

YOU are waiting for CONFIRMATION from the Israeli GOVERNMENT, yet your whole point is that we cannot trust GOVERNMENT 😂
wow. You totally ignored my post. Good job! :113:

Admit it. . . you don't like hearing the hypocrisy of our controlled press calling Putin a "war criminal," with the knowledge, that here Israel and the US are, about to do the same types of shit, with those same presstitutes, cheering them on.
Here you are yet again making excuses for Gaza and the arab world who have been fighting Israel since 1948
Here you are yet again making excuses for Gaza and the arab world who have been fighting Israel since 1948
Nope. Not making, "excuses," for any one. You should probably stop constructing straw-men for a planned genocide.

If Hamas killed babies and children, and civilians, they are evil and need to be condemned.

This does NOT however, give a license to the IDF to do the same. It only gives them a license to attack and kill those who did it.

War crimes are war crimes, no matter who commit them.

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