Hamas is preventing Palestinian civilians from fleeing north Gaza

Diplomats say that Hamas had repeatedly indicated in recent months that it did not want a major military escalation in Gaza, in part to avoid worsening the humanitarian situation so soon after the devastation of a war in 2021.
Hamas has a strange way of demonstrating its desire for peace when it murders 1,400 Jewish civilians
All of the border crossings to Gaza, right now, are closed, by both Egypt and Israel. They always have been.

So? Where the fuck are civilians supposed to go? Gaza has about twice the square miles of D.C. That is how small it is. D.C. has 68 square miles, Gaza is 147 square miles. Let's remain in the world of FACTS. That is what I deal in.

And Gaza City is a small portion of that. They have a lot of places to go outside Gaza City. But Hamas is blocking the way.
Hamas has a strange way of demonstrating its desire for peace when it murders 1,400 Jewish civilians
I only go looking for the facts. It really is stunning how even the left leaning media here, emphasizes the Israeli point of view.

I do read and view progressive media though. The facts are, the injury and death toll on the Pali side make this conflict as un-even as the conflict between the Native Americans and the USA, TBH. So, when you know the full, complete history, and the unbiased facts? It really isn't strange at all.

How can people support HAMAS?

Hamas is TRYING to get Palestinian civilians killed.

Hamas hides behind women and children. Hamas rapes and murders. Hamas is pure evil and so is anyone who supports them.
Agreed... Hamas are scum..

IDF have already killed double the amount as Hamas since then.... IDF are scum too and don't do the defence or right to exist shit...

IDF bombed civillian areas..

What if the US started bombing cities targeting a murderer?
Read several articles on this earlier...heard the phone call on X.
Video of call.

Hamas actively preventing Palestinians from leaving Gaza: Israeli army​

In a telephonic conversation released by IDF, between an Israel's Intelligence Officer and a resident of Jabalya in Gaza, the resident allegedly claimed that the Hamas confiscated personal belongings and car keys from the people taking shelter.
Hamas actively preventing Palestinians from leaving Gaza: Israeli army

But that is just the point see? Innocent civilians don't need to be stacked up on top of each other. . . it is already the most densely populated place on the planet, a prison where folks have committed no crime.

And as the OP has pointed out, prisoners with vile wardens.

The UN and relief organizations have stated, a humanitarian crises in the making.

If Hamas is using them as human shields? Then Egypt and Israel need to open the border crossing and take the human shields away. But why aren't they? Could be some other agenda at play here?

But they won't. Because all of these global ruling elites are in one big WEF Great Reset club, and they are all playing a big game with all of your collective emotions, and the populations of the Earth.

Israelis? Palestinians? Americans? You just aren't getting it yet, are you. . . ?


Yes we see the point of your post is to deflect and defend Hamas
And you're comments reeks of MSM parroting. You simply can't understand how someone can be against those who commit violence on the innocent.
A Palestinian doctor discovered his own child in the batch of casualties that came into the hospital, in the last couple of days.

The politicians and the MSM make out like there's only two sides. I say they're lying. After all, who can trust the news and the politicians?

Example: I don't like Trump or Biden.
Of course I can understand it, that’s why I find your defense and deflection of it repulsive
I only go looking for the facts. It really is stunning how even the left leaning media here, emphasizes the Israeli point of view.

I do read and view progressive media though. The facts are, the injury and death toll on the Pali side make this conflict as un-even as the conflict between the Native Americans and the USA, TBH. So, when you know the full, complete history, and the unbiased facts? It really isn't strange at all.

I think if you looked hard enough you will find that each of those assaults in Gaza were precipitated by attacks into Israel. The decided to FAFO.
Have you? I have been to the West Bank. How many people can say that?

I can't say either way. I willing to bet, given the population density of the strip, and how small it is, what AsherN wrote, "they have a lot of places to go outside Gaza City," is more than likely, a specious statement, though? I really have no idea.

I am willing to bet, since it has been blockaded, and even our congressmen and international aid workers can't get in there, that it was a dumb-ass comment pulled straight from his ass.


I can't say either way. I willing to bet, given the population density of the strip, and how small it is, what AsherN wrote, "they have a lot of places to go outside Gaza City," is more than likely, a specious statement, though? I really have no idea.

I am willing to bet, since it has been blockaded, and even our congressmen and international aid workers can't get in there, that it was a dumb-ass comment pulled straight from his ass.

What the f are you talking about? UN aid workers and others have been allowed into Gaza…same with congress members, the last was a dem in 2013…but Gaza is controlled by Hamas, and they control who comes in and out

You continue to defend Hamas at every turn
You continue to defend Hamas at every turn
I am not defending Hamas, I am only telling YOU what the facts are.


I am sorry if you don't like reading, or knowing what those are.


If the facts do not make Israel look good, and they justify folks in Gaza voting for Hamas . . . from your PoV? That is your business, not mine. I make no judgements on this. I am just listing the facts, sorry you have always been so ill informed.

Unwilling or Unable​

Israeli Restrictions on Access to and from Gaza for Human Rights Workers
April 2, 2017

". . . . Egypt has kept its border crossing with Gaza, Rafah crossing, mostly closed since 2013, opening it every several weeks to allow passage for a few thousand people. It has refused permission for foreign human rights workers to enter Gaza via the Rafah crossing in recent years and has restricted the ability of Palestinian human rights workers to cross. In justifying its restrictions on access via Rafah, Egypt says that Israel, as the occupying power, is responsible for Gaza, and it also cites the security situation in the area of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula bordering Gaza, where an affiliate of the Islamic State has engaged in violent confrontations with the Egyptian military since 2013, killing hundreds. But Egypt began greatly restricting transit through Rafah before the security situation in the Sinai deteriorated and shortly after the military's July 2013 removal of former President Mohamed Morsy, whom the military accused of receiving support from Hamas. While Egypt does not owe obligations to Palestinians under the law of occupation and can, with some important limitations, decide whom to allow to enter its territory, its actions are exacerbating the impact of Israel’s travel restrictions on residents of Gaza.


The Israeli government justifies the restrictions on travel, including travel for human rights workers, on two grounds. First, it says, travel between Gaza and Israel inherently endangers Israeli security, whether the travelers are Palestinians or not, and irrespective of any individualized risk assessment for a particular person. Second, it says, its obligations toward Gaza are limited to allowing passage for exceptional humanitarian circumstances only, and job-related travel for human rights workers does not qualify as exceptionally humanitarian.

Without the ability to get staff, consultants and volunteers into and out of Gaza, Palestinian human rights groups find it difficult to maintain programs across Gaza and the West Bank, which Israel recognized as a single territorial unit, and about which there is international consensus that is it occupied territory.[1] Palestinian human rights workers from Gaza are all but barred from accessing training and professional development opportunities outside Gaza and from meeting with their West Bank-based colleagues. Foreign and Israeli staff of human rights organizations are ordinarily not permitted into Gaza, limiting their ability to identify, research and advocate against human rights and IHL abuses and keeping experts from applying specialized knowledge to the research and documentation of IHL violations, including possible war crimes.

The Hamas authorities in Gaza, for their part, have not taken adequate steps to protect human rights defenders against retaliation for criticizing armed groups in Gaza, and in some cases they have arrested and harassed Palestinians who express criticism of the Hamas regime. . . . "
I am not defending Hamas, I am only telling YOU what the facts are.


I am sorry if you don't like reading, or knowing what those are.


If the facts do not make Israel look good, and they justify folks in Gaza voting for Hamas . . . from your PoV? That is your business, not mine. I make no judgements on this. I am just listing the facts, sorry you have always been so ill informed.

Unwilling or Unable​

Israeli Restrictions on Access to and from Gaza for Human Rights Workers
April 2, 2017

". . . . Egypt has kept its border crossing with Gaza, Rafah crossing, mostly closed since 2013, opening it every several weeks to allow passage for a few thousand people. It has refused permission for foreign human rights workers to enter Gaza via the Rafah crossing in recent years and has restricted the ability of Palestinian human rights workers to cross. In justifying its restrictions on access via Rafah, Egypt says that Israel, as the occupying power, is responsible for Gaza, and it also cites the security situation in the area of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula bordering Gaza, where an affiliate of the Islamic State has engaged in violent confrontations with the Egyptian military since 2013, killing hundreds. But Egypt began greatly restricting transit through Rafah before the security situation in the Sinai deteriorated and shortly after the military's July 2013 removal of former President Mohamed Morsy, whom the military accused of receiving support from Hamas. While Egypt does not owe obligations to Palestinians under the law of occupation and can, with some important limitations, decide whom to allow to enter its territory, its actions are exacerbating the impact of Israel’s travel restrictions on residents of Gaza.


The Israeli government justifies the restrictions on travel, including travel for human rights workers, on two grounds. First, it says, travel between Gaza and Israel inherently endangers Israeli security, whether the travelers are Palestinians or not, and irrespective of any individualized risk assessment for a particular person. Second, it says, its obligations toward Gaza are limited to allowing passage for exceptional humanitarian circumstances only, and job-related travel for human rights workers does not qualify as exceptionally humanitarian.

Without the ability to get staff, consultants and volunteers into and out of Gaza, Palestinian human rights groups find it difficult to maintain programs across Gaza and the West Bank, which Israel recognized as a single territorial unit, and about which there is international consensus that is it occupied territory.[1] Palestinian human rights workers from Gaza are all but barred from accessing training and professional development opportunities outside Gaza and from meeting with their West Bank-based colleagues. Foreign and Israeli staff of human rights organizations are ordinarily not permitted into Gaza, limiting their ability to identify, research and advocate against human rights and IHL abuses and keeping experts from applying specialized knowledge to the research and documentation of IHL violations, including possible war crimes.

The Hamas authorities in Gaza, for their part, have not taken adequate steps to protect human rights defenders against retaliation for criticizing armed groups in Gaza, and in some cases they have arrested and harassed Palestinians who express criticism of the Hamas regime. . . . "
Haha yoj are defending Hamas you started by blaming israel and Eygyt for their actions.

And now are posting irrelevant information
All of the border crossings to Gaza, right now, are closed, by both Egypt and Israel. They always have been.

So? Where the fuck are civilians supposed to go? Gaza has about twice the square miles of D.C. That is how small it is. D.C. has 68 square miles, Gaza is 147 square miles. Let's remain in the world of FACTS. That is what I deal in.

Why can't people leave Gaza?​

"The U.N. says the mass evacuation orders will affect more than a million people. A total evacuation would mean the entire 2.23 million population of Gaza would have to squeeze into the southern half of the strip. Gaza, which is only 25 miles long in its entirety and just over twice the size of Washington, D.C., is the 63rd-most densely inhabited urban region in the world.

Many are also voicing uncertainty about safety anywhere in the strip if they leave their homes.

Gaza is surrounded by blockades imposed by Israel and Egypt, which restrict movement. Israel prevents access to and from Gaza by sea and air. Land movement is restricted to three crossings: the Egypt-controlled Rafah crossing and Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings, which Israel controls.

The Israel-Gaza perimeter consists of barbed wire fences, underground concrete walls to prevent tunneling and a 325-foot no-go and high-risk zone. You can view USA TODAY’s illustration of this area here.. . "

The OP is disinformation. It is unrealistic.
The world should implore Egypt to let the Palestinians pass through and request political asylum. Egypt is a very large and wealthy nation, which could easily absorb its Muslim brothers, if it wanted to.

Israel can hardly be expected to allow two million anti-Semitic fanatics free access into their country.
The world should implore Egypt to let the Palestinians pass through and request political asylum.

Israel can hardly be expected to allow two million anti-Semitic fanatics free access into their country.
I haven't a solution.

I don't think they are Egypt's problem, any more than the world's poor are the problem of America. They should not be forced to have an open border anymore than we should be forced to be.

If Egypt said, "Sure, on one condition. . . give us the money to air lift them into JFK. . ." You be fine with that?

I sure as hell wouldn't be.

Perhaps this IS a genuine refugee crisis, and they should be separated among a few nations that can handle the load. . . Canada, the US, Australia, Brazil, etc. ? I can't say.

And to the second point, as I pointed out earlier in this thread, half the Gaza strip's population are kids. Sure, some of the teens have already been indoctrinated to be Jew haters, just like much of our population and Israel are racist Arab haters. . .

. . . but, a good portion of that population does not hate, I have no doubt. Just as the majority of the members here on USMB are good folks.

A few MAGA folks throw up some racist Klan rhetoric, or Nazi paraphernalia, and how does the left characterize ALL MAGA folks? That is the same thing that goes on here, but there is a lot more truth to it, since 60 some percent of the adult population in Gaza do support these terrorists. But it does not hold for all the children and all the other adults. And it gives Israel an excuse to make all of Gaza into an open air prison.

In my experience, people are the same, the world over. There is no reason for us to engage in fallacies of composition, when discussing solutions to this problem to justify our beliefs based on their beliefs, actions and emotions of despicable terrorist organization.


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