Hamas leader among dead in air raid

says the person who defends pedophiles and terrorists. lol...

do me a favor, worry about your own morality.

Says the person who tries to discredit me by making false claims that I defend terrorists and pedophiles. It's easy to make up lies, jillian, anyone can do that, but you don't advance the discussion any further by doing so.
Says the person who tries to discredit me by making false claims that I defend terrorists and pedophiles. It's easy to make up lies, jillian, anyone can do that, but you don't advance the discussion any further by doing so.

lol.. except they aren't lies. Go defend Sunni and Agna some more.

And then pretend you didn't. Because everyone is stupid but you. :cuckoo:
You said I used their tactics, that's called grouping.

And just because some antisemites do it, doesn't make it a "classic antisemite move."

I'm going to take the word of our soldiers over Israel's.

Oh, and antisemites happen to come to this board. Guess that makes it antisemite to come here? No, course not.

But that's the logic you're using.
the people on that ship have a different perspective
but they didnt have the WHOLE picture

ever heard of or understand the phrase "fog of war"?
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well, you seem to only care when its Israel
if you understand the situation, you would know that the Hamas leaders WANT the civilian deaths and you are being MANIPULATED by them

On the contrary, I have stated more than once before that I condemn the violence, whether it come from Isreal or Hamas. It's the killing and the hypocrisy that is wrong, no matter who does it. If you really think Palestinians want to die and want to see their children slaughtered, I think maybe it is you who is being manipulated.
Yep, kill the kids before they commit a crime. :cuckoo:

All I can say is I've seen a lot of bizarre justifications for killing innocent children but not hardly a drop of compassion for them or their parents, many of whom may not even be Hamas supporters.


what are the odds they did support Hamas?

For years Qalqilya's city council was controlled by Fatah but after the completion of the wall, voters in last years' municipal elections awarded every single city council seat to Hamas. The Qalqilya effect has now spread across the occcupied territories, with Hamas reportedly winning virtually all of the seats elected on a geographic basis. Thus Hamas' success is as much an expression of the determination of Palestinians to resist Israel's efforts to force their surrender as it is a rejection of Fatah. It reduces the conflict to its most fundamental elements: there is occupation, and there is resistance.

this is where the people placed their hopes and aspirations in records numbers.

When Israel kills children, Israel bears the responsibility for the killing, same as when Hamas kills children. Both sides have their eyes wide open when they aim their weapons.

I'll be the first to say it. It's disgusting that children have to die in this battle. War used to be army vs. army and innocent civilians and children would be left out of this. I don't know when this ever changed... but it's horribly sad.

I've seen the pictures and the videos of the bloodied children being rushed to the hospitals. You'd have to be a cold blooded monster to not be emotionally impacted by it. It's disturbing to say the least. I cannot imagine what the people in charge of Israel feel when they give the order to fire missiles at a building with a known leader of a terrorist organization while the building has children in it. It must ware their souls. At the same time decisions need to be made to protect the people of Israel.

I have to look at it as if I was a father protecting my own children from people who wanted to kill them. I would do everything that I could to protect them. The father used his children as human shields. He is no less responsible than Israel is for killing them.

Ahmed Yassin used one of his sons as a suicide bomber.

I don't doubt that this animal would've done the same.

The question is: How many people in Gaza, how many more children must die before Hamas stops attacking Israel? Hamas even killed two of its own children last week before the war started by an errant rocket.

Do you know how many children have died from Israel in the West Bank in 2008? Zero.

Perhpas Hamas should learn from Fatah.
the people on that ship have a different perspective
but they didnt have the WHOLE picture

ever heard of or unstand the phrase "fog of war"?


Ever hear the phrase "three CIA reports" and "Secretary of State Dean Rusk"?

They happen to disagree with you.

And from the site yesterday:

In accordance with international law and treaties, the United States is obligated to investigate the allegations. So far, the United States has declined even to acknowledge that the report has been filed. The full text of the report can be found at http://www.gtr5.com/evidence/warcrimes.pdf

All the U.S. continues to do is sweep it under the tug and act like it doesn't exist. Why sweep it under the rug all these years if Israel wasn't lying? Why not just have a open investigation and be done it?

From another site:

It was "one of the classic all-American cover-ups," said retired Admiral Thomas Moorer, a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who spent a year investigating the attack as part of an independent panel he formed with other former military officials. The panel also included a former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins.

"Why would our government put Israel's interests ahead of our own?" Moorer asked from his wheelchair at the news conference. He was chief of naval operations at the time of the attack.

And of course, when all else fails. Start yelling anti-semite:

Surviving 'Liberty' crew members would not be silenced. They kept demanding an open inquiry and tried to tell their story of deliberate attack to the media. Israel's government worked behind the scenes to thwart these efforts, going so far as having American pro-Israel groups accuse 'Liberty's' survivors of being 'anti-Semites' and 'Israel-haters.' Major TV networks cancelled interviews with the crew. A book about the 'Liberty' by crewman James Ennes' was dropped from distribution. The Israel lobby branded him 'an Arab propagandist.'
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they also have weapons far more powerful than they are using

Israel has the ability to defeat armies of numerous Arab countries at once like it did so many times in the past... except its military is much more up to date today. If Israel was indiscriminately firing missiles at Gaza, without care, Gaza would be a parking lot right now. There wouldn't be one building standing. There would be few if any survivors.

Out of 1.5 million, 400 have died.

1% of Gaza's population would be 15,000.
.5% would be 7500
.03% of Gaza's population has been killed.

More children die in Arab countries because of malnutrition and poor medical care, yet no one here blasts the Arab countries because of that. Robert, you haven't mentioned it once. You could care less about how many Arab children die each day because of their parents. But when Israel makes a judgment call to kill a man responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent civilians and he uses his children as shields, you criticize Israel.

Talk about double standard.

Israel will continue doing what it's doing until Hamas is destroyed or defeated, whichever comes first.
On the contrary, I have stated more than once before that I condemn the violence, whether it come from Isreal or Hamas. It's the killing and the hypocrisy that is wrong, no matter who does it. If you really think Palestinians want to die and want to see their children slaughtered, I think maybe it is you who is being manipulated.
STOP thinking of them like they think the same as you
when they are willing to strap BOMBS on thier own children to go blow up others, it tells me that they DONT care about their own children in the same sense that we do

Ever hear the phrase "three CIA reports" and "Secretary of State Dean Rusk"?

They happen to disagree with you.

And from the site yesterday:

All the U.S. continues to do is sweep it under the tug and act like it doesn't exist. Why sweep it under the rug all these years if Israel wasn't lying? Why not just have a open investigation and be done it?

From another site:

And of course, when all else fails. Start yelling anti-semite:
yeah, :rolleyes: damn them Jews for controling the media
STOP thinking of them like they think the same as you
when they are willing to strap BOMBS on thier own children to go blow up others, it tells me that they DONT care about their own children in the same sense that we do

it's just that 'ille' thinks she's an empath in a star trek episode.
lol.. except they aren't lies. Go defend Sunni and Agna some more.

And then pretend you didn't. Because everyone is stupid but you. :cuckoo:

Robert is right, you see what you want to see. Or rather you only acknowledge seeing that which you find easy to twist around. Like I asked of DiveCon and Tardo Sarge, at least have the courtesy to attack me for things I've actually done.
Israel has the ability to defeat armies of numerous Arab countries at once like it did so many times in the past... except its military is much more up to date today. If Israel was indiscriminately firing missiles at Gaza, without care, Gaza would be a parking lot right now. There wouldn't be one building standing. There would be few if any survivors.

Out of 1.5 million, 400 have died.

1% of Gaza's population would be 15,000.
.5% would be 7500
.03% of Gaza's population has been killed.

More children die in Arab countries because of malnutrition and poor medical care, yet no one here blasts the Arab countries because of that. Robert, you haven't mentioned it once. You could care less about how many Arab children die each day because of their parents. But when Israel makes a judgment call to kill a man responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent civilians and he uses his children as shields, you criticize Israel.

Talk about double standard.

Israel will continue doing what it's doing until Hamas is destroyed or defeated, whichever comes first.

David, go fuck yourself.

That would be like blasting parents in Africa when their children die of the same reasons. I care and am saddened by the fact how many children die each day because of all that.

So david you fucking coward, go fuck yourself. You are worse then scum and should be treated by everyone here as such.
robert Is Right, You See What You Want To See. Or Rather You Only Acknowledge Seeing That Which You Find Easy To Twist Around. Like I Asked Of Divecon And Tardo Sarge, At Least Have The Courtesy To Attack Me For Things I've Actually Done.

Stop Supporting The People Who Danced In The Streets Because The Twin Towers Fell On 911!
yeah, :rolleyes: damn them Jews for controling the media

Don't ignore the issue here Dive.

Do you know better then the CIA and Secretary of State at the time? And the Chief of the Naval Operations at the time?

If so, how fucking arrogant and ignorant of you.

what are the odds they did support Hamas?

this is where the people placed their hopes and aspirations in records numbers.


We can't know the odds, but even if every Palestinian adult,100% of them was devoted to Hamas, do their children deserve to die for that?
I'll be the first to say it. It's disgusting that children have to die in this battle. War used to be army vs. army and innocent civilians and children would be left out of this. I don't know when this ever changed... but it's horribly sad.

I've seen the pictures and the videos of the bloodied children being rushed to the hospitals. You'd have to be a cold blooded monster to not be emotionally impacted by it. It's disturbing to say the least. I cannot imagine what the people in charge of Israel feel when they give the order to fire missiles at a building with a known leader of a terrorist organization while the building has children in it. It must ware their souls. At the same time decisions need to be made to protect the people of Israel.

I have to look at it as if I was a father protecting my own children from people who wanted to kill them. I would do everything that I could to protect them. The father used his children as human shields. He is no less responsible than Israel is for killing them.

Ahmed Yassin used one of his sons as a suicide bomber.

I don't doubt that this animal would've done the same.

The question is: How many people in Gaza, how many more children must die before Hamas stops attacking Israel? Hamas even killed two of its own children last week before the war started by an errant rocket.

Do you know how many children have died from Israel in the West Bank in 2008? Zero.

Perhpas Hamas should learn from Fatah.

I am glad that even though on many subjects you are a complete wacko you at least have a heart.

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