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Hamas Reiterates Claim to All of Israel

ok tinnie-----I see your frustration-------how about you make ANOTHER TITLE--------which would express what you consider the PRECISE hope and plan and desire of HAMAS I do not think that the writer of the title
of the thread thought that somewhere in the article is the statement HAMAS CLAIMS ALL OF ISRAEL ----he merely thought that Hamas wants Israel as a country to be combined with some other bits of land and be called PALESTINE and that any arab who ever had anything remotely to do with that entire land mass would become a citizen of PALESTINE which would---render the COUNTRY called "ISRAEL" non existent and ultimately put the jews of that country in the same position as they were in that shariah shit hole in which my husband was born


The old man is a liar. This is only a small part of what Abbas has stated. He said that HE doesn't want to live there but does not relinguish the " Right of Return"

. Mr. Abbas’s answer, in an interview broadcast on Israeli television on Friday night — yes, he would like to visit, but not to live there; Safed is part of Israel — was widely interpreted as a surprising concession on the demands of Palestinians to return to their pre-1948 homes, perhaps the most intractable and emotional of all the unsettled issues in the decades-old dispute.

The remark set off angry protests across the Gaza Strip, in which demonstrators set Mr. Abbas’s picture aflame. Palestinian rivals and commentators denounced him as a traitor, or worse. In Israel, the response was strong if mixed, and the issue dominated political chatter on Sunday after weeks in which the Palestinian question had been all but absent from the debate ahead of the Jan. 22 elections.

President Abbas himself beat a hasty retreat. In an interview with an Arabic newspaper published Sunday, he said he was talking only of his personal aspirations, not about giving up anyone’s rights, and called the refugees “a sacred matter” that could be resolved only as part of a larger agreement through negotiations.

Abbas idea of " negotiations" is to have everything his way with no compromises. That is why there will never be the " palestinian state" that he demands. :clap2:

International law clearly gives Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Why should they give up that right? If you were kicked out of your home unlawfully, would you just give up your right to return to your home even when it is 100 percent clear under intl law that you have the right to return to your home? It is really easy for you to give up others rights for them, but it is not your call! The losses of the refugees must be addressed. Maybe, the US and others, like the UK, should offer them all citizenship or a path to citizenship, considering our role in them remaining refugees all of this time, that might be an acceptable offer to some. Some of these refugees have lived in awful conditions in refugee camps going back as far as 1947.

The hapless Palestinians chose those squalid camps rather than accept peaceful coexistence with the nascent Jewish Homeland. They have since tossed generations of their kids into the fire as the unwitting pawns of UNRWA's self-serving maternalism and their own failed leadership.
In all of this discussion, we've lost sight of the fact that even among Palestinians, there is a growing division between the Hamas-ruled Gaza - and - those supporting Mahmoud Abbas and the West Bank, on the future of the Palestinian Region.
The majority of Palestinian's view Abbas as just some little Israeli bitch!
In all of this discussion, we've lost sight of the fact that even among Palestinians, there is a growing division between the Hamas-ruled Gaza - and - those supporting Mahmoud Abbas and the West Bank, on the future of the Palestinian Region.
The majority of Palestinian's view Abbas as just some little Israeli bitch!

You have some support for your claim?
Rocco correctly describes the bi-polar nature of Palestinian society. One side of their brain says peace, the other says Hamas.
georgephillip; et al,

The first thing they have to do is accept reality of today, and not the manifesto of the past.

Rocco...how are Palestinians supposed to "make the necessary progress that will benefit its people and the future of all Palestinians,,," when Israel continues a policy of "creeping annexation" set in motion decades before the Jewish State came into official existence?

Remember, the sovereignty of a piece of ground does not change the productivity potential of that ground. (Whether I am a Canadian or an American, doesn't really change my productivity as I sit here in this chair.) There is no real link between your ability to produce and your citizenship or the sovereignty of the territory. You either have the knowledge, skills and abilities to produce a viable product; or, you don't. You can be a producer and contribute to the economy; or, an insurgent/terrorist and contribute to destabilization.

"Creeping Annexation" is merely an excuse not to be productive.

Most Respectfully,
In all of this discussion, we've lost sight of the fact that even among Palestinians, there is a growing division between the Hamas-ruled Gaza - and - those supporting Mahmoud Abbas and the West Bank, on the future of the Palestinian Region.
The majority of Palestinian's view Abbas as just some little Israeli bitch!

You have some support for your claim?
Rocco correctly describes the bi-polar nature of Palestinian society. One side of their brain says peace, the other says Hamas.
Seriously, this could possibly be the result of inbreeding.
georgephillip; et al,

The first thing they have to do is accept reality of today, and not the manifesto of the past.

Rocco...how are Palestinians supposed to "make the necessary progress that will benefit its people and the future of all Palestinians,,," when Israel continues a policy of "creeping annexation" set in motion decades before the Jewish State came into official existence?

Remember, the sovereignty of a piece of ground does not change the productivity potential of that ground. (Whether I am a Canadian or an American, doesn't really change my productivity as I sit here in this chair.) There is no real link between your ability to produce and your citizenship or the sovereignty of the territory. You either have the knowledge, skills and abilities to produce a viable product; or, you don't. You can be a producer and contribute to the economy; or, an insurgent/terrorist and contribute to destabilization.

"Creeping Annexation" is merely an excuse not to be productive.

Most Respectfully,
Would your productivity be inhibited if Canadians built an apartheid wall between your chair and your olive tree?
Last edited:
georgephillip; et al,

The use of the term "apartheid" is an inflammatory attempt to alter, through perception, the true nature of the security walls. The wall is not there to separated the different racial cultures or give privileges to Israelis. The wall is there to protect against Palestinian Infiltrators that have a psychopathic intent to do harm to Israelis.

Like you computer security software, where you quarantine dangerous and injurious viruses from harming your computer, so it is with the security wall that is just one defensive measure against covert infiltration by pathological Palestinians from penetrating into peaceful territory doing harm to their nation.

The continued use of the "apartheid" rhetoric is merely seeking sympathy and to practice the art of dramatic victimization.

georgephillip; et al,

The first thing they have to do is accept reality of today, and not the manifesto of the past.

Rocco...how are Palestinians supposed to "make the necessary progress that will benefit its people and the future of all Palestinians,,," when Israel continues a policy of "creeping annexation" set in motion decades before the Jewish State came into official existence?

Remember, the sovereignty of a piece of ground does not change the productivity potential of that ground. (Whether I am a Canadian or an American, doesn't really change my productivity as I sit here in this chair.) There is no real link between your ability to produce and your citizenship or the sovereignty of the territory. You either have the knowledge, skills and abilities to produce a viable product; or, you don't. You can be a producer and contribute to the economy; or, an insurgent/terrorist and contribute to destabilization.

"Creeping Annexation" is merely an excuse not to be productive.

Most Respectfully,
Would your productivity be inhibited if Canadians built an apartheid wall between your chair and your olive tree?

The Saluman Farm (vicinity of Behlehem) is quite famous (albeit a decade old story), and is used over and over again for this propaganda purpose. This is not an excuse to the remainder of the Palestinian.

Remember (Again), that the reason for the wall. It was built to protect against Palestinian insurgents and terrorist. If there was no insurgency or terrorism, Faisal Hasan Ahmad Adwan would not be separated from his trees. He owes that separation to the Palestinian insurgents, that further aggression in his name.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
georgephillip; et al,

The first thing they have to do is accept reality of today, and not the manifesto of the past.

Rocco...how are Palestinians supposed to "make the necessary progress that will benefit its people and the future of all Palestinians,,," when Israel continues a policy of "creeping annexation" set in motion decades before the Jewish State came into official existence?

Remember, the sovereignty of a piece of ground does not change the productivity potential of that ground. (Whether I am a Canadian or an American, doesn't really change my productivity as I sit here in this chair.) There is no real link between your ability to produce and your citizenship or the sovereignty of the territory. You either have the knowledge, skills and abilities to produce a viable product; or, you don't. You can be a producer and contribute to the economy; or, an insurgent/terrorist and contribute to destabilization.

"Creeping Annexation" is merely an excuse not to be productive.

Most Respectfully,
Would your productivity be inhibited if Canadians built an apartheid wall between your chair and your olive tree?
Of course.
et al,

In all of this discussion, we've lost sight of the fact that even among Palestinians, there is a growing division between the Hamas-ruled Gaza - and - those supporting Mahmoud Abbas and the West Bank, on the future of the Palestinian Region.

The fact of the matter is, that there is one side that wants to dissolve Israel, and those that are willing to at least try to live with Israel as a neighbor. There is one side that promotes further violence, and there is one side that would rather live in peace.

I think that even the moderately reasonable Palestinian understand that, in the field of view by the Israeli, those Palestinians that want to promote violence and the end of the Jewish State are --- in fact --- enemies of the state and a danger to the national security of the people and the state. It is not difficult to comprehend why - that people like Ismail Haniyeh, who wants the right of return for the purpose of promoting civil unrest, are not welcome. What added value would further unrest give to Israel or its citizens?

The greater composition of the Palestinians exhibit a sort of Dissociative Identity Disorder on a cultural level. Palestinians are characterized by the presence of two distinct and complex identities within their political, economic and developmental interests --- each attempting to dominate and control behavior of the general population, promoting a hostile environment on one hand - and - a productive and prosperous environment on the other. It is not clear at all if there is a point at which balance between the two is possible.

Indeed. The west Bank is promoting an economy that is dependent on Israel and other foreign actors. They hinge their economy on the whims of Israel and others.

Hamas, on the other hand, is developing an economy that is self sustainable and independent from hostile forces.

Remember that it was Hamas who called for an end to suicide bombings. It was Hamas who proposed a long term truce with Israel. It was Hamas who stopped firing rockets out of Gaza. Most rockets have been fired by Fatah. Some by others.

Hamas has put a lot of effort into a peaceful solution. They have had diplomatic visits to the governments of several countries. They have received many delegations from other governments and private groups working on peace and economic development.

How often does anyone go to the West Bank?

Until the Palestinian balances their culture, healing themselves, it will not be able to make the necessary progress that will benefit its people and the future of all Palestinians. They will remain in quarantine as pariah - to protect themselves from self-harm and to separate them from the people and cultures to which Palestinians pose an unreasonable threat. Any time a cultural group presents a danger or threat to civilizations, protective custody - quarantine, isolation and segregation, is a possible solution --- one that will reduce the potential harm they may cause to their culture and that of productive and prosperous cultures.

When an afflicted culture intentionally generates an environment that replicates, generation after generation, a constituency characterized by a tendency to commit anti-societal behaviors, which glorifies violent acts [especially one manifested in perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior (beheadings, stoning, torture, suicide bombings, hijackings, mass murder)], an entire culture that feels no guilt or remorse for such acts, but attempt to justify these acts as an end to justify the means, is psychopathic culture.

The lawsuits allege that Arab Bank, Credit Lyonnais, and two other foreign banks with New York offices were key to an intricate system that moved cash to aid terrorists and their families.

Accounts at Arab Bank allegedly were used to pay cash rewards to families of suicide bombers and other so-called Palestinian "martyrs." Records show money was supplied by two groups on the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations: Hezbollah and Hamas.

SOURCE: Suing to stop terror funding - CBS News

Most Respectfully,
You have some support for your claim?
Rocco correctly describes the bi-polar nature of Palestinian society. One side of their brain says peace, the other says Hamas.
Here you go...

In every occupation one finds a small group of occupied native puppets, who would betray and oppress their own people for the sake of fake political power positions and money granted by the occupier. As we find puppet President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, and puppet President Jalal Talabani in Iraq, we also find puppet President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank of Israeli occupied Palestine.

“On the Arab side the first and most prominent traitor to the Palestinians is their President Mahmoud Abbas and his gang, who hijacked and abused Fatah movement for their own political and financial gains. Since his appointment as Palestinian Prime Minister in March 2003 had been enforced on Arafat, Abbas had shown inclinations towards American and Israeli policies even when they were harmful to his people. He exhibited opposition to Palestinian resistance groups, which became more prominent after being elected as President through the help of Israel and the US. He routinely described Palestinian resistance, especially that of Hamas, as harmful and silly, and had clamped down on them. Through his chief of security, Mohammad Dahlan, Abbas tried to cripple the democratically elected Hamas government and to sabotage its work, which led to Hamas’ purging of Gaza Strip. Abbas dissolved Hamas government and appointed a new one severing Gaza Strip from the West Bank. He refused to negotiate with Hamas government and negotiated instead with Israel hoping for the downfall of Hamas. When Hamas survived and gained more popularity Abbas recently accused Hamas of harboring Al-Qaeda elements thus giving Israel an open invitation and a justification to attack Gaza to get rid of Hamas.”

Lately Abbas, himself, had provided the irrefutable proof of his treason and his Zionist loyalty to Israel when he, solely and without consulting any Palestinian political advisors or any of the other Arab leaders, had given the order to defer for six months the endorsement in the UNHRC (UN Human Rights Council) of Judge Richard Goldstone’s Report concerning Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity during the onslaught on Gaza Palestinians in December 2008 (Operation Cast Lead).

georgephillip; et al,

The first thing they have to do is accept reality of today, and not the manifesto of the past.

Rocco...how are Palestinians supposed to "make the necessary progress that will benefit its people and the future of all Palestinians,,," when Israel continues a policy of "creeping annexation" set in motion decades before the Jewish State came into official existence?

Remember, the sovereignty of a piece of ground does not change the productivity potential of that ground. (Whether I am a Canadian or an American, doesn't really change my productivity as I sit here in this chair.) There is no real link between your ability to produce and your citizenship or the sovereignty of the territory. You either have the knowledge, skills and abilities to produce a viable product; or, you don't. You can be a producer and contribute to the economy; or, an insurgent/terrorist and contribute to destabilization.

"Creeping Annexation" is merely an excuse not to be productive.

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinians do a lot of economic development.

Then some Israeli asshole bombs or bulldozes it.
georgephillip; et al,

The use of the term "apartheid" is an inflammatory attempt to alter, through perception, the true nature of the security walls. The wall is not there to separated the different racial cultures or give privileges to Israelis. The wall is there to protect against Palestinian Infiltrators that have a psychopathic intent to do harm to Israelis.

Like you computer security software, where you quarantine dangerous and injurious viruses from harming your computer, so it is with the security wall that is just one defensive measure against covert infiltration by pathological Palestinians from penetrating into peaceful territory doing harm to their nation.

The continued use of the "apartheid" rhetoric is merely seeking sympathy and to practice the art of dramatic victimization.

georgephillip; et al,

The first thing they have to do is accept reality of today, and not the manifesto of the past.


Remember, the sovereignty of a piece of ground does not change the productivity potential of that ground. (Whether I am a Canadian or an American, doesn't really change my productivity as I sit here in this chair.) There is no real link between your ability to produce and your citizenship or the sovereignty of the territory. You either have the knowledge, skills and abilities to produce a viable product; or, you don't. You can be a producer and contribute to the economy; or, an insurgent/terrorist and contribute to destabilization.

"Creeping Annexation" is merely an excuse not to be productive.

Most Respectfully,
Would your productivity be inhibited if Canadians built an apartheid wall between your chair and your olive tree?

The Saluman Farm (vicinity of Behlehem) is quite famous (albeit a decade old story), and is used over and over again for this propaganda purpose. This is not an excuse to the remainder of the Palestinian.

Remember (Again), that the reason for the wall. It was built to protect against Palestinian insurgents and terrorist. If there was no insurgency or terrorism, Faisal Hasan Ahmad Adwan would not be separated from his trees. He owes that separation to the Palestinian insurgents, that further aggression in his name.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco...I have to disagree about the true nature of that security/apartheid wall; since the (mythological) Jewish privilege to rule all the land between the River and the sea was certain to inspire a fair number of psychotic Arabs who actually think the land their families have lived on for generations doesn't belong to Avigdor Lieberman's Russian cousin, Zionism appears to be the virus and that security barrier a fitting monument to facist frauds who have been annexing Palestine "dunum, by dunum" for almost a century.
Rocco...I have to disagree about the true nature of that security/apartheid wall; since the (mythological) Jewish privilege to rule all the land between the River and the sea was certain to inspire a fair number of psychotic Arabs who actually think the land their families have lived on for generations doesn't belong to Avigdor Lieberman's Russian cousin, Zionism appears to be the virus and that security barrier a fitting monument to facist frauds who have been annexing Palestine "dunum, by dunum" for almost a century.[/QUOTE]

Georgie a bit of insight for you>>>> AVIDGOR-----is an ENTIRELY
HEBREW NAME-----it is a word which means "father-protector" in hebrew
and has been used as a name in ISRAEL/JUDEA---for many thousands of years.
The name "MUHUMMAD" is entirely arabic and got introduced to
the area which is Israel/judea----for the FIRST TIME only about 1000 years
ago ----achmed is simply form of muhummad----Aziz is arabic. Nasser is
arabic Hussein is arabic -----it is all stuff that was CONFINED to arabia until
only about 1000 years ago thru campaigns of -----invasion, murder,
enslavement, rape and oppression and PILLAGE and LANDTHEFT ---
not purchase. Jews began to repurchase the land STOLEN
from them by romans and arabs in the early 1800s----the real problem
is your culture and that of the invaders from arabia----you people do
not like PURCHASE-----you like ---invade, murder, rape and pillage
Alexander the son of philip did not buy land either ---george is
a greek name ---that some romans used for slaves ----it got around
to europe via the 'holy roman empire'
Last edited:
P F Tinmore; et al,

This is an argument on which of the two factions are better. I would say it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Indeed. The west Bank is promoting an economy that is dependent on Israel and other foreign actors. They hinge their economy on the whims of Israel and others.

Hamas, on the other hand, is developing an economy that is self sustainable and independent from hostile forces.

Remember that it was Hamas who called for an end to suicide bombings. It was Hamas who proposed a long term truce with Israel. It was Hamas who stopped firing rockets out of Gaza. Most rockets have been fired by Fatah. Some by others.

Hamas has put a lot of effort into a peaceful solution. They have had diplomatic visits to the governments of several countries. They have received many delegations from other governments and private groups working on peace and economic development.

How often does anyone go to the West Bank?

Hamas has an open agenda against the Israeli. Are the Palestinians ready to openly establish peace?

Most Respectfully,
Rocco...I have to disagree about the true nature of that security/apartheid wall; since the (mythological) Jewish privilege to rule all the land between the River and the sea was certain to inspire a fair number of psychotic Arabs who actually think the land their families have lived on for generations doesn't belong to Avigdor Lieberman's Russian cousin, Zionism appears to be the virus and that security barrier a fitting monument to facist frauds who have been annexing Palestine "dunum, by dunum" for almost a century.[/QUOTE]

Georgie a bit of insight for you>>>> AVIDGOR-----is an ENTIRELY
HEBREW NAME-----it is a word which means "father-protector" in hebrew
and has been used as a name in ISRAEL/JUDEA---for many thousands of years.
The name "MUHUMMAD" is entirely arabic and got introduced to
the area which is Israel/judea----for the FIRST TIME only about 1000 years
ago ----achmed is simply form of muhummad----Aziz is arabic. Nasser is
arabic Hussein is arabic -----it is all stuff that was CONFINED to arabia until
only about 1000 years ago thru campaigns of -----invasion, murder,
enslavement, rape and oppression and PILLAGE and LANDTHEFT ---
not purchase. Jews began to repurchase the land STOLEN
from them by romans and arabs in the early 1800s----the real problem
is your culture and that of the invaders from arabia----you people do
not like PURCHASE-----you like ---invade, murder, rape and pillage
Alexander the son of philip did not buy land either ---george is
a greek name ---that some romans used for slaves ----it got around
to europe via the 'holy roman empire'[/QUOTE]
What's the Hebrew word for "opportunist?"

"Lieberman was born on 5 June 1958 in Kishinev, Soviet Union (now Chişinău, Moldova). His father Lev (18 May 1921 – 2 July 2007) had served in the Red Army and spent seven years in a Siberian Gulag under Joseph Stalin's rule,[5] where he met Evet's mother Esther (born 2 July 1924)..."

How about "racist?"

"In January 2009, during the Gaza War, Lieberman argued that Israel 'must continue to fight Hamas just like the United States did with the Japanese in World War II. Then, too, the occupation of the country was unnecessary.'[108]

"This threat was been interpreted by some media commentators, including Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as an allusion to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and as advocacy for a nuclear strike on Gaza."

Sounds like your kind of Jew?

Avigdor Lieberman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have some support for your claim?
Rocco correctly describes the bi-polar nature of Palestinian society. One side of their brain says peace, the other says Hamas.
Here you go...

In every occupation one finds a small group of occupied native puppets, who would betray and oppress their own people for the sake of fake political power positions and money granted by the occupier. As we find puppet President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, and puppet President Jalal Talabani in Iraq, we also find puppet President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank of Israeli occupied Palestine.

“On the Arab side the first and most prominent traitor to the Palestinians is their President Mahmoud Abbas and his gang, who hijacked and abused Fatah movement for their own political and financial gains. Since his appointment as Palestinian Prime Minister in March 2003 had been enforced on Arafat, Abbas had shown inclinations towards American and Israeli policies even when they were harmful to his people. He exhibited opposition to Palestinian resistance groups, which became more prominent after being elected as President through the help of Israel and the US. He routinely described Palestinian resistance, especially that of Hamas, as harmful and silly, and had clamped down on them. Through his chief of security, Mohammad Dahlan, Abbas tried to cripple the democratically elected Hamas government and to sabotage its work, which led to Hamas’ purging of Gaza Strip. Abbas dissolved Hamas government and appointed a new one severing Gaza Strip from the West Bank. He refused to negotiate with Hamas government and negotiated instead with Israel hoping for the downfall of Hamas. When Hamas survived and gained more popularity Abbas recently accused Hamas of harboring Al-Qaeda elements thus giving Israel an open invitation and a justification to attack Gaza to get rid of Hamas.”

Lately Abbas, himself, had provided the irrefutable proof of his treason and his Zionist loyalty to Israel when he, solely and without consulting any Palestinian political advisors or any of the other Arab leaders, had given the order to defer for six months the endorsement in the UNHRC (UN Human Rights Council) of Judge Richard Goldstone’s Report concerning Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity during the onslaught on Gaza Palestinians in December 2008 (Operation Cast Lead).

You're being just plain silly, Princess.
That opinion piece, authored by a Palestinian who lives in America, does not prove your claim - which you conveniently cut from this conversation - that "The majority of Palestinian's view Abbas as just some little Israeli bitch!"
It only proves that the author believes that.
Please try again.
P F Tinmore; et al,

This is an argument on which of the two factions are better. I would say it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Indeed. The west Bank is promoting an economy that is dependent on Israel and other foreign actors. They hinge their economy on the whims of Israel and others.

Hamas, on the other hand, is developing an economy that is self sustainable and independent from hostile forces.

Remember that it was Hamas who called for an end to suicide bombings. It was Hamas who proposed a long term truce with Israel. It was Hamas who stopped firing rockets out of Gaza. Most rockets have been fired by Fatah. Some by others.

Hamas has put a lot of effort into a peaceful solution. They have had diplomatic visits to the governments of several countries. They have received many delegations from other governments and private groups working on peace and economic development.

How often does anyone go to the West Bank?

Hamas has an open agenda against the Israeli. Are the Palestinians ready to openly establish peace?

Most Respectfully,

Sure, the only thing they want is an end to the occupation.
P F Tinmore; et al,

This is an argument on which of the two factions are better. I would say it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Indeed. The west Bank is promoting an economy that is dependent on Israel and other foreign actors. They hinge their economy on the whims of Israel and others.

Hamas, on the other hand, is developing an economy that is self sustainable and independent from hostile forces.

Remember that it was Hamas who called for an end to suicide bombings. It was Hamas who proposed a long term truce with Israel. It was Hamas who stopped firing rockets out of Gaza. Most rockets have been fired by Fatah. Some by others.

Hamas has put a lot of effort into a peaceful solution. They have had diplomatic visits to the governments of several countries. They have received many delegations from other governments and private groups working on peace and economic development.

How often does anyone go to the West Bank?

Hamas has an open agenda against the Israeli. Are the Palestinians ready to openly establish peace?

Most Respectfully,

Sure, the only thing they want is an end to the occupation.

Then Abbas should have accepted the offer by Olmert
P F Tinmore; et al,

This is an argument on which of the two factions are better. I would say it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.


Hamas has an open agenda against the Israeli. Are the Palestinians ready to openly establish peace?

Most Respectfully,

Sure, the only thing they want is an end to the occupation.

Then Abbas should have accepted the offer by Olmert

That offer would have cemented the occupation not end it.

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