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Hamas Reiterates Claim to All of Israel

ok tinnie-----I see your frustration-------how about you make ANOTHER TITLE--------which would express what you consider the PRECISE hope and plan and desire of HAMAS I do not think that the writer of the title
of the thread thought that somewhere in the article is the statement HAMAS CLAIMS ALL OF ISRAEL ----he merely thought that Hamas wants Israel as a country to be combined with some other bits of land and be called PALESTINE and that any arab who ever had anything remotely to do with that entire land mass would become a citizen of PALESTINE which would---render the COUNTRY called "ISRAEL" non existent and ultimately put the jews of that country in the same position as they were in that shariah shit hole in which my husband was born


The old man is a liar. This is only a small part of what Abbas has stated. He said that HE doesn't want to live there but does not relinguish the " Right of Return"

. Mr. Abbas’s answer, in an interview broadcast on Israeli television on Friday night — yes, he would like to visit, but not to live there; Safed is part of Israel — was widely interpreted as a surprising concession on the demands of Palestinians to return to their pre-1948 homes, perhaps the most intractable and emotional of all the unsettled issues in the decades-old dispute.

The remark set off angry protests across the Gaza Strip, in which demonstrators set Mr. Abbas’s picture aflame. Palestinian rivals and commentators denounced him as a traitor, or worse. In Israel, the response was strong if mixed, and the issue dominated political chatter on Sunday after weeks in which the Palestinian question had been all but absent from the debate ahead of the Jan. 22 elections.

President Abbas himself beat a hasty retreat. In an interview with an Arabic newspaper published Sunday, he said he was talking only of his personal aspirations, not about giving up anyone’s rights, and called the refugees “a sacred matter” that could be resolved only as part of a larger agreement through negotiations.

Abbas idea of " negotiations" is to have everything is way with no compromises. That is why there will never be the " palestinian state" that he demands. :clap2:
Who left the government in 2007.
Then why does the world recognize him as the Palestine leader? And don't answer with your usual BS answers.

Because that is what they have been told.
Because the stupid Palestinians in Gaza elected a terrorist organization, who then began shooting rockets into Israel and looking for ways to start a war with Israel. Lets not forget that the Israelis totally evacuated handed Gaza to the Palestinians, prior to that.
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This report came out of Israel.

BTW, where did it say that Hamas claimed all of Israel?
This was the actual quote.

"It is not possible for any person, regardless of who he is ... to give up a hand's width of this Palestinian land, or to give up the right of return to our homes from which we were forced out," Gaza's Hamas ruler Ismail Haniyeh said.
Now, regarding the land, if he's referring to the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, he's right. If he's referring to Israel proper, that ain't gonna happen.

In regards to the refugees, international law allows them the right to return.
wrong again crotch boy----in fact international law does not prevent
Israel from EXCLUDING all but jews from citizenship-----maldives did it---
it is LEGAL Countries DO have a right ---not only to decide upon who
should be a citizen----exluding those that they wish to exclude and to
even CANCEL citizenship. Where did you learn "international law"----
in the madrassah?
wrong again crotch boy----in fact international law does not prevent
Israel from EXCLUDING all but jews from citizenship-----maldives did it---
it is LEGAL Countries DO have a right ---not only to decide upon who
should be a citizen----exluding those that they wish to exclude and to
even CANCEL citizenship. Where did you learn "international law"----
in the madrassah?

UN General Assembly Resolution 3236, passed on 22 November 1974 declared the right of return to be an "inalienable right".
Questions or comments?
wrong again crotch boy----in fact international law does not prevent
Israel from EXCLUDING all but jews from citizenship-----maldives did it---
it is LEGAL Countries DO have a right ---not only to decide upon who
should be a citizen----exluding those that they wish to exclude and to
even CANCEL citizenship. Where did you learn "international law"----
in the madrassah?

UN General Assembly Resolution 3236, passed on 22 November 1974 declared the right of return to be an "inalienable right".
Questions or comments?

" International Law" also speaks about them willing to live in " peace with their neighbors"; something they have demonstrated they have no intention of doing.

Regardless, that is not going to happen. I personally hope Abbas keeps insisting on Borders that were never recognized, giving up all rights to E. Jerusalem which have Israel's most religious sites, and " Right of Return" which would eventually make the Jewish people a minority in their own Country.

None of the above will happen. :eusa_angel:
try again crotch boy----a "UN RESOLUTION" is not a "LAW"

even if it were---"RETURN" to what? countries have a right to DENY
citizenship just based on religion----your fellow isa worshippers do it
in several countries -----countries can even decide to inflict child
confiscation laws on some "groups" or OUT LAW this or that
religion LOL ok com'on ----in a land in which mosques are
outlawed and korans are confiscated and be-fece'ed in town square
try again crotch boy----a "UN RESOLUTION" is not a "LAW"

even if it were---"RETURN" to what? countries have a right to DENY
citizenship just based on religion----your fellow isa worshippers do it
in several countries -----countries can even decide to inflict child
confiscation laws on some "groups" or OUT LAW this or that
religion LOL ok com'on ----in a land in which mosques are
outlawed and korans are confiscated and be-fece'ed in town square
So you say, the German Nazi's had the right to disenfranchise the Jews within her borders??????????
try again crotch boy----a "UN RESOLUTION" is not a "LAW"

even if it were---"RETURN" to what? countries have a right to DENY
citizenship just based on religion----your fellow isa worshippers do it
in several countries -----countries can even decide to inflict child
confiscation laws on some "groups" or OUT LAW this or that
religion LOL ok com'on ----in a land in which mosques are
outlawed and korans are confiscated and be-fece'ed in town square
So you say, the German Nazi's had the right to disenfranchise the Jews within her borders??????????
The German Nazis may have had the right to disenfranchise people. They just didn't have the right to kill them.
try again crotch boy----a "UN RESOLUTION" is not a "LAW"

even if it were---"RETURN" to what? countries have a right to DENY
citizenship just based on religion----your fellow isa worshippers do it
in several countries -----countries can even decide to inflict child
confiscation laws on some "groups" or OUT LAW this or that
religion LOL ok com'on ----in a land in which mosques are
outlawed and korans are confiscated and be-fece'ed in town square
So you say, the German Nazi's had the right to disenfranchise the Jews within her borders??????????
The German Nazis may have had the right to disenfranchise people. They just didn't have the right to kill them.

according to GERMAN LAW which was based on the JUSTINIAN CODE--
germans had a right to commit genocide----just as the sudanese muslims
had a right to commit genocide upon the christians in south sudan and
enslave the orphaned children YES_---it happens to be so

keep in mind----any apology by TURKEY regarding the Armenian genocide---
is a REPUDIATION OF ISLAMIC LAW------the armenian genocide was
LEGAL ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC LAW ------sheeesh----learn something

try googling FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN----he was not excommunicated
from the catholic church for advocating Adolf abu ali and his plan
to annihilate the jewish population-------after all---the NUREMBURG
LAWS were derived from the same CANON LAW that legalized the
LAW" all weird------but true
So you say, the German Nazi's had the right to disenfranchise the Jews within her borders??????????
The German Nazis may have had the right to disenfranchise people. They just didn't have the right to kill them.

according to GERMAN LAW which was based on the JUSTINIAN CODE--
germans had a right to commit genocide----just as the sudanese muslims
had a right to commit genocide upon the christians in south sudan and
enslave the orphaned children YES_---it happens to be so

keep in mind----any apology by TURKEY regarding the Armenian genocide---
is a REPUDIATION OF ISLAMIC LAW------the armenian genocide was
LEGAL ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC LAW ------sheeesh----learn something

try googling FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN----he was not excommunicated
from the catholic church for advocating Adolf abu ali and his plan
to annihilate the jewish population-------after all---the NUREMBURG
LAWS were derived from the same CANON LAW that legalized the
LAW" all weird------but true

I never heard of him before. This is horrifying stuff. I didn't know of it. Thanks.
The German Nazis may have had the right to disenfranchise people. They just didn't have the right to kill them.

according to GERMAN LAW which was based on the JUSTINIAN CODE--
germans had a right to commit genocide----just as the sudanese muslims
had a right to commit genocide upon the christians in south sudan and
enslave the orphaned children YES_---it happens to be so

keep in mind----any apology by TURKEY regarding the Armenian genocide---
is a REPUDIATION OF ISLAMIC LAW------the armenian genocide was
LEGAL ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC LAW ------sheeesh----learn something

try googling FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN----he was not excommunicated
from the catholic church for advocating Adolf abu ali and his plan
to annihilate the jewish population-------after all---the NUREMBURG
LAWS were derived from the same CANON LAW that legalized the
LAW" all weird------but true

I never heard of him before. This is horrifying stuff. I didn't know of it. Thanks.

Sad but true,, Jeremiah----Father Charles Coughlin is one of the reasons that
jews were not delighted with POPE PIUS-----coughlin was endorsed by Pius
as a good person to administer the "HOLY SACRAMENTS" I think all the way
thru 1970 I, truly, believe that JOHN XXXIII was horrified. it was
COUGHLIN that led him to ----do his thing -----in 1964----relieving jews of the
You are acting like a silly little girl again, Princess.
You should not need to have this repeatedly explained to you.
"Right of Return" is code for "demographically destroy the Jewish Homeland" and Hamas, like you, considers all of Israel to be "Palestinian" territory. Hamas's rejection of compromise in that area is consistent with their charter:
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.."
"The Islamic Resistance Movement ... strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine..."
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews)..."
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up."

Now stop pretending you don't know this, ASSHOLE.

So true, Sayit. A few months ago? that self serving organisation UNRWA claimed there are nearly 5 million 'palestinian' 'refugees'. Its a great pity they decided it was a good idea to make a special case out of 'palestinians' and bestow on them inheritable refugee status when for the rest of the world that is not the case. Kept themselves in work for over half a century and encouraged neighbouring countries not to award citizenship as the potential for propaganda gained from a limitless undending supply of whining happless victims for the cause was/is too good an Israel bashing eapon to pass up. How many of these 'refugees' would have that status if they weren't under UNRWA's umbrella but under the UN's in general like those of other countries/wars? It is estimated that between 30 - 40-% of Palestinian refugees were born after 1997 - ie they are under 15 years old!
Fortunately there is no precedent in international law for compelling a country to facilitate right of return to belligerents, the UNRWA recommendations are not legally binding in international law and anyway are overrided by the right to self determination as jus cogens - compelling law - that takes precedence over the right of return since that would likely end in Israels destruction. And let us not forget, most of these 'refugees' never lived in the places they are claiming a right to 'return' to, most of those that did have passed away. Aint never gonna happen.

President Nasser admitted:
[SIZE=-1]If the refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist. (Neue Zuercher Zeitung, September 1, 1960)[/SIZE]

President Nasser admitted:

If the refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist. (Neue Zuercher Zeitung, September 1, 1960)

Then Israel has a problem.

Israel doesn't have the problem; Abbas does. Nobody is pushing for " Right of Return" except Abbas. Even Obama says it's not going to happen. Let Abbas keep insisting on the destruction of Israel. For that reason alone the " palestinian state" that Abbas wants will never happen. :cool:
So true, Sayit. A few months ago? that self serving organisation UNRWA claimed there are nearly 5 million 'palestinian' 'refugees'. Its a great pity they decided it was a good idea to make a special case out of 'palestinians' and bestow on them inheritable refugee status when for the rest of the world that is not the case. Kept themselves in work for over half a century and encouraged neighbouring countries not to award citizenship as the potential for propaganda gained from a limitless undending supply of whining happless victims for the cause was/is too good an Israel bashing eapon to pass up. How many of these 'refugees' would have that status if they weren't under UNRWA's umbrella but under the UN's in general like those of other countries/wars? It is estimated that between 30 - 40-% of Palestinian refugees were born after 1997 - ie they are under 15 years old!
Fortunately there is no precedent in international law for compelling a country to facilitate right of return to belligerents, the UNRWA recommendations are not legally binding in international law and anyway are overrided by the right to self determination as jus cogens - compelling law - that takes precedence over the right of return since that would likely end in Israels destruction. And let us not forget, most of these 'refugees' never lived in the places they are claiming a right to 'return' to, most of those that did have passed away. Aint never gonna happen.

President Nasser admitted:
[SIZE=-1]If the refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist. (Neue Zuercher Zeitung, September 1, 1960)[/SIZE]

President Nasser admitted:

If the refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist. (Neue Zuercher Zeitung, September 1, 1960)

Then Israel has a problem.

Israel doesn't have the problem; Abbas does. Nobody is pushing for " Right of Return" except Abbas. Even Obama says it's not going to happen. Let Abbas keep insisting on the destruction of Israel. For that reason alone the " palestinian state" that Abbas wants will never happen. :cool:

Abbas, Obama.:lol::lol::lol:

Let me know when either of these clowns do something worth while.
try again crotch boy----a "UN RESOLUTION" is not a "LAW"

even if it were---"RETURN" to what? countries have a right to DENY
citizenship just based on religion----your fellow isa worshippers do it
in several countries -----countries can even decide to inflict child
confiscation laws on some "groups" or OUT LAW this or that
religion LOL ok com'on ----in a land in which mosques are
outlawed and korans are confiscated and be-fece'ed in town square

--a "UN RESOLUTION" is not a "LAW"

OK, however, they do reference already existing law in their resolutions.
Despite the bogus claims of some Hamas apologists here, the duly-elected terror-rat gov't of "Palestine" has once again stated they have no interest in rational discussions which could end the suffering of those hapless "Palestinians." Peaceful coexistence just isn't on their agenda:
Hamas PM blasts Palestinian leader over TV remarks

By DIAA HADID | Associated Press – 22 hrs ago

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The prime minister of the Hamas-ruled Gaza strip criticized the Palestinian president on Friday for comments given to Israeli media, alleging that they contradict longtime Palestinian territorial demands.

Ismail Haniyeh said Friday that Mahmoud Abbas' remarks, aired on Israel's Channel 2, were "extremely dangerous."

Abbas, who was speaking about borders of a future Palestinian state, said the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem are Palestine — and the rest is Israel.

He said that while he would like to see his birthplace — Safed, now a town in northern Israel — he doesn't want to live there.

"I am a refugee but I am living in Ramallah. I believe that the West Bank and Gaza is Palestine. And the other parts is Israel," Abbas said. "I want to see Safed. It is my right to see it but not to live there," he said.

Palestinian officials did not return calls seeking comment. But Abbas's remarks broadly reflect the official Palestinian position of reaching an agreement where refugees will receive compensation while a smaller amount would be allowed back.

Gaza's Islamic militant Hamas movement, alongside many other Palestinians, said Abbas' remarks suggested millions of refugees and their descendants would not return to the places they fled in wars with Israel.

Hamas PM blasts Palestinian leader over TV remarks - Yahoo! News

Your thread title is a lie. It is not the title of the article you cite, nor is it what Hamas said. Why must you lie about Hamas?

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