Hamas rejects ceasefire

Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.
Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.

So it appears at this point, Israel agreed to an Egyptian proposal, Hamas kept firing.
Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.

So it appears at this point, Israel agreed to an Egyptian proposal, Hamas kept firing.

Which gives Israel the right to bring down the hammer.

Before bombing, Israel notifies the Palestinians to leave. Hamas tells them to stay and raise the body count hoping that world opinion will turn against Israel for bombing civilians. So far it's worked. Palestinians have a lock on propaganda ever since Mohammed Dura was shot by a Palestinian sniper.
Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.

So it appears at this point, Israel agreed to an Egyptian proposal, Hamas kept firing.

Which gives Israel the right to bring down the hammer.

Before bombing, Israel notifies the Palestinians to leave. Hamas tells them to stay and raise the body count hoping that world opinion will turn against Israel for bombing civilians. So far it's worked. Palestinians have a lock on propaganda ever since Mohammed Dura was shot by a Palestinian sniper.

And Hamas keeps firing, some think because not as many Israelis die, the rockets are not deadly, will they take the place of an Israeli in the line of Hamas rockets?
Israel's peace terms offered nothing.

Hamas wanted certain items to be negotiated.......such as the lifting of blockades and access points reopened.

Israel just wants to keep their draconian apartheid policies intact with no changes. . :doubt:
Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.

True. If they cared about the people and wanted to protect them, they would share the more than 1400 tunnels they use only for themselves and keep the people out to use as human shields.
Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.

True. If they cared about the people and wanted to protect them, they would share the more than 1400 tunnels they use only for themselves and keep the people out to use as human shields.

Of course, deaths raise sympathy for "Palestine".
Have any of you people ever spent the time to look up why the Palestinian people are angry with Israel? . :cool:
Hamas is following their religion, just as they expect all the other Palestinians to follow their religion. They don't have the same concept of protecting the people as we do. Protecting the people means securing their place in Paradise, which means martyrdom.

True. If they cared about the people and wanted to protect them, they would share the more than 1400 tunnels they use only for themselves and keep the people out to use as human shields.

Of course, deaths raise sympathy for "Palestine".

Yes but here is what is really happening:


As is well known, Gaza is honeycombed with underground structures from one end of the strip to the other. This doesn’t only refer to the more than 1,400 tunnels that have connected Gaza to Egypt through which all sorts of things—including rockets, ammunition, building materials as well as consumer goods–came into the strip until the military government in Cairo stopped the traffic.

The chief problem facing the Israel Defense Forces in this campaign is the same one they faced in 2008 and 2012 when they previously tried to temporarily silence the rocket fire. Hamas’s leaders and fighters are kept safe in a warren of shelters build deep underneath Gaza.

There is also plenty of room there for its supply of thousands of rockets and other armaments. Moreover, they are also connected by tunnels that crisscross the length of that independent Palestinian state in all but name ruled by Hamas. Indeed, when you consider the vast square footage devoted to these structures, there may well be far more shelter space per square mile in Gaza than anyplace in Israel.

If these structures were opened up to the civilians of Gaza, there is little doubt that would lower the casualty figures

Why Gaza Doesn?t Have Bomb Shelters « Commentary Magazine
The reason there isn't any bomb shelters in Gaza is because Israel will not allow cement to be imported into Gaza.

The tunnels people refer to are just small and very narrow hand dug tunnels used by smugglers and are dangerous and prone to collapse.

Hardly the place for civilians to try and hide. .. :cool:
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

For the anti-Israel bunch.
So what happens Next?

"Netanyahu said this morning that if Hamas turns down the cease-fire, Israel will have 'international legitimacy' to resume and expand operations in Gaza.

"He is aware though that any legitimacy is still limited and that if the cease-fire cannot be salvaged and soon, he will be much close to a decision he is extremely reluctant to make - ordering a ground offensive in Gaza.

"Such a campaign will cause both a much higher death-toll on the Palestinian side and the prospect of significant Israeli casualties, something that thanks to mainly to Iron Dome, Israel has been spared until now.

"Hamas will now have a rethink and Netanyahu and Ya'alon will hope they made their point with a wave of airstrikes. For now, the only exit is still through Cairo."

What happened to the Gaza 'cease-fire' and what happens next? - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

No, Hamas is a terrorist organization whose actions are malevolent. They use their own as a human shield and seek condemnation from the world community of Isreal. They hide like rats within neighborhoods and lob rockets supplied by others to continue world wide disorder.

It's time a real coalition of nations, and especially those like Saudia Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. to spend their treasure and blood to cut off the head of the snake that is Hamas. Blockade the Strip so arms cannot be imported and once they have neutralized Hamas begin to rebuild Palestine, giving the people the material and support for self governance.
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

What I like about this is, almost 200 Palestinians have been killed, while only Israelis have only been exposed to rockets. Rockets that are nothing compared to theirs.

So Israel should not fight back, and allow these 'insignificant' rockets to continue to be fired? The same old complaint from the Arabs, Israel fights better.
It's time a real coalition of nations, and especially those like Saudia Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. to spend their treasure and blood to cut off the head of the snake that is Hamas. Blockade the Strip so arms cannot be imported and once they have neutralized Hamas begin to rebuild Palestine, giving the people the material and support for self governance.
Israel is the head of the zionist snake that needs to be cut off. . :cool:
Israel's peace terms offered nothing.

Hamas wanted certain items to be negotiated.......such as the lifting of blockades and access points reopened.

Israel just wants to keep their draconian apartheid policies intact with no changes. . :doubt:

Israel made no peace terms.

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