Hamas rejects ceasefire

Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

What I like about this is, almost 200 Palestinians have been killed, while only Israelis have only been exposed to rockets. Rockets that are nothing compared to theirs.

So Israel should not fight back, and allow these 'insignificant' rockets to continue to be fired? The same old complaint from the Arabs, Israel fights better.

You would have a point if they didn't start this round after the killing of Israeli teens.... What everyone forgets to mention is Palestinian teens had been killed a few weeks earlier. Hamas didn't even take responsibility for the deaths, not to say they didn't do it.
So why can't Palestine defend itself?
What I like about this is, almost 200 Palestinians have been killed, while only Israelis have only been exposed to rockets. Rockets that are nothing compared to theirs.

So Israel should not fight back, and allow these 'insignificant' rockets to continue to be fired? The same old complaint from the Arabs, Israel fights better.

You would have a point if they didn't start this round after the killing of Israeli teens.... What everyone forgets to mention is Palestinian teens had been killed a few weeks earlier. Hamas didn't even take responsibility for the deaths, not to say they didn't do it.
So why can't Palestine defend itself?

The first rockets came from the Palestinians, did they not?
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

No, Hamas is a terrorist organization whose actions are malevolent. They use their own as a human shield and seek condemnation from the world community of Isreal. They hide like rats within neighborhoods and lob rockets supplied by others to continue world wide disorder.

It's time a real coalition of nations, and especially those like Saudia Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. to spend their treasure and blood to cut off the head of the snake that is Hamas. Blockade the Strip so arms cannot be imported and once they have neutralized Hamas begin to rebuild Palestine, giving the people the material and support for self governance.

Do you have proof they are using human shields? Or is Israel hitting innocent targets?
So far no one, including the Israeli police, have charged anyone in the deaths of the 3 jewish teenagers.

Thus saying Hamas is responsible and deserves the attacks by Israel is false. :cool:
Israel stops firing into Gaza, the response:

Jerusalem (AFP) - A Gaza rocket struck the southern port city of Ashdod on Tuesday, police said, just hours after Israel agreed to abide by an Egyptian truce that was rejected by Hamas.

"The rocket struck a yard outside a house in Ashdod, several people have been treated for shock," police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

The attack was claimed by the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which said it had fired "eight Grad rockets" at Ashdod, which is home to some 212,000 people.

Earlier the Israeli security cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian proposal for a unilateral ceasefire which went into force at 0600 GMT, although it warned it would respond "with force" to any further rocket fire.

There were no immediate reports from Gaza of a military response to the fire on Ashdod, which came after three mortar shells struck open areas near the southern flank of the Israel-Gaza border.

In a statement issued around the same time, Hamas said it did not consider itself obliged by the Egyptian proposal.

The Palestinians start battles, and claim aggression by Israel as they lose.
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

NO. They do not. Every move they have made is about power.

Hamas is the one that said, no don't focus on the peace process. We should focus on unification (because we just had an interruption in funding from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and we really need you.)

The water agreement between Israel, Palestinians and Jordan? Yep. Did Hamas say, hey this is bad for the environment? Did they say, the World Bank has a track record and maybe we should really look this over more carefully? Did they say, are there any other alternatives here?

Nope. They did not. They said, I refuse to acknowledge this because Israel is here.
@Peach......only last 22 seconds.

[ame=http://youtu.be/iYLxOsJ7ahA]Palestinian girl's message to the world - YouTube[/ame]
It's time a real coalition of nations, and especially those like Saudia Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. to spend their treasure and blood to cut off the head of the snake that is Hamas. Blockade the Strip so arms cannot be imported and once they have neutralized Hamas begin to rebuild Palestine, giving the people the material and support for self governance.
Israel is the head of the zionist snake that needs to be cut off. . :cool:

If you had any balls you would do so yourself. As it stands, you're all hat and no cattle. If morons like you had the brains of cattle you would realize all your martyrs are as dead as a piece of beef steak.

If there were real leadership in the ME and a real peace could be established (which would require the haters to be jailed or otherwise eliminated) the Tourist Industry alone would bring to the region Billions of Dollars annually, and all creeds would benefit. Sadly, generational stupidity reigns.
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

That doesn't work. Try again. They were told to leave by whom?
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

NO. They do not. Every move they have made is about power.

Hamas is the one that said, no don't focus on the peace process. We should focus on unification (because we just had an interruption in funding from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and we really need you.)

The water agreement between Israel, Palestinians and Jordan? Yep. Did Hamas say, hey this is bad for the environment? Did they say, the World Bank has a track record and maybe we should really look this over more carefully? Did they say, are there any other alternatives here?

Nope. They did not. They said, I refuse to acknowledge this because Israel is here.

Agreed, and Hamas does not want peace, only blood.
The Hamas Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel. They will never accept a peace settlement with Israel under any conditions. They kidnap and murder 3 Israeli teens. Israel responds. Hamas places women and children near targets they know Israel will strike. Israel strikes. The Palestinians immediately start thumping their chests and whining to the world "We're only firing harmless firecrackers and the Jews are killing our women and children with disproportionate force." Here's my advice to Hamas. Man up. Send the innocent to safety and fight like men. Of course that will never happen.
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

NO. They do not. Every move they have made is about power.

Hamas is the one that said, no don't focus on the peace process. We should focus on unification (because we just had an interruption in funding from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and we really need you.)

The water agreement between Israel, Palestinians and Jordan? Yep. Did Hamas say, hey this is bad for the environment? Did they say, the World Bank has a track record and maybe we should really look this over more carefully? Did they say, are there any other alternatives here?

Nope. They did not. They said, I refuse to acknowledge this because Israel is here.

Agreed, and Hamas does not want peace, only blood.

They want blood as long as it's someone else. Not the top dogs. Hell, no. Those boys don't get all in it. It's way better to BS and have other people do the dying and killing for them. They just collect the money from other nation states and don't really have to account for it. And nobody giving the money.............makes 'em.

Then there is the underground funding for their own little terrorist crap.
The Hamas Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel. They will never accept a peace settlement with Israel under any conditions. They kidnap and murder 3 Israeli teens.
Please provide any links where there is evidence that Hamas murdered the 3 Israeli teens?

Israeli police haven't charged anyone with the crime.

And so far no suspects have been named. . :doubt:
Some Israeli's did the same to a Palestinian kid to avenge their deaths. How much blood until everything is settled?
NO. They do not. Every move they have made is about power.

Hamas is the one that said, no don't focus on the peace process. We should focus on unification (because we just had an interruption in funding from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and we really need you.)

The water agreement between Israel, Palestinians and Jordan? Yep. Did Hamas say, hey this is bad for the environment? Did they say, the World Bank has a track record and maybe we should really look this over more carefully? Did they say, are there any other alternatives here?

Nope. They did not. They said, I refuse to acknowledge this because Israel is here.

Agreed, and Hamas does not want peace, only blood.

They want blood as long as it's someone else. Not the top dogs. Hell, no. Those boys don't get all in it. It's way better to BS and have other people do the dying and killing for them. They just collect the money from other nation states and don't really have to account for it. And nobody giving the money.............makes 'em.

Then there is the underground funding for their own little terrorist crap.

Yes, the money flows from Arab nations that will not cede an inch to Palestine.
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.

And most of Palestine lies outside the borders of Israel:


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