Hamas rejects ceasefire

Seems really foolish on the part of Hamas to not agree to any kind of cease fire.

This simply invites Israel to really pour it on until they beg for a cease fire.
Egypt's Junta is giving Israel a hand
Egypt's junta proposed truce between Palestinian resistance and Israel. The proposed truce completely adopting Israeli conditions. Israel's condition is long-term "quiet-for-quiet" with preserving the siege over Gaza. Meanwhile, Palestinian factions are conditioning to end the siege over Gaza Strip and to stop settlers' assaults in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and to release the recently arrested Palestinian prisoners.

The Egyptian suggestion is, in fact, an original copy of the Israeli conditions and it includes a major condition with details; cessation of hostilities in specified time presumed by Egypt's junta. Nevertheless, the proposed truce did not mention the Israeli comprehensive siege over Gaza. Israel ruined Gaza's airport and prevented port's rebuilding.
The Arab World 360°

Israel, of course accepted immediately I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶ Egypt's proposed truce (they didn't even bother to send a copy to Gaza)
And when it was rejected By Hammas, Israel can State, Look we really did try for a ceasefire But they rejected it

Why did they ruin the airport?

What happened to ruin the plans for the port?
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The Hamas Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel. They will never accept a peace settlement with Israel under any conditions. They kidnap and murder 3 Israeli teens. Israel responds. Hamas places women and children near targets they know Israel will strike. Israel strikes. The Palestinians immediately start thumping their chests and whining to the world "We're only firing harmless firecrackers and the Jews are killing our women and children with disproportionate force." Here's my advice to Hamas. Man up. Send the innocent to safety and fight like men. Of course that will never happen.

One can hope.
The Gaza open air Israeli prison camp is one of the most densely populated places on the planet. So the Hamas freedom fighters have no choice but to launch their home made rockets from urban areas.

Hamas doesn't have any aircraft, tanks, heavy weapons, or artillery. So the fight is totally one sided.

But they are very brave patriots who refuse to surrender and become slaves to the zionists.

Hamas fighters will someday go down in history much like the 300 Spartans as epic heroic figures. .. :cool:
The Hamas Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel. They will never accept a peace settlement with Israel under any conditions. They kidnap and murder 3 Israeli teens. Israel responds. Hamas places women and children near targets they know Israel will strike. Israel strikes. The Palestinians immediately start thumping their chests and whining to the world "We're only firing harmless firecrackers and the Jews are killing our women and children with disproportionate force." Here's my advice to Hamas. Man up. Send the innocent to safety and fight like men. Of course that will never happen.
Jews are inflicting an illegal belligerent occupation upon Gaza.
Jews regard all Arabs as non-human vermin fouling the Land of Israel.
Hamas has rights under international law to resist the Jew occupation.
Jews have no rights to impose it.
Say a prayer for Bibi:badgrin:
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.
What would you call it if not a prison?
Jews control all land borders with electrified fences and sniper towers.
An average of two Palestinian children every month are killed by Jews in Gaza.
The IDF controls Gaza's airspace and coastal waters.
Jews control the amount of food entering Gaza, and Gazans may exit or enter only with Jew permission.
Jews believe their g-d gave them all the land between the River and the sea.
Gazans are in the way.
I'd call it a quit firing shit into Israel and if you are unwilling to control your shit then we don't have a choice but to.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:

Bottle rockets can blind, disfigure and kill.
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.

What would you call it if not a prison?

Jews control all land borders with electrified fences and sniper towers.

An average of two Palestinian children every month are killed by Jews in Gaza.

The IDF controls Gaza's airspace and coastal waters.

Jews control the amount of food entering Gaza, and Gazans may exit or enter only with Jew permission.

Jews believe their g-d gave them all the land between the River and the sea.

Gazans are in the way.

And why is that? Because Hamas will re-arm itself when ports and airplanes are not controlled by Israel. When food is not controlled, weapons can be smuggled and Gazans entering or leaving are controlled because they may pose a threat to Israel.
It wouldn't be this way if there wouldn't be Muslim extremists attacking Israel all the time.
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:

Bottle rockets can blind, disfigure and kill.

Of course those rockets can kill and cause damage, otherwise Hamas would not fire them.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:
Where do you get your info from, dipstick? They targeted Israel's Dimona nuclear power plant yesterday, only to get shot down by Israel's Iron Dome.

Besides, you are admitting that Hamas shoots hundreds of unguided missiles on a daily basis, in the general area of highly populated Israeli cities that are filled with civilians. Areas which aren't even part of the West Bank or Gaza. Here's another example of Muslim animals targeting civilians and then bitching about it when they get a retaliation. Why do you guys whine so much?
The Hamas Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel. They will never accept a peace settlement with Israel under any conditions. They kidnap and murder 3 Israeli teens.
Please provide any links where there is evidence that Hamas murdered the 3 Israeli teens?

Israeli police haven't charged anyone with the crime.

And so far no suspects have been named. . :doubt:
Yeah they're in hiding. Meanwhile Palestinians did a good job showing how disgusting they are by celebrating the kidnap and murder of those three innocent teens.
What happened before the kidnapping, Hasbara?

"Israel has commenced full-scale warfare on the people of Gaza.

"The recent tensions began about six weeks ago when Israeli forces abducted 17 Palestinian teenage boys in the occupied West Bank.

"Then, on June 12, three Israeli teenagers were abducted in the southern West Bank; Israel blamed Hamas.

"After the three youths were found dead, a group of Israelis tortured and killed a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem. Finally, on July 7, Israel launched a large military operation dubbed 'Operation Protective Edge' in the Gaza Strip."

Bibi was boxed in when Hamas and Fatah formed their unity government and Europe went along.

He used the murder/kidnapping as another in a long lone of excuses to avoid negotiating land for peace

Zionism is a colonizing adventure, remember.

Marjorie Cohn | Israel Inflicts Illegal Collective Punishment on Gaza
The Gaza open air Israeli prison camp is one of the most densely populated places on the planet. So the Hamas freedom fighters have no choice but to launch their home made rockets from urban areas.

Hamas doesn't have any aircraft, tanks, heavy weapons, or artillery. So the fight is totally one sided.

But they are very brave patriots who refuse to surrender and become slaves to the zionists.

Hamas fighters will someday go down in history much like the 300 Spartans as epic heroic figures. .. :cool:
Gaza "open air prison" has hotels and beaches and cafés and restaurants. The problem with the open air prison is that it's leadership is an Islamic terrorist organization who's mission is to destroy Israel, and keeps firing rockets and commits all kinds of terrorist acts against the Israelis, provoking them into actions like we see today. Hamas also persecutes and oppresses its own people and kills and tortures those who disagree with their warped ideology.

In other words, HAMAS is the WARDEN of this open air prison. And in order for the Gazans to be free, they need to rid themselves of Hamas.

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