Hamas rejects ceasefire

Agreed, and Hamas does not want peace, only blood.

They want blood as long as it's someone else. Not the top dogs. Hell, no. Those boys don't get all in it. It's way better to BS and have other people do the dying and killing for them. They just collect the money from other nation states and don't really have to account for it. And nobody giving the money.............makes 'em.

Then there is the underground funding for their own little terrorist crap.

Yes, the money flows from Arab nations that will not cede an inch to Palestine.

The Palestinians receive aid from the US and other nations. That money will go to pay the "martyrs" a salary while they are in an Israeli prison. Most of the Arab nations don't give a damn about the Palestinians. Israel is the whipping boy for calls for unification but really.......they don't give a damn about the Palestinians.
They want blood as long as it's someone else. Not the top dogs. Hell, no. Those boys don't get all in it. It's way better to BS and have other people do the dying and killing for them. They just collect the money from other nation states and don't really have to account for it. And nobody giving the money.............makes 'em.

Then there is the underground funding for their own little terrorist crap.

Yes, the money flows from Arab nations that will not cede an inch to Palestine.

The Palestinians receive aid from the US and other nations. That money will go to pay the "martyrs" a salary while they are in an Israeli prison. Most of the Arab nations don't give a damn about the Palestinians. Israel is the whipping boy for calls for unification but really.......they don't give a damn about the Palestinians.

Throwing them millions to keep the war going, yes.
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.
Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison camp.

Israel controls all entrances and exits with armed guards and guard towers. And can refuse transit at any time.

Israel will not allow Gaza to build an airport or a deep water port for commercial shipping.

Israel controls the water supply to Gaza.......which it regularly cuts off.

Israel refuses to allow Gaza to build it's own electrical power stations.

Although Gaza is next to the sea. Israel only allows the Gaza fisher men to fish on a tiny 2 mile by 3 mile piece of water. While surrounded by IDF navy gun boats.

Israel limits building supplies such as cement and piping for home construction.

I could easily list a 100 more items. .. :doubt:
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.
Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison camp.

Israel controls all entrances and exits with armed guards and guard towers. And can refuse transit at any time.

Israel will not allow Gaza to build an airport or a deep water port for commercial shipping.

Israel controls the water supply to Gaza.......which it regularly cuts off.

Israel refuses to allow Gaza to build it's own electrical power stations.

Although Gaza is next to the sea. Israel only allows the Gaza fisher men to fish on a tiny 2 mile by 3 mile piece of water. While surrounded by IDF navy gun boats.

Israel limits building supplies such as cement and piping for home construction.

I could easily list a 100 more items. .. :doubt:

The rockets fired by Hamas have much to do with that, negotiate, don't bomb at will.
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.
Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison camp.

Israel controls all entrances and exits with armed guards and guard towers. And can refuse transit at any time.

Israel will not allow Gaza to build an airport or a deep water port for commercial shipping.

Israel controls the water supply to Gaza.......which it regularly cuts off.

Israel refuses to allow Gaza to build it's own electrical power stations.

Although Gaza is next to the sea. Israel only allows the Gaza fisher men to fish on a tiny 2 mile by 3 mile piece of water. While surrounded by IDF navy gun boats.

Israel limits building supplies such as cement and piping for home construction.

I could easily list a 100 more items. .. :doubt:

Seems to me Isreal is being prudent; if another nation lobbed missiles in the our country, that nation would cease to exist.
Yes, the money flows from Arab nations that will not cede an inch to Palestine.

The Palestinians receive aid from the US and other nations. That money will go to pay the "martyrs" a salary while they are in an Israeli prison. Most of the Arab nations don't give a damn about the Palestinians. Israel is the whipping boy for calls for unification but really.......they don't give a damn about the Palestinians.

Throwing them millions to keep the war going, yes.

The Law of the Prisoner narrowly delineates just who is entitled to receive an official salary. In a recent interview, Ministry of Prisoners spokesman Amr Nasser read aloud that definition: “A detainee is each and every person who is in an Occupation prison based on his or her participation in the resistance to Occupation.” This means crimes against Israel or Israelis. Nasser was careful to explain, “It does not include common-law thieves and burglars. They are not included and are not part of the mandate of the Ministry.”

Under a sliding scale, carefully articulated in the Law of the Prisoner, the more heinous the act of terrorism and the longer the prison sentence, the higher is the salary. Detention for up to three years fetches a salary of almost $400 per month. Prisoners incarcerated between three and five years will be paid about $560 monthly — a compensation level already higher than that for many ordinary West Bank jobs. Sentences of 10 to 15 years fetch salaries of about $1,690 per month. More severe acts of terrorism, those punished with sentences between 15 and 20 years, earn almost $2,000 per month. These are the best salaries in the Palestinian territories. The Arabic word ratib, meaning “salary,” is the official term for this compensation. The law ensures the greatest financial reward for the most egregious acts of terrorism.

In the Palestinian community, the salaries are no secret — they are publicly hailed in public speeches and special TV reports. From time to time, the salaries are augmented with special additional financial incentives. For example, in 2009, a $150-per-prisoner bonus was approved to mark the religious holiday of Eid al-Adha. President Mahmoud Abbas also directed that an extra $190 “be added to the stipends given to Palestinians affiliated with PLO factions in Israeli prisons this month.” Reporting on the additional emolument, the Palestinian news service Ma’an explained, “Each PLO-affiliated prisoner [already] receives [a special allocation of] $238 per month, plus an extra $71 if they are married, and an extra $12 for each child. The stipend is paid by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) each month.”

About 6 percent of the Palestinian budget is diverted to terrorist salaries. All this money comes from so-called “donor countries” such as the United States, Great Britain, Norway, and Denmark. Palestinian officials have reacted with defiance to any foreign governmental effort to end the salaries. “Deputy Minister of Prisoners Affairs Ziyad Abu Ein declared to the satellite TV network Hona Al-Quds: ‘If the financial assistance and support to the PA are stopped, the [payment of] salaries (rawatib) and allowances (mukhassasat) to Palestinian prisoners will not be stopped, whatever the cost may be. The prisoners are our joy. We will sacrifice everything for them and continue to provide for their families.”
How American taxpayers are funding Palestinian terrorism | The Times of Israel
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.

And those rockets are aimed at population centers also.
The Hamas Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel. They will never accept a peace settlement with Israel under any conditions. They kidnap and murder 3 Israeli teens.
Please provide any links where there is evidence that Hamas murdered the 3 Israeli teens?

Israeli police haven't charged anyone with the crime.

And so far no suspects have been named. . :doubt:
Yeah they're in hiding. Meanwhile Palestinians did a good job showing how disgusting they are by celebrating the kidnap and murder of those three innocent teens.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:

So you walk into a bar,find the toughest looking guy,slap his face then blubber when you get your ass kicked?

The ineffectiveness of Hammas rockets is irrelevant.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:

But still have claimed lives ,if only they had killed more?
If the UN awarded China the U.S. and they took control of our country.

And then China relocated all American citizens to one state........lets say Ohio.....and then built a wall around the state with guard towers and restricted entry and exit.

For how many years would the American's resist the Chinese occupiers and try to get their country back? .. :cool:

The people of Gaza are not in prison, so your apples and oranges example is a failure.
Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison camp.

Israel controls all entrances and exits with armed guards and guard towers. And can refuse transit at any time.

Israel will not allow Gaza to build an airport or a deep water port for commercial shipping.

Israel controls the water supply to Gaza.......which it regularly cuts off.

Israel refuses to allow Gaza to build it's own electrical power stations.

Although Gaza is next to the sea. Israel only allows the Gaza fisher men to fish on a tiny 2 mile by 3 mile piece of water. While surrounded by IDF navy gun boats.

Israel limits building supplies such as cement and piping for home construction.

I could easily list a 100 more items. .. :doubt:

That is because Gaza can become a real danger to Israel. It's their own fault.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:

Then why does Hamas keep firing them? Why would Hamas reject a cease fire if Palestinians are suffering?
The rockets would kill, but for Israels defensive shield and their early warning system. Especialy when
they are fired at population centers, innacurate as they may be. If Hammas didnt think they could kill, they
wouldnt be firing them. Though 160 approx palestinians have died, it was from 1200 Israeli Air strikes, as of the latest i had read. That shows they are not firing indiscriminately but trying to pick out targets that are military
Then why does Hamas keep firing them? Why would Hamas reject a cease fire if Palestinians are suffering?
Watch this video and it will answer your question about why the Palestinian people resist the brutal Israeli apartheid.

It shows how they are treated in the West Bank......the people in Gaza have it a hundred times worse. .. :doubt:

[ame=http://youtu.be/osocIWakOp4]Living under occupation: Daily Life in Occupied Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
The rockets would kill, but for Israels defensive shield and their early warning system. Especialy when
they are fired at population centers, innacurate as they may be. If Hammas didnt think they could kill, they
wouldnt be firing them. Though 160 approx palestinians have died, it was from 1200 Israeli Air strikes, as of the latest i had read. That shows they are not firing indiscriminately but trying to pick out targets that are military

As I wrote, Israel fights better.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:
Yeah right. That home made rockets crap doesn't quite cut it any longer, when Hamas is shooting them all over Israel and aiming them at Israel nuclear power plants. Quite simply, it's false propaganda.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:

July 2014 witnssed yet another escalation in HAMAS rocket capabilities with the introduction of the new longer range Khaibar-1 M302 rocket, capable of targetting much of the Israeli population. On March 5, 2014 the Israeli Navy intercepted a shipment of “dozens” of rockets identified as “M-302" rockets aboard a cargo ship name the Klos-C in the Red Sea. The rockets were being shipped from Syria to Iran and destine for Sudan where they could be taken through Egypt to Gaza.

The M-302 rocket is a Syrian-made munition that can launch a 375-pound warhead as far as 125 miles. According to Israeli media reports, the model intercepted on March 6, 2014 was an A302, which is five meters long and with a total weight of 500 kilograms. It has a range of 90 kilometers and carries a 170 kilogram warhead.
HAMAS Rockets
Egypt's Junta is giving Israel a hand
Egypt's junta proposed truce between Palestinian resistance and Israel. The proposed truce completely adopting Israeli conditions. Israel's condition is long-term "quiet-for-quiet" with preserving the siege over Gaza. Meanwhile, Palestinian factions are conditioning to end the siege over Gaza Strip and to stop settlers' assaults in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and to release the recently arrested Palestinian prisoners.

The Egyptian suggestion is, in fact, an original copy of the Israeli conditions and it includes a major condition with details; cessation of hostilities in specified time presumed by Egypt's junta. Nevertheless, the proposed truce did not mention the Israeli comprehensive siege over Gaza. Israel ruined Gaza's airport and prevented port's rebuilding.
The Arab World 360°

Israel, of course accepted immediately I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶ Egypt's proposed truce (they didn't even bother to send a copy to Gaza)
And when it was rejected By Hammas, Israel can State, Look we really did try for a ceasefire But they rejected it
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