Handicap placards for drivers: neighbor's daughter got using Mom's placard for special parking

can a family member use the handicap parking placard without the person to whom it was issued

  • yes

  • no

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I gather quite a fine is going to be the result along with a warning to the Mom: if it is misused again, Mom loses her handicap privileges.

How do you feel about it? Should any member of a family who has a disabled person with the blue parking handicap privilege be able to use it?

One of my cousins says yes.

A brother says no.

I think I agree with my brother.

What say you?

I say, if you have one hanging from your mirror, limp when outside the car. :laugh:
To me, them spots should be for those who really need them. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I voted no, but to play Devils advocate for a minute, have you ever gone to the store or a business and noted that there are a number of handicap spaces available but seldom used, but close parking places are hard to come by? Would it piss you off if a person with a handicap placard is taking up one of the few prime parking spots instead of the designated spot and because of that you have to park in outer Mongolia in the rain?

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