Handy list of all those who will lose out under Republicare.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) | Twitter

Our debt will go up! More sick and dying people. I see no upside to this piece of shit replacement from the republicans.
I'd have to say I favor the legislation but at this point I doubt any of us has their own opinion. Things I want to further learn about is affect on employers, employees and retirees. Plus the so-called Cadillac Tax is something I didn't quite get in the old plan and I wonder is it something I can just forget about in the new plan? So, while I trust the GOP more than the Democrats, I'll have to check it out and not trust lists like the OP or my own blind judgement.
The only ones on the list that matters to Democrats are #1 on their list:

Democrats and the Democratic Party

Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) | Twitter

Our debt will go up! More sick and dying people. I see no upside to this piece of shit replacement from the republicans.
You can take your socialism and shove it up your ass, why don't you just want to keep it to yourself?

Obviously doesn't know about socialism... You know Obamacare is not socialism...

People pay for Obamacare and have choices within the private sector. Because the poor are helped a little doesn't make it socialism.

Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) | Twitter

Our debt will go up! More sick and dying people. I see no upside to this piece of shit replacement from the republicans.
You can take your socialism and shove it up your ass, why don't you just want to keep it to yourself?

Obviously doesn't know about socialism... You know Obamacare is not socialism...
Yeah really it is

The vast majority of the wealth on this planet is sitting in nations that are social democracies with some level of socialism within the economy. It is a proven fact...It is also morally wrong to allow someone to suffer.

Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) | Twitter

Our debt will go up! More sick and dying people. I see no upside to this piece of shit replacement from the republicans.
You can take your socialism and shove it up your ass, why don't you just want to keep it to yourself?

Obviously doesn't know about socialism... You know Obamacare is not socialism...
Yeah really it is

The vast majority of the wealth on this planet is sitting in nations that are social democracies with some level of socialism within the economy. It is a proven fact...It is also morally wrong to allow someone to suffer.
There is no such thing as individuality and freedom in a socialist society… fact

Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) | Twitter

Our debt will go up! More sick and dying people. I see no upside to this piece of shit replacement from the republicans.
You can take your socialism and shove it up your ass, why don't you just want to keep it to yourself?

Obviously doesn't know about socialism... You know Obamacare is not socialism...

Of course it is dumbass. Anytime the taxpayers are forced to "subsidize" others its socialism.
why dont yall call for congress to pay their own bills and why does trump have health care provided by taxpayers...why does congress have it?

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