

May 13, 2011
A new movie set to be released in theaters on January 20.....starring Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock...called Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
Looks very good....about 9/11.......anyone else see the previews??

Another one comes out January 27....starring Liam Neeson....called The Grey, looks good too!
For those wanting links....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_quK9SEGYE]Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpelgXUSquc&feature=relmfu]The Grey - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks zzzz......I should have prolly added those YT vids....*sigh*........just call me a lazy ass ~LoL~
Thanks zzzz......I should have prolly added those YT vids....*sigh*........just call me a lazy ass ~LoL~

Ahhhh, lazy. I find that people want to be delivered their food (information) without having to seek and find. Plus it helps your argument or idea if you can reinforce it with something visual. And yes I am only human too and if the link is not there may just pass on to something else. Not always though because sometimes I feel the need to assist some posters and sometimes to dispute a point that I believe they may be in error.

However the Tom Hanks movie looks good. I like most of his films anyway and its hard to pick just one but BIG has always been a fav of mine.
Tom Hanks is good.....he can go from the funny stuff like "Big"....to the more serious..."Castaway".....or "Green Mile"......but I remember him from wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy back, when he starred in the comedy sitcom "Bosom Buddies"
But Sandra Bullock happens to be my favorite actress.....so I will definitely be seeing this movie *smiles*
Extremely Loud looks like it might be good. From the little I've read about it, it's not so much about 9-11 as it is about the boy dealing with the death of his father, where 9-11 happens to be the cause.

The Grey....meh. Maybe it will be good (although I didn't see any fuzzy bears!) but I expect it to be nothing more than watchable. The kind of movie you aren't upset you spent a couple of hours watching, but you don't have the urge to see it again or recommend it. :D

Besides, 2012 is all about waiting to be disappointed by comic book movies! The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, the Spider-Man reboot.....plenty of big-budget comic book flicks to hope for and be upset by. :lol:
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close starts tomorrow!
I am really excited about seeing this movie........of course, I like going to the movie theater too!
We are going Saturday to see this one......I hope it's as awesome as the previews :)

I will report back...without giving away too much *smiles*
A few months back, they didn't have shit out for movies, now they have several.
Also starting tomorrow is Red Tails...that one looks good too.
Then next weekend is The Grey, with Liam Neeson, as I mentioned before.
There was another one too....starting this weekend, but the title escapes me.....
Tom Hanks is my absolute favorite actor. I once wrote a 13 page "essay" on him for fun. Im not crazy haha

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