Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

I disagree. Because of the Moral Panic and the lies and corruption of our so-called leaders, people simply do not know what they're had injected into them.

I disagree. They know exactly what was injected in them but because of disinformation and panic sown by the anti vaxxer crowd they don’t believe it. They won’t believe anything counter to what their leaders tell them. Whether it is about what is in the vaccines or the quack claims about medications like ivermectin.

You may be at peace with that, but some people might want to know that if they've had boosters, and are suffering the effects of a busted up immune system, corticosteroids might make things better.

First make a sound determination that there is a link between vaccination and the illness.

Or if they've had cancer, step up those screenings. A lot.

We’ve had vaccinations for 2 years now. Cancer from toxic exposures usually takes years to develop. I don’t see how you could make a link.
They know exactly what was injected in them

Most were led to believe it was a vaccine Coyote

start with that mis-info, and make your point please

people simply do not know what they're had injected into them

you'd think that not much to ask Sue

but all we have seen are those that trust the government that it' safe, and then those very same elements colluding to censor anything to the contrary

what they don't get is, that doesn't happen in free countries

They know exactly what was injected in them but because of disinformation and panic sown by the anti vaxxer crowd they don’t believe it.
Why is it Pfizer and Moderna and others won't release what is in the vax shots, then?

Peacefully protesting isn’t rioting, retard.

The world you live in...

The fact that he is everywhere on video doing bad things and he has never been arrested.

He is the one guy we can prove was inciting rioting and he gets a free pass.

A normal thinking person would ask why.
A normal thinking person would first try to verify the accuracy of the claims being made.

Instead, in order to avoid taking responsibility for what happened, the far right is latching on to anything they can to shift the blame and in the process, you are ruining peoples lives, the same way did election poll workers you falsely accused of crimes. (I’m using “you in a general sense).

Ray Epps is just an ordinary guy.

WASHINGTON — An Arizona man who became the target of online conspiracy theories after he joined protesters outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, told a House committee that he wasn't secretly working for the government during the attack and that the campaign against him has torn his life apart.

Epps told the Jan. 6 committee that the wasn't working for the CIA or the National Security Agency or the Washington Metropolitan Police Department.

“The only time I’ve been involved with the government was when I was a Marine in the United States Marine Corps," Epps said.

The theory that Epps was working for the FBI never made much sense, given that his image landed on an FBI poster immediately after the attack.

Epps, who was a supporter of former President Donald Trump, said in the interview released Thursday that his grandchildren were being "picked on at school" because of his actions. He has gotten death threats. His business dropped. People have shown up at his house.

"We had a tour bus come by our home and our business with all these whacked out people in it," Epps said. "There are good people out there that was in Washington. Those aren't the people that's coming by our house. This attracts — when they do this sort of thing, this attracts all the crazies out there."

The problem with conspiracy theories like these is innocent people get hurt and someday, someone will get killed. As it is, people’s lives are being destroyed and there is no accountability

A thinking person would ask:

Why is it Pfizer and Moderna and others won't release what is in the vax shots, then?

Most likely because it’s proprietary information, like many pharmaceut not yet generic. I do not think they are required to release a list of ingredients so why would they?
A normal thinking person would first try to verify the accuracy of the claims being made.

Ray Epps is just an ordinary guy.

That the same Ray Epps who Bennie Thompson said he'd release his deposition with the made for TV J6 Committee?

Where's the transcript?

Lovely article by NBC News, who already have been proven to be in bed with the WH and DNC.
Most likely because it’s proprietary information, like many pharmaceut not yet generic. I do not think they are required to release a list of ingredients so why would they?
OK, I'll buy that, but I have to ask, why did you say this:

They know exactly what was injected in them but because of disinformation and panic sown by the anti vaxxer crowd they don’t believe it.
A normal thinking person would first try to verify the accuracy of the claims being made.

Instead, in order to avoid taking responsibility for what happened, the far right is latching on to anything they can to shift the blame and in the process, you are ruining peoples lives, the same way did election poll workers you falsely accused of crimes. (I’m using “you in a general sense).

Ray Epps is just an ordinary guy.

WASHINGTON — An Arizona man who became the target of online conspiracy theories after he joined protesters outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, told a House committee that he wasn't secretly working for the government during the attack and that the campaign against him has torn his life apart.

Epps told the Jan. 6 committee that the wasn't working for the CIA or the National Security Agency or the Washington Metropolitan Police Department.

“The only time I’ve been involved with the government was when I was a Marine in the United States Marine Corps," Epps said.

The theory that Epps was working for the FBI never made much sense, given that his image landed on an FBI poster immediately after the attack.

Epps, who was a supporter of former President Donald Trump, said in the interview released Thursday that his grandchildren were being "picked on at school" because of his actions. He has gotten death threats. His business dropped. People have shown up at his house.

"We had a tour bus come by our home and our business with all these whacked out people in it," Epps said. "There are good people out there that was in Washington. Those aren't the people that's coming by our house. This attracts — when they do this sort of thing, this attracts all the crazies out there."

The problem with conspiracy theories like these is innocent people get hurt and someday, someone will get killed. As it is, people’s lives are being destroyed and there is no accountability

A thinking person would ask:

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Yeah, believe statements made by known liars, or believe the copious video of the prick breaking the law.

I will go with video for 10 billion, Alex.
Yeah, believe statements made by known liars, or believe the copious video of the prick breaking the law.

I will go with video for 10 billion, Alex.
Hold the phone......J6 said he's cool.

Only one of the J6 'seditious insurrectionists' who copped to breaking the law on video, admitted it to the FBI......and never was arrested.....he must be cool.

Remember when there were questions why Pelosi's phone records that day weren't part of the evidence / investigation?

Trust me Liz said they would be addressed......how'd that go?

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