Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

Come one Sue, communists don't want to talk about it.

Hyperbole doesn't cover for the disaster that might be your immune system, especially if you got boosters.

But fear is a powerful thing.
Yes. Fear is very powerful. But it sounds like are the one who is so afraid. Not me :)
Vaccination accomplished 20% of normal, intended vaccination uses.
Masks even less
Covid serious or worse in only 6% of those who got it.
Much ado hoax over very little.
This is incoherent. Why should I be afraid? I have had Covid twice, both mild, and did NOT get vaccinated.
You know what Sue, it’s all ok. You and I will both be just fine, because we made the choices that were right for us and that’s ok. I have yet to get Covid, and have had no ill effects from vaccination. You have had no vaccinations and only mild cases of Covid. I am completely at peace with my decision, and with yours. That’s freedom.
Vaccination accomplished 20% of normal, intended vaccination uses.
Masks even less
Covid serious or worse in only 6% of those who got it.
Much ado hoax over very little.
Hospitals were overwhelmed and health care providers burned out. You can’t ignore that.
You know what Sue, it’s all ok. You and I will both be just fine, because we made the choices that were right for us and that’s ok. I have yet to get Covid, and have had no ill effects from vaccination. You have had no vaccinations and only mild cases of Covid. I am completely at peace with my decision, and with yours. That’s freedom.
It's freedom to make your own choices, which is compromised by government censorship Coyote
It's freedom to make your own choices, which is compromised by government censorship Coyote

If your choices have an impact on tbe health and well-being of others, then it isn’t freedom for those others. Freedom comes with responsibilities. Just ask any criminal.
That is just….stupid. Sorry but a pig with lipstick is still a pig and that is a stupid thing to say. Your automatic response is to call us commies yet scream when others automatically call you racist.

What else are you if you support every socialist/communist policy. Stalin would be proud of you, Stalker...

Scientific debate is allowed, just don’t confuse pseudo science with science.
There was no scientific debate during the pandemic. You know how many renowned Doctors and Scientists were censored or were claimed to have been spreading misinformation?

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