Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

Speaking from your secure position in which God fearing soldier's during our great world wars has allowed you to say knee bender, should make you proud that your perceived and leftist created boogymen did exist in America, because without them you would be a slave working in a sweat shop for pennie's, otherwise while they enjoy the spoils of their world domination. Keep on acting stupid, because the world is learning fast, and soon America might end up like Twitter once it is taken over by our enemies, except that they won't be cleaning out the bad from it, they'll be cleaning out everyone who is American from it.

Biden has started the downfall on the border, you leftist have got it going on in other areas where as it's just a matter of time before the world crap hits the fan.
Neat. Cool story, Q.
They'll kill us all if they ever over take us, because they HATE us. Our problem is these days, is that we refuse to look at how we've acted in our own live's, and this as we make enemies out of everyone else with our arrogant smug better than thou attitude's we now have in a world gone mad. We no longer are the champion's of right, because we've chosen to do evil openly.
Yep, and this guy thinks they will keep the easy to influence around!
Ray Epps...Ray Epps...Ray Epps

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