Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

This is not going to suddenly make your embarrassing anti vaxx cult not embarrassing.

The tweet you don't understand was a nice touch in showing everyone you have absolutely no idea what is in the release you just started a thread about.
This is not going to suddenly make your embarrassing anti vaxx cult not embarrassing.

The tweet you don't understand was a nice touch in showing everyone you have absolutely no idea what is in the release you just started a thread about.

I'm grateful I'm what you call "anti-vax"

See my latest thread on IgG4 and boosters.

Also...good luck
Ba ha ha ha you took the vaccine? Good luck with that!
:dunno: I’m fine. Haven’t started glowing in the dark, no limbs dropping off randomly as I stumble down the street looking for my zombie buddies…but damn, every now and then I get this insatiable craving for human flesh. I blame that on social media, not the vax.
Denial ain't always going to work just so you know... Stick around to J3 and beyond, unless y'all done got those official's targeted with your ladies of the night accusations or maybe a little black book or other bull shite you demon's love whipping out in order to get your opponents off your ace's.
Blah blah blah. No point here.

That's exactly why the left has scampered to normalize every kind of sin they can think of, otherwise in order to then go after their rivals with some sort higher yet immoral set of new leftist acceptable standards in which they think won't ever bode well for the ones who haven't adopted them yet, and never will.....Yep the leftist are hiding behind their new secure feelings that are found in their newly normalized bull shite and brainwashing that is now flooding the leftist communities in a political powerful way... It won't last though, it never does, because going against the grain can't last before the chain finally dulls out.
What sins are we normalizing? I have no idea what you’re rambling about in this mess. You’ve gone completely off the rails.

Brilliant I must say, just brilliant the tactic they have come up with, but very devilish indeed.
Blah blah blah. Still no coherent point.
The red wave was ore like light spotting
Slow down and write letter by letter, then maybe your kindergarten diploma will show up by snail mail.. Won't you be so happy.... LOL
Off you go. Right on schedule. :)

You guys seem to follow the same routine:

1) Say something stupid that sounds cool in your head.

2) Make vague statements when called out on stupid claims.

3) Call the other person stupid for not understanding your mysteriously vague claims.

4) Scamper off.
I gave very clear, and concise answers, but you are such a little child, you keep on sticking your fingers in your ears, and saying I can't hear you. Come back when you can engage in adult conversation!
I gave very clear, and concise answers, but you are such a little child, you keep on sticking your fingers in your ears, and saying I can't hear you. Come back when you can engage in adult conversation!
Back to 3 and then you’re going to scamper away again.

I asked you who “they” is that you said is going to kill me and you refused to answer. I’ve noticed that you guys hate to be questioned on the stupid nonsense you say. It makes you very uncomfortable and then very predictable.

Watch. You’re going to claim that you already answered that instead of just answering it. Go on.
Back to 3 and then you’re going to scamper away again.

I asked you who “they” is that you said is going to kill me and you refused to answer. I’ve noticed that you guys hate to be questioned on the stupid nonsense you say. It makes you very uncomfortable and then very predictable.

Watch. You’re going to claim that you already answered that instead of just answering it. Go on.
I am going answer this question and then YOU can get bent! The Global cabal, is who is going to kill you, they will no longer need you to continue to bleat like a sheep!
I am going answer this question and then YOU can get bent! The Global cabal, is who is going to kill you, they will no longer need you to continue to bleat like a sheep!
Look at how hard it is to get you guys to answer direct questions. So finally we’re at the point where you claim that the global cabal is going to kill me.

Where are you getting this? Do you have a source for this nonsense? It sounds like some kind of Qanon crap.
Look at how hard it is to get you guys to answer direct questions. So finally we’re at the point where you claim that the global cabal is going to kill me.

Where are you getting this? Do you have a source for this nonsense? It sounds like some kind of Qanon crap.
See this is why no one want to converse with you I give you the answer and you act like a dick! Have fun talking to yourself!
See this is why no one want to converse with you I give you the answer and you act like a dick! Have fun talking to yourself!
Step 4: scamper away. Right on schedule.

I'm simply asking you where you got your nonsense claim that the global cabal is going to kill me. If you can't handle having your idiotic claims questioned and scrutinized, then that's your problem.
Look at how hard it is to get you guys to answer direct questions. So finally we’re at the point where you claim that the global cabal is going to kill me.

Where are you getting this? Do you have a source for this nonsense? It sounds like some kind of Qanon crap.
You think China or Russia or many other's who might team up in a globalist cabal against us, are going to let certain things go on if they were to get lucky in a full scale attack or a buy out that might ultimately take us over ???

Are they bragging that they got us because of our wokety woke shite going on in this country ?? Didn't Xi already put a clamp down on woke shite in his country ? I think Russia is touting that restriction also on the woke stuff.
You think China or Russia or many other's who might team up in a globalist cabal against us, are going to let certain things go on if they were to get lucky in a full scale attack or a buy out that might ultimately take us over ???

Are they bragging that they got us because of our wokety woke shite going on in this country ?? Didn't Xi already put a clamp down on woke shite in his country ? I think Russia is touting that restriction also on the woke stuff.
So do you also think the global cabal is going to kill me?

A simple yes or no will be sufficient.

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