Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

The neo-marxist groomers need to live in the shadows. Any actual discussion about their agenda reveals that they're filthy fucking animals that don't deserve to live in this country.

I think the entire planet gets it at this point.
This reminds me of an old song, 'Green Door' of course lots of things remind me of songs.:).

Do any of you remember the Bolshevik's and Russia under Stalin? Millions were killed.
I don't really know much about this but I do know Putin has got in over his head it seems.

Twitter is just another forum.

Green Door? Damn, you are old. I remember that song. :laughing0301:
The neo-marxist groomers need to live in the shadows. Any actual discussion about their agenda reveals that they're filthy fucking animals that don't deserve to live in this country.

I think the entire planet gets it at this point.
George Santos

Nothing happened after the Steele Dossier

Or the "Mueller report"

Nothing happened after the J6 Committee

So great. I accept your terms.

Well, Trump is going to be indicted, so that is something.

That both the Trump and Biden Administration asked social media to limit Covid misinformation is a nothingburger.
The stuttering fuck had his storm troopers embedded in the Twat. That burger needs some harsh punishment.

Imagine the nerdy snowflakes being scared shitless of those deranged thugs, one floor up, monitoring and altering the content. No wonder they needed meditation pods and support hamsters. The whole thing is fucking twisted. Some long prison sentences will put the democracy back on track.

What is most funny to me is you think because you carry their water, they will excuse you from their grip! The Useful idiots are the first to be rounded up, that is you, congrats
Let’s try being specific. There’s that word again. You guys hate it when I used that word. Specific. What, specifically, do you mean when you say I will be the first to be rounded up? What, specifically, is it that you think is going to happen?

This probably sounded better in your head. Now you’re going to scamper off without providing specific details to the nonsense you’re pushing.
Let’s try being specific. There’s that word again. You guys hate it when I used that word. Specific. What, specifically, do you mean when you say I will be the first to be rounded up? What, specifically, is it that you think is going to happen?

This probably sounded better in your head. Now you’re going to scamper off without providing specific details to the nonsense you’re pushing.
I mean you will be pushed aside after pushing their agenda have you no clue what things mean. It means because you were so stupid as to follow them they may end that gene pool. Now, act all appalled like it couldn't happen we are talking about evil! Now Scamper off
I mean you will be pushed aside after pushing their agenda have you no clue what things mean. It means because you were so stupid as to follow them they may end that gene pool. Now, act all appalled like it couldn't happen we are talking about evil! Now Scamper off
Lots of vague comments. Walk me through the bullshit that you’re trying to say. You guys always struggle with making specific claims.

“Pushed aside”, “end the gene pool”. I don’t think either of us knows what the hell you’re trying to say. Put your big boy pants on and say what you mean. Walk me through it.

You guys seem to follow the same routine:

1) Say something stupid that sounds cool in your head.

2) Make vague statements when called out on stupid claims.

3) Call the other person stupid for not understanding your mysteriously vague claims.

4) Scamper off.

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