Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!


Here, August 2022. 58% of deaths among the vaccinated and boosted. Only 42% of those are unvaccinated.


Did the vaccines just not work as advertised or what?

Compliance. That is what got us all where we are now. If it tickles ones ear, one will continue to comply. For example..tiktok. Owned by the chinese. A front. A way to involve themselves in our business...government and otherwise. Yet people flock to tiktok, join, and not care they are feeding the enemy because it "tickles their ears"...i.e. is their entertainment so to speak.

Meanwhile, thousands are dying, wuhan is still being funded by our government, money is being fed to the Ukraine that also has bio weapon labs, Biden and Co are still getting richer and nobody will ever see the inside of a jail cell. Ever. So....we sit and wait until it our turn to die as we share vids and posts and memes from tiktok and other ways we all contribute to our own downfall.
Nothing happened after the Steele Dossier

Or the "Mueller report"

Nothing happened after the J6 Committee

So great. I accept your terms.
And you guys called those nothingburgers. So then you can call this a nothingburger as well.

Awesome, glad we agree.

This reminds me of an old song, 'Green Door' of course lots of things remind me of songs.:).

Do any of you remember the Bolshevik's and Russia under Stalin? Millions were killed.
I don't really know much about this but I do know Putin has got in over his head it seems.

Twitter is just another forum.

I didn’t say that I would leave the country.
Oh really now, so you mean the same red wave you and your pals were pissing and moaning about so badly, wouldn't make you want to leave the country if it had happened eh ??? Well you just lost your liberal leftist idiot card then... 😂
Oh really now, so you mean the same red wave you and your pals were pissing and moaning about so badly, wouldn't make you want to leave the country if it had happened eh ???
Correct. I’m not going anywhere. Never said I was.

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