Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

:dunno: I’m fine. Haven’t started glowing in the dark, no limbs dropping off randomly as I stumble down the street looking for my zombie buddies…but damn, every now and then I get this insatiable craving for human flesh. I blame that on social media, not the vax.

Hyperbole doesn't cover for the disaster that might be your immune system, especially if you got boosters.

But fear is a powerful thing.
Back to 3 and then you’re going to scamper away again.

I asked you who “they” is that you said is going to kill me and you refused to answer. I’ve noticed that you guys hate to be questioned on the stupid nonsense you say. It makes you very uncomfortable and then very predictable.

Watch. You’re going to claim that you already answered that instead of just answering it. Go on.

I don't know what all this is but you seem to think the FBI, CIA and etc interfering with what Americans can say is no big deal.

That's repulsive, frankly. Well, not if you're a Soviet apparatchik. But if you're American, yeah.
You antivaxxers are a testament to that.
Screenshot 2022-12-24 150917.png
Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

Old News don't done die young.But with a snarky hangover.
The kind that requires more than a mere afternoon nap.
Biden { nasty-assed compulsive LIAR } is not a joke.
He's the closest thing to a - Mutiny on the Bounty - Captain Bligh.
However nasty and sadistic Captain Bligh was,he also knew how
to Sail and traverse the Seas.Biden only knows one thing.To LIE
and push his weight around.Worse than any schoolyard bully
because even a schoolyard bully may have to take a good sock
in the kisser when picking fights.Biden is exempt.WHY ?
Eventually it will become known.
Think of Trump as if Fletcher Christian - Mutiny on the Bounty -
Played with true grit by the best of American actors { Clark Gable
and then Marlon Brando }.
Absolutely right, and here we are attacking our own system in favor of a globalist one, in which Canada and other's are already heading for like a run away freight train. We're already finding out the bad in it all, but just like we've seen being ignored by the leftist cabal in favor of, they are taking us there even faster than a run away freight train.

If we aren't careful we will spiral right down the toilet bowl with them.
This is Historic.Trump acted with concerned care.Believeing what
the Experts were entrusted in telling the public.Like Dr. Fauci
and Dr. Birx.Who were seldom 100 % honest in their pleas
about Covid-19.In fact,more like around 50 % honest and
50 % driven by an agenda.I think Deborah Birx somehat gave
away the farm with her 2020 Book - Silent Invasion - or
{ The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19,
and Preventing the Next Pandemic before it's Too Late. }
Well Geez Louize how comforting.A little late thar ain't ya ...
Miss always wearing some bright Silk scarf.To match her hair
or outfit.As Trump { Just our President } stood by with a serious
ear and standing-up as tall as a Mountain.Listening and being
professional.Like a lot of good all dat done did.
Then ya gots the most disreputably one-sided Woke pile
of written scumbagger writing from - The Atlantic -.
" The most revealing pandemic book yet ".
About on par with the classic - Animal Farm -
Eh ... Herr Goebbels
I don't know what all this is but you seem to think the FBI, CIA and etc interfering with what Americans can say is no big deal.

That's repulsive, frankly. Well, not if you're a Soviet apparatchik. But if you're American, yeah.
I didn’t say any of that. This guy says that the global cabal is going to kill me.

He went off the rails.
So do you also think the global cabal is going to kill me?

A simple yes or no will be sufficient.
They'll kill us all if they ever over take us, because they HATE us. Our problem is these days, is that we refuse to look at how we've acted in our own live's, and this as we make enemies out of everyone else with our arrogant smug better than thou attitude's we now have in a world gone mad. We no longer are the champion's of right, because we've chosen to do evil openly.
They'll kill us all if they ever over take us, because they HATE us. Our problem is these days, is that we refuse to look at how we've acted in our own live's, and this as we make enemies out of everyone else with our arrogant smug better than thou attitude's we now have in a world gone mad. We no longer are the champion's of right, because we've chosen to do evil openly.
A simple “yes” would have sufficed, Q.
And this idiot is still upset that Ray Epps isn’t in prison.

Wont happen and he will continue to whine about it even though the thread topic has nothing to do with him.

Very sad.
The thread topic indicates a series of Twitter action's, therefore COVID being yet another one of those action's, so anything to do with Twitter is open territory at this point. So yes what about Ray Epps leftist ?
The thread topic indicates a series of Twitter action's, therefore COVID being yet another one of those action's, so anything to do with Twitter is open territory at this point. So yes what about Ray Epps leftist ?
I’m guessing you think Ray Epps is/was an undercover FBI agent.

Oh, that’s just a chair. Sorry about that, Q.
Speaking from your secure position in which God fearing soldier's during our great world wars has allowed you to say knee bender, should make you proud that your perceived and leftist created boogymen did exist in America, because without them you would be a slave working in a sweat shop for pennie's, otherwise while they enjoy the spoils of their world domination. Keep on acting stupid, because the world is learning fast, and soon America might end up like Twitter once it is taken over by our enemies, except that they won't be cleaning out the bad from it, they'll be cleaning out everyone who is American from it.

Biden has started the downfall on the border, you leftist have got it going on in other areas where as it's just a matter of time before the world crap hits the fan.

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