Happening Now! Thousands Upon Thousands At Trump Rally In Texas As Refitted Trump Force One Jet Makes Debut

Anything is better than what we have now.


And, of course, this is where you blame everyone except the GOP who have ran Texas wall to wall for 30 years.

HaHaHa, A criminal law firm is a reputable source? Try again moron.
If some people traveled in an airplane like this, we would think it arrogant or show off. But Donald J. Trump is one of a kind, imminently successful in business, a self-made billionaire--no he didn't have to start from scratch as some do, but most of his success is all his personal know how and effort. He is who he is, he has never flaunted his wealth as making him more important than anybody else, but neither has he downplayed it or apologized for it or pretended he was 'poor' as some politicians do. And he has done a LOT of wonderful things with it.

But unlike those who pretend to care about those with less but never seem to get around to making their lives better, Trump has an uncanny ability to put himself on the same level with anybody and just connects. His instincts are brilliant. And he demonstrated brilliantly that he can raise all boats by treating Americans as Americans, everybody the same, instead of dividing us into special interest groups or victimized constituencies.

He is who he is. And "Trump Force One" just somehow suits him.

If some people traveled in an airplane like this, we would think it arrogant or show off. But Donald J. Trump is one of a kind, imminently successful in business, a self-made billionaire--no he didn't have to start from scratch as some do, but most of his success is all his personal know how and effort. He is who he is, he has never flaunted his wealth as making him more important than anybody else, but neither has he downplayed it or apologized for it or pretended he was 'poor' as some politicians do. And he has done a LOT of wonderful things with it.

But unlike those who pretend to care about those with less but never seem to get around to making their lives better, Trump has an uncanny ability to put himself on the same level with anybody and just connects. His instincts are brilliant. And he demonstrated brilliantly that he can raise all boats by treating Americans as Americans, everybody the same, instead of dividing us into special interest groups or victimized constituencies.

He is who he is. And "Trump Force One" just somehow suits him.

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Save some kool-aid for the rest of the MAGA turds.

Six bankruptcies.
Yes, like many business owners, they use the bankruptcy laws to get rid of debt so they can reestablish making profits again. Happens every day in the corporate world.
Yep... its how the rich stiff their vendors. It's also the hallmark of a failure at business.
Shows how brave he is defying the criminals at hand by showing up on their turf.
Earlier you were calling the criminals in Robstown "patriots"...what changed?

Two reasons the blob oozed into Robstown.

Cheap rents and close to the airport.
It's nothing but God loving patriotic American patriots attending right now. Yes my friends, WE are taking this country back. WE will complete Trump's goal to fundamentally turn this country into a Nationalist/ Populist America First Nation. It's time to return to our founders roots which set the stepping stone to preserve our rich cultural White European heritage and traditions that has sustained our sovereignty which is now in peril due to the actions of a Usurper in the oval office.

Live feed.

TWS much?

And, of course, this is where you blame everyone except the GOP who have ran Texas wall to wall for 30 years.


Wow. It's a very violent town of 11,000. Why would Lubbock, Robstown and those other cities have a 30% increase in violent crime? Aren't they red state?
Wow. It's a very violent town of 11,000. Why would Lubbock, Robstown and those other cities have a 30% increase in violent crime? Aren't they red state?

Well, the governor of the state--an expert on crime--wants to outlaw all abortions.

When asked about an exception for rape victims who are impregnated by their attackers, his response was that he would "outlaw rape" and it wouldn't be a factor.

Well, the governor of the state--an expert on crime--wants to outlaw all abortions.

When asked about an exception for rape victims who are impregnated by their attackers, his response was that he would "outlaw rape" and it wouldn't be a factor.

What a brain dead Neanderthal he is.
been hearing that since i wore short pants.....

the reganista battle cry

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I have never been offered a job by a poor person.

I don't know anybody who has been hired by a poor person.

86% of millionaires in this country started out in families who were poor and/or of modest means, i.e. are entirely self made. While these represent a higher percentage of college graduates than the national average, only about half of those with college degrees have advanced degrees, and almost one fourth of millionaires do not have college degrees. With extremely few exceptions, all took real subjects that prepared them to compete in school and did not major in easier 'fluff' subjects.

But the millionaires and the lesser rich are those that make a thriving economy, opportunity, choices possible for the rest of us. They don't share their wealth with us and shouldn't, but it is mostly them who make it possible for us to prosper. It is up to us to use our brains, ability, creativity, work ethic to utilize the opportunities provided to support ourselves and perhaps become rich ourselves. Even the entrepreneurs need people with jobs to buy the products and services they have to sell.

That is what 'trickle down' really means. I personally think it is a bad metaphor, but it is certainly not a perjorative or empty philosophy.

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