Happiness in Islam

The angels of karma guide you into circumstances that will face you with dealing with things that advance your spiritual evolution. This based on qualities you lacked from previous incarnations. One thing that's going on in the world today is the development of intellect, rather than spiritual development. Most of us are in an age of reason
although there are backward cultures in the world that are more emotionally than rationally driven. These different cultures seem to be colliding at the moment, and that is one way we all learn. The evolved have to deal with the unevolved as we are all mixed together on one planet. In higher realms we are separated into different planes of experience, and lower souls cannot enter higher planes. But the earth is a melting pot.

All experience of past incarnations is stored in the soul body, and our innate character is a manifestation of the state of our soul. We have certain predispositions that direct what we are likely to do and when we act it causes more reactions. Each lifetime is a continuation of the development of our souls evolution. We may be led into circumstances that tempt us to fail to see if we have really learned past lessons.
The angels of karma guide you into circumstances that will face you with dealing with things that advance your spiritual evolution. This based on qualities you lacked from previous incarnations. One thing that's going on in the world today is the development of intellect, rather than spiritual development. Most of us are in an age of reason
although there are backward cultures in the world that are more emotionally than rationally driven. These different cultures seem to be colliding at the moment, and that is one way we all learn. The evolved have to deal with the unevolved as we are all mixed together on one planet. In higher realms we are separated into different planes of experience, and lower souls cannot enter higher planes. But the earth is a melting pot.

All experience of past incarnations is stored in the soul body, and our innate character is a manifestation of the state of our soul. We have certain predispositions that direct what we are likely to do and when we act it causes more reactions. Each lifetime is a continuation of the development of our souls evolution. We may be led into circumstances that tempt us to fail to see if we have really learned past lessons.
So then you are saying it magically happens then.

Would you like for me to explain how Christians believe this should work because it isn't as simple as Christ died for our sins like you think? It is a little more complicated than that and way more practical than what you are saying. We are actually expected to be able to progress as human beings in this life time and not kick the can down the road to the next lifetime.
On the subject of reincarnation that is applicable to this thread, if all actions and reactions have to be accounted for then the soul of Muhammad must be facing an unbearable burden of karma. For all the wars he started, and the wars still going on because of him, his soul is accountable. Such a burden as Muhammad carries is far worse than even Hitler. Because we destroyed the Nazis, but we are still fighting Islamic fanatics, and will be for a long time to come.
If the soul of Muhammad had to face the full burden of his karma it would surely drive him mad. Which is one reason we reincarnate, so that we forget our past lives, and what we have done. We only experience a small amount of life's troubles at any one time, and do not have to carry the entire burden of our souls past actions.
On the subject of reincarnation that is applicable to this thread, if all actions and reactions have to be accounted for then the soul of Muhammad must be facing an unbearable burden of karma. For all the wars he started, and the wars still going on because of him, his soul is accountable. Such a burden as Muhammad carries is far worse than even Hitler. Because we destroyed the Nazis, but we are still fighting Islamic fanatics, and will be for a long time to come.
If the soul of Muhammad had to face the full burden of his karma it would surely drive him mad. Which is one reason we reincarnate, so that we forget our past lives, and what we have done. We only experience a small amount of life's troubles at any one time, and do not have to carry the entire burden of our souls past actions.
On this subject... have you ever read Huston Smith's Illustrated World Religions? Great book. He portrayed each religion in its best light. He said that we should not be expected to understand the faith of another that is not our own, but if we remember that they are human beings like ourselves, that we need not miserably fail. I found those words to be very profound and I have tried my best to live my life by them. I am better off for it too.
On the subject of reincarnation that is applicable to this thread, if all actions and reactions have to be accounted for then the soul of Muhammad must be facing an unbearable burden of karma. For all the wars he started, and the wars still going on because of him, his soul is accountable. Such a burden as Muhammad carries is far worse than even Hitler. Because we destroyed the Nazis, but we are still fighting Islamic fanatics, and will be for a long time to come.
If the soul of Muhammad had to face the full burden of his karma it would surely drive him mad. Which is one reason we reincarnate, so that we forget our past lives, and what we have done. We only experience a small amount of life's troubles at any one time, and do not have to carry the entire burden of our souls past actions.
On this subject... have you ever read Huston Smith's Illustrated World Religions? Great book. He portrayed each religion in its best light. He said that we should not be expected to understand the faith of another that is not our own, but if we remember that they are human beings like ourselves, that we need not miserably fail. I found those words to be very profound and I have tried my best to live my life by them. I am better off for it too.

I am afraid I have no regard for Islam, as far as I am concerned it is one religion that should never have happened. Without Muhammad's evil lies about God the middle east would have probably been entirely Christian.
On the subject of reincarnation that is applicable to this thread, if all actions and reactions have to be accounted for then the soul of Muhammad must be facing an unbearable burden of karma. For all the wars he started, and the wars still going on because of him, his soul is accountable. Such a burden as Muhammad carries is far worse than even Hitler. Because we destroyed the Nazis, but we are still fighting Islamic fanatics, and will be for a long time to come.
If the soul of Muhammad had to face the full burden of his karma it would surely drive him mad. Which is one reason we reincarnate, so that we forget our past lives, and what we have done. We only experience a small amount of life's troubles at any one time, and do not have to carry the entire burden of our souls past actions.
On this subject... have you ever read Huston Smith's Illustrated World Religions? Great book. He portrayed each religion in its best light. He said that we should not be expected to understand the faith of another that is not our own, but if we remember that they are human beings like ourselves, that we need not miserably fail. I found those words to be very profound and I have tried my best to live my life by them. I am better off for it too.

I am afraid I have no regard for Islam, as far as I am concerned it is one religion that should never have happened. Without Muhammad's evil lies about God the middle east would have probably been entirely Christian.
A lot of people blame religion for the actions of men, my wife included. I never really understood that. That's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Prophet Muhammad Through the Eyes of Children

The children at SALAM Islamic Center in Sacramento, CA, discuss their perception of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

(3 minutes)
Imam al-Ghazali on the 3 Secrets of Charity

What are the secrets of charity according to Imam Al-Ghazali?

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The Quran says at verse 5.18 that in the time of Muhammad Jews and Christians all believed they were sons of God. But the false prophet Muhammad said "nay ye are but men". It is time everyone saw through the lies of this evil bandit. The practical occult teaches we are all divine and equal. But the Quran separates people into believers and unbelievers and sets them at war.
The Mercy of God

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.

I begin with the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

This is a phrase that we say every day, several times per day. However sometimes we forget how mighty a phrase it is and we forget that mercy is one of His attributes that we, as imperfect human beings, constantly rely upon God’s blessings.

God is the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, His mercy encompasses all things, and is the source of all the compassion and mercy that exists.
{My Mercy embraces all things…} (Quran 7:156)​

In English the word mercy has several meanings including compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and tenderness. In Arabic, the term for mercy is rahmah; Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem, two of the most important names of Allah derive from this root word.

The Mercy of God is that ethereal quality that also embodies gentleness, care, consideration, love and forgiveness. When these qualities are observable in this world, they are a mere reflection of God’s mercy towards His creation...
The Mercy of God

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.

I begin with the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

This is a phrase that we say every day, several times per day. However sometimes we forget how mighty a phrase it is and we forget that mercy is one of His attributes that we, as imperfect human beings, constantly rely upon God’s blessings.

God is the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, His mercy encompasses all things, and is the source of all the compassion and mercy that exists.
{My Mercy embraces all things…} (Quran 7:156)​

In English the word mercy has several meanings including compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and tenderness. In Arabic, the term for mercy is rahmah; Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem, two of the most important names of Allah derive from this root word.

The Mercy of God is that ethereal quality that also embodies gentleness, care, consideration, love and forgiveness. When these qualities are observable in this world, they are a mere reflection of God’s mercy towards His creation...

Mercy ! here are some verses from the Quran about your Gods mercy.

4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as
their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may
taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those
who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads
will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be
forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"
The Mercy of God
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed us that God is more merciful to His slaves than a mother is to her child, and in fact, the Arabic word for womb, is derived from the same root word as mercy –rahmah.

This is a sign of the unique connection between God’s mercy and the womb.God nurtures and shelters us, just as the womb nurtures and shelters the unborn child. In the Quran, in the authentic Sunnah and throughout the world there are many signs of Allah’s mercy to His creation.

Prophet Muhammad explained the quality of mercy to his companions, telling them that God has divided His mercy into one hundred parts and has sent down one part to be shared amongst the creation. This is why people are compassionate and kind towards one another and wild animals treat their offspring with gentleness. However, God withheld the other 99 parts to be bestowed upon the believers on the Day of Judgment.
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The Mercy of God
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed us that God is more merciful to His slaves than a mother is to her child, and in fact, the Arabic word for womb, is derived from the same root word as mercy –rahmah.

This is a sign of the unique connection between God’s mercy and the womb.God nurtures and shelters us, just as the womb nurtures and shelters the unborn child. In the Quran, in the authentic Sunnah and throughout the world there are many signs of Allah’s mercy to His creation.

Prophet Muhammad explained the quality of mercy to his companions, telling them that God has divided His mercy into one hundred parts and has sent down one part to be shared amongst the creation. This is why people are compassionate and kind towards one another and wild animals treat their offspring with gentleness. However, God withheld the other 99 parts to be bestowed upon the believers on the Day of Judgment.

Firstly it is not merciful to have slaves. Secondly it is only believers who will receive mercy on the non existent judgement day. Unbelievers will be tortured forever in hellfire and with boiling liquids. The Quran makes this absolutely clear.
The Mercy of God
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed us that God is more merciful to His slaves than a mother is to her child, and in fact, the Arabic word for womb, is derived from the same root word as mercy –rahmah.

This is a sign of the unique connection between God’s mercy and the womb.God nurtures and shelters us, just as the womb nurtures and shelters the unborn child. In the Quran, in the authentic Sunnah and throughout the world there are many signs of Allah’s mercy to His creation.

Prophet Muhammad explained the quality of mercy to his companions, telling them that God has divided His mercy into one hundred parts and has sent down one part to be shared amongst the creation. This is why people are compassionate and kind towards one another and wild animals treat their offspring with gentleness. However, God withheld the other 99 parts to be bestowed upon the believers on the Day of Judgment.

Firstly it is not merciful to have slaves. Secondly it is only believers who will receive mercy on the non existent judgement day. Unbelievers will be tortured forever in hellfire and with boiling liquids. The Quran makes this absolutely clear.

Dajal the issues which muslims attribute to their rapist pig "god" muhummad
is never ending to the point of utter stupidity. The word RAHMAN----which
which is used both for WOMB and COMPASSION or MERCY precedes the rapist pig by thousands of years---------it is Hebrew-----and-----probably precedes even hebrew
Mercy of God

The Quran is Allah’s greatest gift to humanity – it is a book like no other. The Quran guides humankind to high standards of morality and exhorts them to strive to be the best human beings possible.

Whenever life becomes too difficult or we are beset by injury, illness or unhappiness, Quran will light our way and lighten our burdens. It is a source of solace and ease. It is a mercy to humankind.

{And We have not sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad), except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe.} (Quran 16:64)

{And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so follow it and fear Allah , that you may receive mercy.} (Quran 6:155)​
Mercy of God

The Quran is Allah’s greatest gift to humanity – it is a book like no other. The Quran guides humankind to high standards of morality and exhorts them to strive to be the best human beings possible.

Whenever life becomes too difficult or we are beset by injury, illness or unhappiness, Quran will light our way and lighten our burdens. It is a source of solace and ease. It is a mercy to humankind.

try re-reading it

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