Happiness in Islam

Happiness in Islam.
Mercy of God

The Quran is Allah’s greatest gift to humanity – it is a book like no other. The Quran guides humankind to high standards of morality and exhorts them to strive to be the best human beings possible.

Whenever life becomes too difficult or we are beset by injury, illness or unhappiness, Quran will light our way and lighten our burdens. It is a source of solace and ease. It is a mercy to humankind.

{And We have not sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad), except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in which they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe.} (Quran 16:64)

{And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so follow it and fear Allah , that you may receive mercy.} (Quran 6:155)​

The Quran is utterly evil lies about God, that sets believers at war with unbelievers and says the curse of God is on unbelievers. Here is a sample of the cruel and ignorant verses in the Quran.

5.33. The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;
I was an avid reader as a kid------I read anything that FELL into my hands-----By
circumstance LOTS of junk fell into my hands because of my part time weekend
job in a hospital-------front desk girl-----GIANT hospital---big catchment population---
people dumped boxes of books on my desk as a "donation". I read every reader's digest-----DIGESTED books volumes printed over a 20 year period of time------then---a KORAN fell on me-------age 20 LONG LONG ago. ------islam was ---at that time---- something like the religion of mars. The PICTHALL translation was
NEW at that time--------I was fascinated. I had read the NT, the OT the RAMAYANA, Bhagavad Gita. Odyssey-----every play that SOPHOCLES and
EURIPIDES wrote------etc etc.----and suddenly I got the KORAN----yipeee.
Of course I read it----EAGERLY------whatta mess------bible stories so messed up that I thought that the Printer had made a BIG MISTAKE.-----and the rest of it-----
lots about jews and why it's a good idea to kill them-----but they should ALL GO
BACK TO ISRAEL/JUDEA------ie ---get out of Arabia.. -----lots about lots
of sexing with -----captured women--<<< a very good idea.. The best part was
the FORWARD by pickthall------he had decided that Muhummad was something
like the first THINKING person in the world-----and muhummad invented all sorts
of social idea that I knew were THOUANDS OF YEARS OLD---(at least 5000
years old) -----so I naturally assumed that this muhummad guy must have been born---about 6000 years ago. ---------no computer back them-------I was stuck with the encyclopedia Britannica--------seems muhummad had been doing
all that ORIGINAL inventing about 1300 years ago-------it did not make sense
Leniencies in Matter of Worship

Islam teaches that every single aspect of life can be an act of worship. Everything from eating and drinking to sleeping and going to the bathroom can be done in a way that pleases Allah. Islam is a faith that is flexible, lenient and merciful.

For instance, if a believer is sick and cannot fast during the month of Ramadan, he is not mandated to fast. In fact he is encouraged to not fast. Similarly if a Muslim cannot make the Hajj due to physical or financial difficulties he or she is excused from doing so. It is the mercy of Allah that allows a Muslim traveller to combine prayers when travelling, because stopping every few hours to pray may make the trip longer and more arduous.

Mercy is One of Allah’s greatest attributes. It is incumbent upon those who believe in Allah to show mercy in all that they do and say.

{…He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!} (Quran 12: 92)

Mercy Allah
Leniencies in Matter of Worship

Islam teaches that every single aspect of life can be an act of worship. Everything from eating and drinking to sleeping and going to the bathroom can be done in a way that pleases Allah. Islam is a faith that is flexible, lenient and merciful.

For instance, if a believer is sick and cannot fast during the month of Ramadan, he is not mandated to fast. In fact he is encouraged to not fast. Similarly if a Muslim cannot make the Hajj due to physical or financial difficulties he or she is excused from doing so. It is the mercy of Allah that allows a Muslim traveller to combine prayers when travelling, because stopping every few hours to pray may make the trip longer and more arduous.

Mercy is One of Allah’s greatest attributes. It is incumbent upon those who believe in Allah to show mercy in all that they do and say.

{…He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!} (Quran 12: 92)

Mercy Allah
So wiping your ass with your hand is an act of worship. :cool:
Leniencies in Matter of Worship

Islam teaches that every single aspect of life can be an act of worship. Everything from eating and drinking to sleeping and going to the bathroom can be done in a way that pleases Allah. Islam is a faith that is flexible, lenient and merciful.

For instance, if a believer is sick and cannot fast during the month of Ramadan, he is not mandated to fast. In fact he is encouraged to not fast. Similarly if a Muslim cannot make the Hajj due to physical or financial difficulties he or she is excused from doing so. It is the mercy of Allah that allows a Muslim traveller to combine prayers when travelling, because stopping every few hours to pray may make the trip longer and more arduous.

Mercy is One of Allah’s greatest attributes. It is incumbent upon those who believe in Allah to show mercy in all that they do and say.

{…He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!} (Quran 12: 92)

Mercy Allah

so true----Islamic acts of worship as demonstrated by 'al nabi' include---pillage,
rape, murder and destruction of the holy places of ----all others. ------now lets
hear a big time Baptist AMEN----or 'ameen' (my apologies to elvis fans)
Leniencies in Matter of Worship

Islam teaches that every single aspect of life can be an act of worship. Everything from eating and drinking to sleeping and going to the bathroom can be done in a way that pleases Allah. Islam is a faith that is flexible, lenient and merciful.

For instance, if a believer is sick and cannot fast during the month of Ramadan, he is not mandated to fast. In fact he is encouraged to not fast. Similarly if a Muslim cannot make the Hajj due to physical or financial difficulties he or she is excused from doing so. It is the mercy of Allah that allows a Muslim traveller to combine prayers when travelling, because stopping every few hours to pray may make the trip longer and more arduous.

Mercy is One of Allah’s greatest attributes. It is incumbent upon those who believe in Allah to show mercy in all that they do and say.

{…He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!} (Quran 12: 92)

Mercy Allah

Surah 12 is the clearest evidence in the Quran that it is copied from the bible. Surah 12 is a quarter of the length of the story of Joseph as it appears in Genesis of the bible. Surah 12 leaves out most of the details that make the story of Joseph comprehensible. It lacks the rich narrative of the bible and is clearly a half remembered rambling account of the Joseph story. If you have not already read the bibles account you cannot understand surah 12.
Keep Your Heart Attached to Your Creator

Nothing else lasts

Neither wealth, nor health, nor fame, nor the love of other human beings.

All have a start, a peak and an end.

If your heart is attached to wealth, and your main purpose in life is to acquire more wealth, you will end up a very sad person if this wealth decreases, and if it doesn't you can't take it with you to the next life.

Can you?

The same is true for all other aspects of this worldly life.

The only One who lasts is God.

He is The First and He is The Last.

That's where our real love should be, and our love for our family and friends emanates from this higher level of divine love.

If you are really searching for peace, search for the love of your Creator.
If your heart is attached to wealth, and your main purpose in life is to acquire more wealth, you will end up a very sad person if this wealth decreases, and if it doesn't you can't take it with you to the next life.

That must be why Muhammad demanded one fifth of the spoils of war.
If you are really searching for peace, search for the love of your Creator

I would never have one second of peace of mind if I was to cower in worship of Allah, all the while knowing he is going to burn unbelievers in eternal hell.

2.161 Those who reject Faith, and die rejecting,- on them is God's curse, and the
curse of angels, and of all mankind;
Fatima al-Fihri: The Muslim Woman Who Founded the World's Very First University

Fatima Al-Fihri migrated with her family in the early ninth century from Qayrawan in present-day Tunisia to the city of Fez in Morocco.

This was during the rule of Idrees II, an extraordinary ruler and devout Muslim. Fez at that time was a bustling metropolis of the “Muslim West” (known as al-Maghrib), and held the promise in the people’s imaginations of fortune and felicity.

Having become one of the most influential Muslim cities, Fez boasted a rich combination of religion and culture, both traditional and cosmopolitan. This was the city, on the left bank of the River Fez, where Fatima’s family settled and she eventually married.

After much toil and struggle in humble beginnings, the family of Fatima was eventually blessed with prosperity. Her father, Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Fihri, had become a hugely successful businessman.

After the deaths of Fatima’s husband, father, and brother in short succession, Fatima and her only other sibling, Mariam, received a sizable inheritance which assured their financial independence. It was in this latter period of their lives that they distinguished themselves.

Having received a good education, the sisters in turn hastened to dedicate all of their wealth to benefiting their community.

Observing that the local mosques in Fez could not accommodate the growing population of worshipers, many of whom were refugees from Islamic Spain, Mariam built the breathtaking and grand Andalusian Mosque in 245AH/859CE.

And Fatima founded Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University, considered by many historians as the oldest, continually operating, degree-granting university in the world.
Historical references note that she directly oversaw and guided the construction process in great detail, certainly a testament to her great dedication as she had no expertise in the field!

Fatima had grand aspirations, and early on began buying property adjacent to the initial land, thereby significantly increasing the size of the mosque. She diligently spent all that was required of time and money to see the project to completion.

She was also extremely pious and devout in worship and made a religious vow to fast daily from the first day of construction in Ramadan 245 AH/859 CE until the project was completed some two years later, whereupon she offered prayers of gratitude in the very mosque she had so tirelessly worked to build.

Masjid Al-Qarawiyyin, one of the largest mosques in North Africa, housed the university which was to become a major center of advanced learning in medieval times in the Mediterranean...

Never Forget Your Weakness and Your Need for God

It is part of human nature when wealthy, strong and fit to forget to attribute these blessings to God.

A billionaire may think that all the wealth he has is because he is so intelligent, and is deluded in thinking that he is superior to others who are less wealthy.

In reality we are very dependent on our Creator.

From the moment a baby is born, he can't survive without his mother's attention or the care of kind people around him.

When the baby grows up, and becomes a teenager, he or she thinks that his strength and beauty will last for ever, and when he or she makes a lot of money, they think they are clever and that their wealth will never end.

But in reality, we are all very dependent on God, and a believer must remember how small and insignificant he or she is in comparison to this amazing universe.

Ask for God to always help you and be with you, and recognize that He is the All-Mighty and you are the weak, and you will find peace.
Never Forget Your Weakness and Your Need for God

It is part of human nature when wealthy, strong and fit to forget to attribute these blessings to God.

A billionaire may think that all the wealth he has is because he is so intelligent, and is deluded in thinking that he is superior to others who are less wealthy.

In reality we are very dependent on our Creator.

From the moment a baby is born, he can't survive without his mother's attention or the care of kind people around him.

When the baby grows up, and becomes a teenager, he or she thinks that his strength and beauty will last for ever, and when he or she makes a lot of money, they think they are clever and that their wealth will never end.

But in reality, we are all very dependent on God, and a believer must remember how small and insignificant he or she is in comparison to this amazing universe.

Ask for God to always help you and be with you, and recognize that He is the All-Mighty and you are the weak, and you will find peace.

If only you were not a follower of the false prophet Muhammad , we might agree.
Never Forget Your Weakness and Your Need for God

It is part of human nature when wealthy, strong and fit to forget to attribute these blessings to God.

A billionaire may think that all the wealth he has is because he is so intelligent, and is deluded in thinking that he is superior to others who are less wealthy.

In reality we are very dependent on our Creator.

From the moment a baby is born, he can't survive without his mother's attention or the care of kind people around him.

When the baby grows up, and becomes a teenager, he or she thinks that his strength and beauty will last for ever, and when he or she makes a lot of money, they think they are clever and that their wealth will never end.

But in reality, we are all very dependent on God, and a believer must remember how small and insignificant he or she is in comparison to this amazing universe.

Ask for God to always help you and be with you, and recognize that He is the All-Mighty and you are the weak, and you will find peace.[/Q

If only you were not a follower of the false prophet Muhammad , we might agree.

for those who do not know------it is incumbent upon muslims to attempt to foist
Islamic belief on non-muslims. However any attempt to proselytize muslims
by non muslims is a CAPITAL CRIME under the "happy beauty" of Islamic law.
In Islamic law----Dajjal's response to "lion" would be legal justification for
"lion" to slit Dajjal's throat. Scoff not------it has happened
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Never Forget Your Weakness and Your Need for God

It is part of human nature when wealthy, strong and fit to forget to attribute these blessings to God.

A billionaire may think that all the wealth he has is because he is so intelligent, and is deluded in thinking that he is superior to others who are less wealthy.

In reality we are very dependent on our Creator.

From the moment a baby is born, he can't survive without his mother's attention or the care of kind people around him.

When the baby grows up, and becomes a teenager, he or she thinks that his strength and beauty will last for ever, and when he or she makes a lot of money, they think they are clever and that their wealth will never end.

But in reality, we are all very dependent on God, and a believer must remember how small and insignificant he or she is in comparison to this amazing universe.

Ask for God to always help you and be with you, and recognize that He is the All-Mighty and you are the weak, and you will find peace.[/Q

If only you were not a follower of the false prophet Muhammad , we might agree.

for those who do not know------it is incumbent upon muslims to attempt to foist
Islamic belief on non-muslims. However any attempt to proselytize muslims
by non muslims is a CAPITAL CRIME under the "happy beauty" of Islamic law.
In Islamic law----Dajjal's response to "lion" would be legal justification for
"lion" to slit Dajjal's throat. Scoff not------it has happened

I don't worry about what Muslims make of me. I have posted since the 9/11 WTC attack
I have had direct death threats on other uncensored forums, but I doubt they can find me. (I hope)
Happiness is a feeling that resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind, tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says:
- Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether male or female, We will give a good life.

- Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship.

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”

I agree, unless one's definition of happiness is to behead infidels and cut the genitalia off of young girls before raping them.
Fatima al-Fihri: The Muslim Woman Who Founded the World's Very First

Having received a good education, the sisters in turn hastened to dedicate all of their wealth to benefiting their community.

Observing that the local mosques in Fez could not accommodate the growing population of worshipers, many of whom were refugees from Islamic Spain, Mariam built the breathtaking and grand Andalusian Mosque in 245AH/859CE.

And Fatima founded Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University, considered by many historians as the oldest, continually operating, degree-granting university in the world.

there is a huge difference between "very first university" and
"oldest degree granting university in the world" which is STILL
EXTANT. you are engaging in deceptive sophistry

Historical references note that she directly oversaw and guided the construction process in great detail, certainly a testament to her great dedication as she had no expertise in the field!

no expertise in what? architecture? masonry?

Fatima had grand aspirations, and early on began buying property adjacent to the initial land, thereby significantly increasing the size of the mosque. She diligently spent all that was required of time and money to see the project to completion.

She was also extremely pious and devout in worship and made a religious vow to fast daily from the first day of construction in Ramadan 245 AH/859 CE until the project was completed some two years later, whereupon she offered prayers of gratitude in the very mosque she had so tirelessly worked to build.

she fasted for two years?

Masjid Al-Qarawiyyin, one of the largest mosques in North Africa, housed the university which was to become a major center of advanced learning in medieval times in the Mediterranean...

what are we calling "advanced learning" in medieval times?


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