Happiness in Islam

(from post #367)
"It is incumbent upon those who believe in Allah to show mercy in all that they do and say."

Then, not only is Daesh the enemy of everyone else, it is the enemy of Islam itself. Any true 'jihad' would commence with them, wouldn't it, as they are causing the greatest harm to that religion?
Never Forget Your Weakness and Your Need for God

It is part of human nature when wealthy, strong and fit to forget to attribute these blessings to God.

A billionaire may think that all the wealth he has is because he is so intelligent, and is deluded in thinking that he is superior to others who are less wealthy.

In reality we are very dependent on our Creator.

From the moment a baby is born, he can't survive without his mother's attention or the care of kind people around him.

When the baby grows up, and becomes a teenager, he or she thinks that his strength and beauty will last for ever, and when he or she makes a lot of money, they think they are clever and that their wealth will never end.

But in reality, we are all very dependent on God, and a believer must remember how small and insignificant he or she is in comparison to this amazing universe.

Ask for God to always help you and be with you, and recognize that He is the All-Mighty and you are the weak, and you will find peace.[/Q

If only you were not a follower of the false prophet Muhammad , we might agree.

for those who do not know------it is incumbent upon muslims to attempt to foist
Islamic belief on non-muslims. However any attempt to proselytize muslims
by non muslims is a CAPITAL CRIME under the "happy beauty" of Islamic law.
In Islamic law----Dajjal's response to "lion" would be legal justification for
"lion" to slit Dajjal's throat. Scoff not------it has happened

I don't worry about what Muslims make of me. I have posted since the 9/11 WTC attack
I have had direct death threats on other uncensored forums, but I doubt they can find me. (I hope)
Never Forget Your Weakness and Your Need for God

It is part of human nature when wealthy, strong and fit to forget to attribute these blessings to God.

A billionaire may think that all the wealth he has is because he is so intelligent, and is deluded in thinking that he is superior to others who are less wealthy.

In reality we are very dependent on our Creator.

From the moment a baby is born, he can't survive without his mother's attention or the care of kind people around him.

When the baby grows up, and becomes a teenager, he or she thinks that his strength and beauty will last for ever, and when he or she makes a lot of money, they think they are clever and that their wealth will never end.

But in reality, we are all very dependent on God, and a believer must remember how small and insignificant he or she is in comparison to this amazing universe.

Ask for God to always help you and be with you, and recognize that He is the All-Mighty and you are the weak, and you will find peace.[/Q

If only you were not a follower of the false prophet Muhammad , we might agree.

for those who do not know------it is incumbent upon muslims to attempt to foist
Islamic belief on non-muslims. However any attempt to proselytize muslims
by non muslims is a CAPITAL CRIME under the "happy beauty" of Islamic law.
In Islamic law----Dajjal's response to "lion" would be legal justification for
"lion" to slit Dajjal's throat. Scoff not------it has happened

I don't worry about what Muslims make of me. I have posted since the 9/11 WTC attack
I have had direct death threats on other uncensored forums, but I doubt they can find me. (I hope)

I posted for the benefit of both you and "old lion". He seems to be using this forum in the hope of convincing people that there is merit and the Islamic ethos
Muslim Ethics

Islam is a beautiful religion, full of wisdom and harmony. If this wonderful religion is followed properly then a typical Muslim would only be a great example to follow.

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr:

“The Prophet never used bad language neither a ‘Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say

The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character.’

(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Companions, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 759)
islam is as islam does and has done for the past 1400 years in emulation
of the rapist pig of mecca. Its slutty daughters dance upon the dead
bodies of hundreds of millions------and counting. Any question on day to
day life for the "dhimmies" under the vile stench of Islamic law-----feel free
to ask questions-----my very own hubby is a survivor-----saved as an infant
in the arms of his mother. Her father died when she was eleven years old----
that event (ie the death her father) rendered her liable to enslavement by the
local rapist pig imam. She and the people who saved her committed a GRAVE
crime under the vile stench of Islamic law (emulation of "al nabi"). For reference---
an YAZIDI girl subjected to sexual slavery, rescued from that stink of Islamic law-----is guilty under the stink of Islamic law----both she and those who rescue her would be judged guilty of a capital crime. Those wondering what might happen to the ISIS people who rape Yazidi girls------stop wondering-----the answer is "NOTHING" just as nothing happened to the Pakistanis that raped 1/4 million girls in East Pakistan in 1971 <<< not one single prosecution-----it was LEGAL UNDER ISLAMIC LAW. Shariah law is elaborated by Islamic scholars
based on the words AND ACTIONS of "al nabi"
I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything,

Many people live and die a thousand times during the course of one lifetime, ascending or descending Jacobs ladder. I remember every detail about past lives, The people that I knew, the type of creature I was, the joy and the sorrow, the day of my birth, the day, circumstances, and cause of my demise, and all of the time and effort wasted dying while seeking death only to rise again to find myself in a new place higher on that ladder..

Some people spend each life going in the wrong direction, deliberately descending into lower forms of life for the entire time, some spend their entire lives in the grave, but not you.

How could you have forgotten?
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I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything,

Many people live and die a thousand times during the course of one lifetime, ascending or descending Jacobs ladder. I remember every detail about past lives, The people that I knew, the type of creature I was, the joy and the sorrow, the day of my birth, the day, circumstances, and cause of my demise, and all of the time and effort wasted dying while seeking death only to rise again to find myself in a new place higher on that ladder..

Some people spend each life going in the wrong direction, deliberately descending into lower forms of life for the entire time, some spend their entire lives in the grave, but not you.

How could you have forgotten?
I think you are going in the wrong direction. Tell me about your past lives.
I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything,

Many people live and die a thousand times during the course of one lifetime, ascending or descending Jacobs ladder. I remember every detail about past lives, The people that I knew, the type of creature I was, the joy and the sorrow, the day of my birth, the day, circumstances, and cause of my demise, and all of the time and effort wasted dying while seeking death only to rise again to find myself in a new place higher on that ladder..

Some people spend each life going in the wrong direction, deliberately descending into lower forms of life for the entire time, some spend their entire lives in the grave, but not you.

How could you have forgotten?

The brain normally only remembers the things from birth of the current incarnation. Some people say they can remember past lives but I am not one of them.
I asked a trance medium if animals evolve to humans and she said no. Animals are different species evolving in their own right. So according to her (or the spirit that was speaking through her) Humans do not descend into animals and animals do not progress to human.
I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything,

Many people live and die a thousand times during the course of one lifetime, ascending or descending Jacobs ladder. I remember every detail about past lives, The people that I knew, the type of creature I was, the joy and the sorrow, the day of my birth, the day, circumstances, and cause of my demise, and all of the time and effort wasted dying while seeking death only to rise again to find myself in a new place higher on that ladder..

Some people spend each life going in the wrong direction, deliberately descending into lower forms of life for the entire time, some spend their entire lives in the grave, but not you.

How could you have forgotten?

The brain normally only remembers the things from birth of the current incarnation. Some people say they can remember past lives but I am not one of them.
I asked a trance medium if animals evolve to humans and she said no. Animals are different species evolving in their own right. So according to her (or the spirit that was speaking through her) Humans do not descend into animals and animals do not progress to human.

I happen to agree with that medium. What I was suggesting is that people during the course of one lifetime evolve or devolve into many different species, live and die either clean or unclean, many times with only the form and shape of human being but the intelligence, lets say, only slightly above that of a monkey, or a dog, a vulture, a worm, or swine, a creature that does not ruminate - think very deeply....

case in point, ding.

In spite of the many cowardly dings out there, some people awaken, suddenly realize what they have become, and actually make conscious use of life itself to turn themselves around, change course, and deliberately evolve into a more purified and refined sort of creature, climbing that ladder even into the highest realm,.
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I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything,

Many people live and die a thousand times during the course of one lifetime, ascending or descending Jacobs ladder. I remember every detail about past lives, The people that I knew, the type of creature I was, the joy and the sorrow, the day of my birth, the day, circumstances, and cause of my demise, and all of the time and effort wasted dying while seeking death only to rise again to find myself in a new place higher on that ladder..

Some people spend each life going in the wrong direction, deliberately descending into lower forms of life for the entire time, some spend their entire lives in the grave, but not you.

How could you have forgotten?

The brain normally only remembers the things from birth of the current incarnation. Some people say they can remember past lives but I am not one of them.
I asked a trance medium if animals evolve to humans and she said no. Animals are different species evolving in their own right. So according to her (or the spirit that was speaking through her) Humans do not descend into animals and animals do not progress to human.

tell that one to Kafka
I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything,

Many people live and die a thousand times during the course of one lifetime, ascending or descending Jacobs ladder. I remember every detail about past lives, The people that I knew, the type of creature I was, the joy and the sorrow, the day of my birth, the day, circumstances, and cause of my demise, and all of the time and effort wasted dying while seeking death only to rise again to find myself in a new place higher on that ladder..

Some people spend each life going in the wrong direction, deliberately descending into lower forms of life for the entire time, some spend their entire lives in the grave, but not you.

How could you have forgotten?

The brain normally only remembers the things from birth of the current incarnation. Some people say they can remember past lives but I am not one of them.
I asked a trance medium if animals evolve to humans and she said no. Animals are different species evolving in their own right. So according to her (or the spirit that was speaking through her) Humans do not descend into animals and animals do not progress to human.

tell that one to Kafka

The metamorphosis was practically compulsory reading at my art college in the 1960s
I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were many devils brazenly flipping off God, demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. The stench was great. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were blinded bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and mute soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

To the utter astonishment of every foul and loathsome beast or bird and every creepy thing there I grew a set of balls and punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...Like I said before, I was in the second grade..

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.

The road goes on forever.
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I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones and there were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There was chanting and lay people being tormented day and night , a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

try the ten step program
I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.
You crack me up, Ivan.

I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.
You crack me up, Ivan.

yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.
I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.
You crack me up, Ivan.

yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.

I think I just struck the nail on its head.
I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.
You crack me up, Ivan.

yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.

I think I just struck the nail on its head.

Oh really? Did I say something untrue? How many roads do you think that there are that lead to eternal life?

What did Jesus say?

See? I have given you a chance to testify in the name of the Lord.

What is the truth?
I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

Tell me about your past lives.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.
You crack me up, Ivan.

yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.

I think I just struck the nail on its head.

Oh really? Did I say something untrue? How many roads do you think that there are that lead to eternal life?

What did Jesus say?

See? I have given you a chance to testify in the name of the Lord.

What is the truth?

You don't believe in Jesus, Ivan.
Im not surprised given the only view of the world you could possibly have stumbling through life on your knees.

The ways of Truth are an abomination to those dedicated to the ways of perversity.

It was terrifying. One time I awakened in a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. I was a slug, just like you, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells. There were demons desecrating the Body of Christ and ghouls robbing the dead by candlelight to fill their coffers. There were zombies chanting, and innocent people who were bound and gagged being tormented day and night burning alive with pinheads stoking the flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in despair and soul wrenching agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them...

I punched a hole in the wall of the tomb through thirteen feet of solid stone and took off like a bat out of hell, ...

I never looked back.

After I recovered from the ordeal, I awakened, again, and suddenly realized that I had become a new creature.
You crack me up, Ivan.

yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.

I think I just struck the nail on its head.

Oh really? Did I say something untrue? How many roads do you think that there are that lead to eternal life?

What did Jesus say?

See? I have given you a chance to testify in the name of the Lord.

What is the truth?

You don't believe in Jesus, Ivan.

Wow. astonishing!

How many more times do I have to tell you that I do believe that Jesus was exactly who he said he was, the long awaited Jewish Messiah prophesied by Moses in deuteronomy 18:18, not any god in human flesh.

How much more evidence do you need before your realize that you brain is not functioning up to its fullest potential? When will you notice that you are on a road that has degraded your ability to think rationally and retain information? When will you make that great leap of intelligence and realize that there has to be a better way other than slowly disintegrating into nothingness, confusing faith with obstinate stupidity?

Better hurry before you turn into a smoldering wick.
You crack me up, Ivan.

yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.

I think I just struck the nail on its head.

Oh really? Did I say something untrue? How many roads do you think that there are that lead to eternal life?

What did Jesus say?

See? I have given you a chance to testify in the name of the Lord.

What is the truth?

You don't believe in Jesus, Ivan.

Wow. astonishing!

How many more times do I have to tell you that I do believe that Jesus was exactly who he said he was, the long awaited Jewish Messiah prophesied by Moses in deuteronomy 18:18, not any god in human flesh.

How much more evidence do you need before your realize that you brain is not functioning up to its fullest potential? When will you notice that you are on a road that has degraded your ability to think rationally and retain information? When will you make that great leap of intelligence and realize that there has to be a better way other than slowly disintegrating into nothingness, confusing faith with obstinate stupidity?

Better hurry before you turn into a smoldering wick.

Like I said, you don't believe in Jesus, Ivan.
yeah, ha ha.

Just remember, only one road goes on forever. The other, any other, ends in destruction.
I think I just struck the nail on its head.

Oh really? Did I say something untrue? How many roads do you think that there are that lead to eternal life?

What did Jesus say?

See? I have given you a chance to testify in the name of the Lord.

What is the truth?
You don't believe in Jesus, Ivan.

Wow. astonishing!

How many more times do I have to tell you that I do believe that Jesus was exactly who he said he was, the long awaited Jewish Messiah prophesied by Moses in deuteronomy 18:18, not any god in human flesh.

How much more evidence do you need before your realize that you brain is not functioning up to its fullest potential? When will you notice that you are on a road that has degraded your ability to think rationally and retain information? When will you make that great leap of intelligence and realize that there has to be a better way other than slowly disintegrating into nothingness, confusing faith with obstinate stupidity?

Better hurry before you turn into a smoldering wick.
Like I said, you don't believe in Jesus, Ivan.

Why does having a conversation with you always make me feel like I'm about to shoot a fish in a barrel?

Try to be a little more challenging already..

You are boring.

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