Happiness in Islam

Belief in the Angels:

Belief in the angels is one of the six pillars of faith and is one of the bases of Islamic doctrine.

Muslims believe in the existence of the angels and that they are honored creatures. The angels worship God alone, obey Him, and act only by His command. Among the angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Quran to Prophet Muhammad.

We can neither see nor hear the angels because they are created from light and are created in a special way. Yet, we believe in them and that Allaah gave them special properties and characteristics. They do not eat, drink, or sleep.
`Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the companions were sitting with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and someone entered dressed in very white clothes and having extraordinary black hair. No signs of fatigue of journey appeared on him and he was known to none of us.

He sat down facing the Prophet and said to him, “… Tell me about iman (faith).”
The Prophet said:
It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day and that you believe in preordainment (destiny), its bad and good consequences. …”

Then he departed. The Prophet of Allah kept silent for a while then he said to me,
O `Umar! Do you know who the questioner was?”
I replied, “Allah and His Messenger know better.”
The Prophet said,
He was Jibril (Gabriel); he came to you to teach you your religion.” (Muslim)


More about Angels: Belief in the Angels
Belief in the Angels:

Belief in the angels is one of the six pillars of faith and is one of the bases of Islamic doctrine.

Muslims believe in the existence of the angels and that they are honored creatures. The angels worship God alone, obey Him, and act only by His command. Among the angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Quran to Prophet Muhammad.

We can neither see nor hear the angels because they are created from light and are created in a special way. Yet, we believe in them and that Allaah gave them special properties and characteristics. They do not eat, drink, or sleep.
`Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the companions were sitting with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and someone entered dressed in very white clothes and having extraordinary black hair. No signs of fatigue of journey appeared on him and he was known to none of us.

He sat down facing the Prophet and said to him, “… Tell me about iman (faith).”
The Prophet said:
It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day and that you believe in preordainment (destiny), its bad and good consequences. …”

Then he departed. The Prophet of Allah kept silent for a while then he said to me,
O `Umar! Do you know who the questioner was?”
I replied, “Allah and His Messenger know better.”
The Prophet said,
He was Jibril (Gabriel); he came to you to teach you your religion.” (Muslim)


More about Angels: Belief in the Angels
Like an angel would go anywhere near a dirty mooslim with shit on his hand. :lmao:
the concept of angels as beings who neither eat nor sleep but act as emissaries on a mission
from "God" comes from ancient jewish writings. In fact, the three visitors to Jacob's tent who
told him that he would have a son ISAAC-----were angels. Gabriel was the angel that contended
with Jacob on the LADDER TO HEAVEN and who renamed Jacob --"Israel" which kinda confirms
that encounter. Israel means something roughly like 'encounter with "God" ' The concept of angels being MADE OF LIGHT ----is Zoroastrian. There were both jews and Zoroastrians in Mecca at the time that muhummad was born. Arabic script is based in Farsi
script. Muslims got lots of mysterious creatures------millions of JINNS all over the place. -----angels,
mysterious particles of light and fire, and even JINNS (which seem to me to be something like
Leprechauns ----Tommy Steele in the movie FINIAN's RAINBOW-----played my all time favorite
Belief in God’s Revealed Books:

Belief in the books sent by God is one of the six pillars of faith. God, in His mercy, has sent prophet after prophet to lead people forth from darkness to light.

Muslims believe that God revealed books to His messengers as proof for mankind and as guidance for them. These divine books commanded justice in everything and exhorted invited men to repent.

Among these books is the Quran, which God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. God has guaranteed the Quran’s protection from any corruption or distortion. God has said:

Indeed, We have sent down the Quran, and surely We will guard it (from corruption)
(Quran, 15:9)


The Quran describes Torah as Furqan (the Discriminator between right and wrong). It says

We gave Moses and Aaron the Discriminator, and gave them a light (Dhia) and a Reminder for the righteaous" (21:48).

Furqan means that ideological standard which enables man to distinguish between Truth and falsehood. Dhia means divine guidance, which leads a man out of the darkness of the wrong path and puts him in the light of the straight path. In this way God has arranged for the guidance of man through His messenger.

But it is possible for God’s guide book to provide guidance in the real sense only when a man is anxious about his fate in the Hereafter. This anxiety makes him so serious that he attaches more importance to Truth and righteousness than to any other thing.

Read more: Fourth Article Of Faith – Belief in Revealed Books (Kutub) | CPS International
Belief in the Messengers of God:

Muslims believe in the prophets and messengers of God, starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them). But God’s final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet sent by God, as God has said:

Muhammad is not the father of any one of your men, but he is the Messenger of God and the last of the prophets...
(Quran, 33:40)

Muslims believe that all the prophets and messengers were created human beings who had none of the divine qualities of God.

Read more: al-Marja.com
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Manifestations of HAPPINESS in all social groups are revealed in the manner the members CELEBRATE holidays. In synagogues people celebrate happy events----like weddings and the holiday purim and simchat torah---by dancing, singing, eating and drinking. In mosques and the streets of muslim lands----people and children celebrate happy occasions by chanting
ITBACH AL YAHUD or ITBACH AL _______________
fill in the blank
Belief in the Day of Judgment

Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.

Muslims believe that the present life is only a trial preparation for the next realm of existence. This life is a test for each individual for the life after death. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and the dead will be resurrected for judgment by God. This day will be the beginning of a life that will never end.

On that day, all people will be rewarded by God according to their beliefs and deeds. Those who die while believing that There is no true god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God and are Muslim will be rewarded on that day and will be admitted to Paradise forever, as God has said:

And those who believe and do good deeds, they are dwellers of Paradise, they dwell therein forever.
(Quran, 2:82)​

But those who die while not believing will lose Paradise forever and will be sent to Hellfire, as God has said:

And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter.
(Quran, 3:85)


After having sent the Prophet Muhammad to call people to Islam, God does not accept adherence to any religion other than Islam. God is our Creator and Sustainer. He created for us whatever is in the earth. All the blessings and good things we have are from Him. So after all this, when someone rejects belief in God, His Prophet Muhammad, or His religion of Islam, it is just that he or she be punished in the Hereafter. Actually, the main purpose of our creation is to worship God alone and to obey Him

Read more: Fifth Article Of Faith – Belief in the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) | CPS International
Belief in the Day of Judgment

Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.

Muslims believe that the present life is only a trial preparation for the next realm of existence. This life is a test for each individual for the life after death. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and the dead will be resurrected for judgment by God. This day will be the beginning of a life that will never end.

On that day, all people will be rewarded by God according to their beliefs and deeds. Those who die while believing that There is no true god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God and are Muslim will be rewarded on that day and will be admitted to Paradise forever, as God has said:

And those who believe and do good deeds, they are dwellers of Paradise, they dwell therein forever.
(Quran, 2:82)​

But those who die while not believing will lose Paradise forever and will be sent to Hellfire, as God has said:

And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter.
(Quran, 3:85)


After having sent the Prophet Muhammad to call people to Islam, God does not accept adherence to any religion other than Islam. God is our Creator and Sustainer. He created for us whatever is in the earth. All the blessings and good things we have are from Him. So after all this, when someone rejects belief in God, His Prophet Muhammad, or His religion of Islam, it is just that he or she be punished in the Hereafter. Actually, the main purpose of our creation is to worship God alone and to obey Him

Read more: Fifth Article Of Faith – Belief in the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) | CPS International
What about deformed babies, did your god fuck up or what?
Belief in Al-Qadar:

Muslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination, but this belief in Divine Predestination does not mean that human beings do not have freewill. Rather, Muslims believe that God has given human beings freewill. This means that they can choose right or wrong and that they are responsible for their choices.

The belief in Divine Predestination includes belief in four things:

1) God knows everything. He knows what has happened and what will happen.
2) God has recorded all that has happened and all that will happen.
3) Whatever God wills to happen happens, and whatever He wills not to happen does not happen.
4) God is the Creator of everything.


When one succeeds in performing an action, he must not be proud of himself. All good deeds are successfully performed because of God's bounty, because He ordained that this matter be successful. To be proud will make one forget to thank God for permitting him to successfully perform this deed.

Believing in Al-Qadar leads one to feel satisfied, safe and secure. All incidents that happen to a person are a result of God's Qadar. One should not feel miserable for losing or not gaining what he likes. All this happens according to the Qadar of Allah. God is the King and Lord of the heavens and earth and His Qadar will happen exactly as He Wills

Read more: Belief in Al-Qadar (Divine Decree)
That moments..

We are happiest when we are the least inhibited in acknowledging and expressing how we feel. This is the case whether we are in the company of those we know or those we do not know. Expressing our feelings should not carry with it a sense of dread as if we are disclosing the most sensitive of state secrets.

We are happiest when we shed our ostentation and inflated sense of self-importance, so we can really listen to ourselves and acknowledge our inner needs and aspirations.

We are happiest when we are not pining after unrealistic and overly idealistic dreams but look at our lives naturally, without shame, and without exaggerating things.

We are happiest when we focus keenly on the experience of the moment, taking note of the billions – nay trillions – of blessings that are right in front of us.

God’s generosity extends to each living cell of our bodies and to everything on the land, the air, and in the sea. His grace extends to all the intangibles as well, like those feelings and sensations that we cannot describe in physical terms. Faith is a good example, love, pleasure, the apprehension of language, longing, joy, hope…
The message of the messengers

God, the All Wise, All Knowing, All Merciful and Just, created this Universe in order to test and examine His obedient slaves and reward them, and to punish the disobedient.
He Says (what means):
We did not create the heavens and the earth and that between them in play. We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know. [Quran 44: 38-39]​

God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]
God, the Exalted, did not leave His slaves to rely upon their intellect and inclination alone to guide them to the correct way; rather He sent them Messengers as bringers of good tidings and warners. He sent the revealed Books with them to be a reference in those matters wherein they disagreed, so that no excuse would remain for the people and the proof would be established against them. Thus, after sending the Messengers, there would be no further excuse for people before Allaah.
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
I wouldn't bet my life on anything. There are things I would give me life for, but betting on something wouldn't be one of them.

What other things do you believe God created us for?
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
I wouldn't bet my life on anything. There are things I would give me life for, but betting on something wouldn't be one of them.

What other things do you believe God created us for?
dingbat, you found your copy&paste buddy Ancient Liar. Are you two going out to kiss carpets together? :cool:
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.

not only did "allah" create the entire universe just to GLORIFY himself and to create "slaves"-----he has already determined that most of his "slaves" will be tormented in "hell"--FOREVER. Allah is disgusting. The only favor he has granted if favorite slaves (like muhummad) --is the
ability to murder, pillage and rape
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
What other things do you believe God created us for?

The occult theory is that we are all a part of God. he breathed us out and sealed our soul in a bubble of energy occultists call the casual body. From there we descended into several other bodies. The metal body, the astral body and the physical body. There is also an energy shell called the etheric body that joins the spirit to the physical.

We are in the physical realm for experience sake and when we die we spend time in higher planes absorbing our life lessons. Eventually we achieve a state of grace needing no more incarnations then we continue on evolving in higher realms. Eventually we may merge back into the God head and become a drop in the divine ocean.
It seems that God regenerates his being through us. But not even the occultists know exactly what happens to the highest souls because they ascend into a realm of light from which they never return.
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
What other things do you believe God created us for?

The occult theory is that we are all a part of God. he breathed us out and sealed our soul in a bubble of energy occultists call the casual body. From there we descended into several other bodies. The metal body, the astral body and the physical body. There is also an energy shell called the etheric body that joins the spirit to the physical.

We are in the physical realm for experience sake and when we die we spend time in higher planes absorbing our life lessons. Eventually we achieve a state of grace needing no more incarnations then we continue on evolving in higher realms. Eventually we may merge back into the God head and become a drop in the divine ocean.
It seems that God regenerates his being through us. But not even the occultists know exactly what happens to the highest souls because they ascend into a realm of light from which they never return.
How many times have you been born and do you remember anything from your previous lives?
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
What other things do you believe God created us for?

The occult theory is that we are all a part of God. he breathed us out and sealed our soul in a bubble of energy occultists call the casual body. From there we descended into several other bodies. The metal body, the astral body and the physical body. There is also an energy shell called the etheric body that joins the spirit to the physical.

We are in the physical realm for experience sake and when we die we spend time in higher planes absorbing our life lessons. Eventually we achieve a state of grace needing no more incarnations then we continue on evolving in higher realms. Eventually we may merge back into the God head and become a drop in the divine ocean.
It seems that God regenerates his being through us. But not even the occultists know exactly what happens to the highest souls because they ascend into a realm of light from which they never return.
How many times have you been born and do you remember anything from your previous lives?

I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything, but I once sat is a spiritualist developing circle in which the medium was taken in trance and his spirit guide said to me. " You were not meant to have an easy life, for reasons you have enough knowledge to understand" Meaning I knew of the theory of reincarnation and karma.
God also made clear the main goal for the creation of mankind, Saying (what means):
I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except for My worship[Quran 51: 56]

I stake an eternity of burning in hell that God never said one word in the Quran. If I am wrong I will spend eternity screaming in a lake of fire. But I know I am not wrong, because any God that only created us to worship him would be a pathetic clown, and any God that would burn us for not worshipping him would be a loathsome monster.
What other things do you believe God created us for?

The occult theory is that we are all a part of God. he breathed us out and sealed our soul in a bubble of energy occultists call the casual body. From there we descended into several other bodies. The metal body, the astral body and the physical body. There is also an energy shell called the etheric body that joins the spirit to the physical.

We are in the physical realm for experience sake and when we die we spend time in higher planes absorbing our life lessons. Eventually we achieve a state of grace needing no more incarnations then we continue on evolving in higher realms. Eventually we may merge back into the God head and become a drop in the divine ocean.
It seems that God regenerates his being through us. But not even the occultists know exactly what happens to the highest souls because they ascend into a realm of light from which they never return.
How many times have you been born and do you remember anything from your previous lives?

I have no idea how many lives I have had and do not remember anything, but I once sat is a spiritualist developing circle in which the medium was taken in trance and his spirit guide said to me. " You were not meant to have an easy life, for reasons you have enough knowledge to understand" Meaning I knew of the theory of reincarnation and karma.
Ok, so then how do your lessons build from previous lives?

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