Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday, America!
Hubble Captures the Galaxy's Biggest Ongoing Stellar Fireworks Show
Imagine slow-motion fireworks that started exploding 170 years ago and are still continuing. This type of firework is not launched into Earth's atmosphere, but rather into space by a doomed super-massive star, called Eta Carinae, the largest member of a double-star system. A new view from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, which includes ultraviolet light, shows the star's hot, expanding gases glowing in red, white and blue. Eta Carinae resides 7,500 light-years away. Hubble Captures the Galaxy's Biggest Ongoing Stellar Fireworks Show

Thanks Beautress very interesting! I just read that this is not a super nova event. Scientists are still trying to figure out what caused the blast.
At the 4th of July NASA Page, the resultant red white and blue eruption was due to different chemicals, the blue was from Magnesium, all those light years away. They theorize from the mathematical standpoint that there were 3 stars in rotation and there was some kind of collision of one star with the smallest member that had a peculiar result. There is a recreation of the event in motion picture at their home page today, and I may have posted it in the USMB Lounge this morning before finding this thread. USMB Coffee Shop IV
If pictures aren't enough, the best explanation, however is at NASA: Hubble Captures the Galaxy's Biggest Ongoing Stellar Fireworks Show

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