Happy Columbus Day!!

Yeah, so?

Indigenous populations made war, enslaved, tore out each others hearts, and did all sorts of stuff to each other to dominate on another.

Point was, they didn't use wholesale extermination like white people did.

Ever meet an Aztec? I haven't.
Point was, they didn't use wholesale extermination like white people did.

Ever meet an Aztec? I haven't.
1. so someone that murders 1 person is better than someone that murders 5 ????!!!
2. they didn't kill as much because they were inferior
3. they DID decimate other tribes/peoples
4. they TORTURED--even the kids participated --they DID exterminate --sometimes by sacrificing LIVE humans = they were WORSE than the whites/etc
5. the Aztecs were not completely wiped out ....you don't know shit
Point was, they didn't use wholesale extermination like white people did.

Ever meet an Aztec? I haven't.
blacks did the SAME things
'''''While Zulu is known for his conquests his military influence began a period of chaos, war and genocide''''
killed his OWN people
MUCH etc
Happy belated Columbus day.

If it wasn't a holiday when I was a kid, I don't recognize.
While the Aztecs were brutal, they were just one tribe. The population of the New World dropped from hundreds of millions to only tens of millions in a few centuries... that's how thorough the European Genocide was.

And with the continual genocide caused by the natives with their introduction of tobacco to the Europeans continues around the world today. Far more millions have been exterminated.
Diseases were a problem. The white people helped spread them by handing out smallpox blankets.

So was the enslavement of Native Americans, massacring's whole villages, etc.

Sounds like an angry white failure projecting... I mean, it must suck, being a white failure ina racist society.

You are such a self-loathing piece of shit. You truly embarrass me.
Point was, they didn't use wholesale extermination like white people did.

Ever meet an Aztec? I haven't.
Yeah, I have actually.

I had a very good friend in college, whose mom was one, and his dad was Irish.

We shared a love of Steely Dan.

And with the continual genocide caused by the natives with their introduction of tobacco to the Europeans continues around the world today. Far more millions have been exterminated.

Wow, Tobacco? I'll bet you were one of those conservatives who whined about the Tobacco Settlement.

You are such a self-loathing piece of shit. You truly embarrass me.

The embarrassment is all you white people who blame minorities for what rich people are doing to you.
Wow, Tobacco? I'll bet you were one of those conservatives who whined about the Tobacco Settlement.

The embarrassment is all you white people who blame minorities for what rich people are doing to you.

Indigenous people introduced tobacco to the European arrivals, setting in motion the scores of millions of deaths that still plague us today. I would say they've killed far more of us they we have killed of them. I would think reparations are in order.
Indigenous people introduced tobacco to the European arrivals, setting in motion the scores of millions of deaths that still plague us today. I would say they've killed far more of us they we have killed of them. I would think reparations are in order.

When someone points out what you said was stupid, it's not a good idea to repeat it.
When someone points out what you said was stupid, it's not a good idea to repeat it.

Derpends on who is saying it, and since you have no credibility.............,just sayin'.

Anyway, are you denying the natives introduced Europeans to tobacco? And then are you going to deny that tobacco has killed 100's of millions of people worldwide?
Happy belated Columbus day.

If it wasn't a holiday when I was a kid, I don't recognize.
Me, neither. I'm glad you said that; I didn't realize I was doing that. I don't celebrate stupid new holidays. Usually just some kind of woke craziness.
Me, neither. I'm glad you said that; I didn't realize I was doing that. I don't celebrate stupid new holidays. Usually just some kind of woke craziness.

Even if it isn't woke it's some other stupid holiday to make money like sweetest day, aka Valentine's day part 2. Luckily my wife thinks sweetest day is stupid and we both ignore it.

But yeah my rule of thumb is, if it wasn't a holiday when I was a kid then I don't recognize it.
Derpends on who is saying it, and since you have no credibility.............,just sayin'.

Anyway, are you denying the natives introduced Europeans to tobacco? And then are you going to deny that tobacco has killed 100's of millions of people worldwide?

again, when you say something this retarded, you just look silly repeating it...

Indians did not start the tobacco industry, nor did they found plantations, create an international market for the stuff, market it to children, etc. That was all white people.
again, when you say something this retarded, you just look silly repeating it...

Indians did not start the tobacco industry, nor did they found plantations, create an international market for the stuff, market it to children, etc. That was all white people.

They introduced the poison to the Europeans, setting in motion the deaths of millions. End of story

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