Happy Days Are Here Again! Conservatives Ready For $1 Trillion Deficit.

Your turn. Why are you opposed to Mr. Obama running up the debt but not Mr. Trump. I'm sure you can write it down in black and white for us.
Where did I say I was in favor of President Trump running up the debt? I'm simply pointing out your obvious double standard. You were in favor of Obama doing it but not Trump. I'm against either one of them doing it. Is that black and white enough for you?
Conservatives ready to support $1 trillion hole in the budget
Some of the most conservative members of Congress say they are ready to vote for a budget that would — at least on paper — balloon the deficit to more than $1 trillion by the end of the decade, all for the sake of eventually repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Conservatives ready to support $1 trillion hole in the budget

Then there's Trump's tax cut
Trump's Tax Plan Could Increase Deficit By $5.3 Trillion - And Raise GDP By 8.2%, Wages By 5.4%
Trump's Tax Plan Could Increase Deficit By $5.3 Trillion - And Raise GDP By 8.2%, Wages By 5.4%

Plus there's the Infrastructure project that Trump wants
Trump's tax, infrastructure promises face pushback from GOP lawmakers
President-elect Donald Trump vowed to rebuild the country’s infrastructure on the campaign trail -- but a closer look at his $1 trillion proposal to give the nation’s highways, bridges and railways a makeover shows the freshman politician faces a rough road of his own with members of the GOP.
During his victory speech, Trump pledged he’d “rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none.” He added, “We will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.”
Trump's tax, infrastructure promises face pushback from GOP lawmakers
That's $7.3 trillion on just three new things he wants to add to budget over the next decade. And he isn't done yet..
Where are the deficits hawks, who called themselves "real conservatives" of the anti-establishment kind?

Very Bigly.
Your turn. Why are you opposed to Mr. Obama running up the debt but not Mr. Trump. I'm sure you can write it down in black and white for us.
Where did I say I was in favor of President Trump running up the debt? I'm simply pointing out your obvious double standard. You were in favor of Obama doing it but not Trump. I'm against either one of them doing it. Is that black and white enough for you?

Ahh…so what he campaigned on—building the wall, a Trillion in infrastructure, the obviously costly round up of 12 million people….
All while cutting taxes for everybody.

You’re against all of that? Why’d you vote for him stupid?
Conservatives and leftists only care about the debt when it's politically convenient
Well, let's see ..... Obama had $ 11 trillion in added debt in only 8 years ----- sounds to me like $1 trillion a year is quite an improvement, huh?
  • FY 2017 - $441 billion projected.
  • FY 2016 - $600 billion expected.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.
  • FY 2013 - $679 billion.

A trillion dollar deficit is moving in the wrong direction, skippy.
I warned the tards before the election several times that Trump's deficits were projected to be MUCH higher than Clinton's.

His deficits were projected to be MUCH, MUCH higher than any other GOP candidate.

The only bigger spender would have been Sanders.

There are so many things about Trump which go in the wrong direction to make me wonder what the fuck these pseudocons think conservatism is.

They get it wrong EVERY time.
Here's the plan: the rich take the last bit of money that they can squeeze out of us, then they let the democrats win the next couple elections so the coffers can be refilled.

Who are the 'rich'? Just how much money do you think they have? Using Obama's own numbers if hey had raise the tax on the 'rich' to 99% it would have only barely covered the deficit in his first year.

You have been told to blame the 'rich' and so you obey like a mindless drone. Without the 'rich' starting companies, taking risks, you people would be fighting in the streets over scraps of food.
I warned the tards before the election several times that Trump's deficits were projected to be MUCH higher than Clinton's.

His deficits were projected to be MUCH, MUCH higher than any other GOP candidate.

The only bigger spender would have been Sanders.

There are so many things about Trump which go in the wrong direction to make me wonder what the fuck these pseudocons think conservatism is.

They get it wrong EVERY time.

O creamed W's national debt 9 trillion to 5 trillion.
Conservatives ready to support $1 trillion hole in the budget
Some of the most conservative members of Congress say they are ready to vote for a budget that would — at least on paper — balloon the deficit to more than $1 trillion by the end of the decade, all for the sake of eventually repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Conservatives ready to support $1 trillion hole in the budget

Then there's Trump's tax cut
Trump's Tax Plan Could Increase Deficit By $5.3 Trillion - And Raise GDP By 8.2%, Wages By 5.4%
Trump's Tax Plan Could Increase Deficit By $5.3 Trillion - And Raise GDP By 8.2%, Wages By 5.4%

Plus there's the Infrastructure project that Trump wants
Trump's tax, infrastructure promises face pushback from GOP lawmakers
President-elect Donald Trump vowed to rebuild the country’s infrastructure on the campaign trail -- but a closer look at his $1 trillion proposal to give the nation’s highways, bridges and railways a makeover shows the freshman politician faces a rough road of his own with members of the GOP.
During his victory speech, Trump pledged he’d “rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none.” He added, “We will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.”
Trump's tax, infrastructure promises face pushback from GOP lawmakers
That's $7.3 trillion on just three new things he wants to add to budget over the next decade. And he isn't done yet..
Where are the deficits hawks, who called themselves "real conservatives" of the anti-establishment kind?

Thank you! This is how Republicans operate...

Trump's not a Conservative. Anyone who voted for him thinking he was, will be very disappointed. The Debt is going to rise. That was gonna happen whether it was Trump or Clinton. There won't be Balanced Budgets and reduced Debt. So just give up on that.

I voted for Trump to do just a couple things... Repair Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and appoint non-Communist/Globalist Judges to the Supreme Court. If he just focuses on those two issues, he'll always have my support. The rest is FUBAR. Don't even bother getting worked up about it.
Lets see if they can outdo obama's 9 trillion he added in debt.

How much "new" debt did President Obama create that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's mess didn't end on the day President Obama was sworn in. Bush was financing two wars OFF the books. He also ordered tax cuts during time of war - which was unprecedented in American history.

Don't feel too bad if you can't answer - because no one else can either.

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