Happy Eid

Muslims prepare to celebrate Eid-al-fitr tomorrow after new moon sighted

Yes, have a great day America.



I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
THIS is the root of the problem with our suicidal leftists. Their presence here is a greater plague on the this country than the 2% muzzies.

Btw, don't know of this Muzzie holiday and neither do I give a damn.

What is the root of the problem?

I doubt you even know what I'm talking about.
I couldn't care less about religion. I truly despise ideologies that consider others to be below them. When those "others" are my daughters, I get just a bit pissed
Again, THIS is the root of America's problem. Radical, anti God leftists and Their moral equivalence. THIS is what I despise.

Why is this a problem? Why are people who don't believe in made up stories a problem?

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