Happy Father's Day!


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
If you're a father, you are more important than you know. If anyone wants to pay tribute to their Dad today, this is the time.

My Dad taught me how to drive; twarn't easy, and I'm sure he made a bee-line for the Maalox bottle as soon as we got home, but he was a rock. He never screamed or slammed his foot onto the imaginary brake on the passenger side floorboards. Total calm, even when he had to grab the wheel.
Haha..still remember when my pop taught me to drive. He would yell at me, litterally, every 5 seconds. He made me so nervous, it's amazing I got through those sessioms.

Love you, dad! Happy father's day!
my brothers taught me. My dad drove me to the TEST--which in my town was done in a big field----with little tasks ---one after the other----age 17 in my town. The poor kid who went thru before me knocked into a PARKED POLICE CAR-------as he came out---my dad called out
"DID YOU PASS"? (well even the kid himself laughed) I did the course absolutely PERFECTLY---my dad was so proud----he said "like the car was moving by MAGIC" (well---that's how much faith he actually had in my driving------he could NEVER be my passenger----NEVER-----he just could not BEAR it---I drove him home from a hospital stay-----he was weak--sick ----and after a few blocks he said "stop-----I'll take the wheel"
My Dad taught me how to make coffee over a campfire and built me a "coffee pot" out of a 3 lb. can and some baling wire. Pure mud, but good in the 6 a..m. damp.
My Dad would stop the station wagon and cut me some spruce gum when I got carsick on the uppy-downy Maine roads. Of course, the fact that he was slamming along just as fast as he could get that V-8 to go was why I was sick to begin with.

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