Happy Holi!!!!

unless one is a hindu.....why would one care?...just asking.....
Because it's fun....and there's a very clear connection between it and the christian coloring of easter eggs....Spring and fertility! YAY!
unless one is a hindu.....why would one care?...just asking.....

Because it's cool as an expression of the human spirit.

How many people who aren't Catholic participate in Carival/Mardi Gras?
Or non-Christians doing Christmas?
unless one is a hindu.....why would one care?...just asking.....

Because it's cool as an expression of the human spirit.

How many people who aren't Catholic participate in Carival/Mardi Gras?
Or non-Christians doing Christmas?
5 or 6 ?.....i dont know....but im willing to bet not many at mardi gras gives a rats ass about religion....just sayin...
unless one is a hindu.....why would one care?...just asking.....

Because it's cool as an expression of the human spirit.

How many people who aren't Catholic participate in Carival/Mardi Gras?
Or non-Christians doing Christmas?
5 or 6 ?.....i dont know....but im willing to bet not many at mardi gras gives a rats ass about religion....just sayin...

Exactly. Same thing with the Holi festival.
Part One: Hinduism in terms of its practical import, focusing on practice

A. You can have what you want - The Path of Desire

1.We begin by wanting pleasure. This is natural, but it too trivial to satisfy one's total nature.

2.The time comes when the individual's interest shift to the second major goal of life, which is worldly success with its three prongs of wealth, fame, and power. This too is a worthy goal but individuals whose development is not arrested will move through delighting in success and the senses to the point where their attractions have been largely outgrown.

3. Hinduism does not say that everyone in their present life will find the Path of Desire wanting, but at some point in their reincarnations they will renounce the ego's claim to finality and transfer all allegiance to a religion of duty. This marks the first great step in religion.

4. But in the end all worldly rewards prove insufficient and in some reincarnation we turn to the Path of Renunciation. This is the moment Hinduism has been waiting for.

B. What People Really Want - The Path of Renunciation - The Beyond Within:

Hinduism sees the mind's hidden continents as stretching to infinity. Infinite in being, infinite in awareness, there is nothing beyond them that remains unknown. Infinite in joy, too, for there is nothing alien to them to mar their beatitude.

What the realization of our total being is like can no more be described than can a sunset to one born blind: it must be experienced.

02 Hinduism  
unless one is a hindu.....why would one care?...just asking.....

Lol agreed. I was born Hindu and I never celebrated it. Why should anyone else care??
Trinidad and Tobago? Good place to be from. I spent a little time there. Welcome to USMB, brother.

Nah, TT is a reference to my initials. Long story.

I'm from India originally but lived the vast majority of my life in Canada, then moved to the U.S. last year.

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