Happy Insurrection Day!

The saddest thing you can be doing this day is to be flipping from CNN to MSNBC, hoping for perp walk of any Trump associate. Obsessing over a year old riot where not much of anything happened is pretty sick.
The saddest thing you can be doing this day is to be flipping from CNN to MSNBC, hoping for perp walk of any Trump associate. Obsessing over a year old riot where not much of anything happened is pretty sick.
Not much of anything happened? Tell that to a room full of cops that were there, coward.
So is that the most important thing to you, the divisiveness of it all?
Yes the divisiveness is a major problem and the violence on 1/6 is a consequence of divisiveness. The oligarchy loves it and they control the corporate media that continues to foment division. Trump loves it too and uses it to inflame his supporters. It’s all so dumb.
Thanks for showing us how your illogical mind works. Your illogical grade school antics are laughable. LOL "You do". Oh thats a good one. Yeah you really got me there dipshit. You must hang out with some really dumb people if you think you've outwitted me with those dumb replies. You're an amateur. And a traitor.


I expected no other answer than the one you just provided because the only real traitor here is a person who protects a gutless wonder of a Capitol police officer who would murder a unarmed female protestor then celebrates it and declares the protest an insurrection.


Former President Jimmy Carter warned the United States is at “genuine risk of civil conflict” as he spelled out his fears for the future of democracy in America in an op-ed for The New York Times.

“Our great nation now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss,” Carter, 97, wrote in the essay published Wednesday on the eve of the first anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riot.

“Without immediate action, we are at genuine risk of civil conflict and losing our precious democracy,” he wrote. “Americans must set aside differences and work together before it is too late.”

The 39th president recalled initially hoping the Donald Trump-incited Jan. 6 insurrection “would shock the nation into addressing the toxic polarization that threatens our democracy.”

“However, one year on, promoters of the lie that the election was stolen have taken over one political party and stoked distrust in our electoral systems,” he lamented.

What “we have fought so hard to achieve globally — the right to free, fair elections, unhindered by strongman politicians who seek nothing more than to grow their own power — has become dangerously fragile at home,” Carter added.

Carter, with his Carter Center, has worked with foreign governments for decades to help ensure free and fair elections.

Read Carter’s full essay here.

Jimmy Carter Issues Warning About American Democracy In Chilling Op-Ed

Amen, Sir!
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I expected no other answer than the one you just provided because the only real traitor here is a person who protects a gutless wonder of a Capitol police officer who would murder a unarmed female protestor then celebrates it and declares the protest and insurrection.



Dont get it twisted the traitors were the ones invading the Capitol in an attempt to subvert democracy. And that is how history will remember it. Nobody is going to remember your schizophrenic delusions.
Former President Jimmy Carter warned the United States is at “genuine risk of civil conflict” as he spelled out his fears for the future of democracy in America in an op-ed for The New York Times.

“Our great nation now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss,” Carter, 97, wrote in the essay published Wednesday on the eve of the first anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riot.

“Without immediate action, we are at genuine risk of civil conflict and losing our precious democracy,” he wrote. “Americans must set aside differences and work together before it is too late.”

The 39th president recalled initially hoping the Donald Trump-incited Jan. 6 insurrection “would shock the nation into addressing the toxic polarization that threatens our democracy.”

“However, one year on, promoters of the lie that the election was stolen have taken over one political party and stoked distrust in our electoral systems,” he lamented.

What “we have fought so hard to achieve globally — the right to free, fair elections, unhindered by strongman politicians who seek nothing more than to grow their own power — has become dangerously fragile at home,” Carter added.

Carter, with his Carter Center, has worked with foreign governments for decades to help ensure free and fair elections.

Read Carter’s full essay here.

Jimmy Carter Issues Warning About American Democracy In Chilling Op-Ed

Amen, Sir!
You act like Jimmy Carter is some saint. You ever read about East Timor? He's a war criminal just like the rest of them.

And fat chance anyone should EVER set aside their differences with these right wing animals. They have no place in a civilized society.
You act like Jimmy Carter is some saint. You ever read about East Timor? He's a war criminal just like the rest of them.

And fat chance anyone should EVER set aside their differences with these right wing animals. They have no place in a civilized society.

Funny. What does "East Timor" have to do with this thread and Carter's comments on democracy and patriotism?
Funny. What does "East Timor" have to do with this thread and Carter's comments on democracy and patriotism?
Why should we listen to a guy that helped kill 250,000 civilians? That's the type of person you want to take advice from? Personally I dont.
Dont get it twisted the traitors were the ones invading the Capitol in an attempt to subvert democracy. And that is how history will remember it. Nobody is going to remember your schizophrenic delusions.

So the people, citizens, entered their Capitol and you have a problem with that.

Why don't you erect some fences and post more guards who have to sleep in parking garages to prevent that from happening?

Then maybe you can change the name to the Uncoordinated Statesville Of Amerika and the Capitol police can go ahead and murder some more unarmed protestors or tourists to commemorate your victory.


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So the people, citizens, entered their Capitol and you have a problem with that.

Why don't you erect some fences and post more guards who have to sleep in parking garages to prevent that from happening?

Then maybe you can change the name to the Uncoordinated Statesville Of Amerika and the Capitol police can go ahead and murder some more unarmed protestors or tourists to commemorate your victory.



The Capitol was closed to the public that day dipshit. So there goes that argument. But then again since you are anti law and order, you're probably for people breaking into public buildings when they are closed.

If you people, and I use that term very loosely, didnt behave like animals we wouldnt have to have barriers around the Capitol now would we?

There you go again. Saying that rioters were tourists.

We get it already. You're against America, real Americans, and the American way of life. You are for criminality, being a traitor, and behaving like an animal.

Anything else, dumbfuck?
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How can one get mad at a special needs individual who's fantasies turn to reality as they condone Capitol police murdering unarmed female protestors while declaring an insurrection made them do it?



Yes, let out all the psychobabble diarrhea.

Then, go touch base with reality.

Notice anything? Oops, you are on the wrong side of the law, reality, ethics, morality, and generally just functional adult common sense.

So you perceive the killing of an unarmed woman as a thing that saved your asses from fascism. What's a dead woman or two, right? You might actually be getting off thinking about it.
Don’t much care for the opinion with such a low opinion of democracy. What do call a person who defends traitors?

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