Happy Insurrection Day!

Seems you are one talking out your ass...That is when there is not a dick stuck in it.
Haha, says the whimpering little sissy weaving fantastic threats.

Well, get to it, tough guy. Go murder your neighbors, or take over a military base, or whatever it is you lobotomized hillbilly dumbasses think you are going to do in your little fantasy Civil War. Report back with the results.
Remember most Trumpers do not and will never support democracy. Witness how many of these Trumpers deny we are a democracy. That is because by arguing we are not a democracy, Trumpers give carte blanche approval for state legislatures or other state sanctioned authority to over turn election results. In this view, the will of the people is a chimera subservient to the will of the strongman or the party in power.
Leftists do love their mob rule
They do not care about rights
We puppy you do not understand what a democracy is. We are a republic which protects the rights of the minority from the majority.
What is democratic form of government?

Essential Meaning of democracy. 1 : a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy. the principles of democracy. 2 : a country ruled by democracy In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.

Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives.

Different types of democracies​

  • Direct democracy
  • Representative democracy
  • Constitutional democracy
  • Monitory democracy

Direct democracy​

In a direct democracy, such as ancient Athens, all citizens (only adult males who had completed their military training; women, slaves and plebs were not citizens) are invited to participate in all political decisions. This form of democracy is no longer practiced. In this form of democracy citizens are continuously involved in the exercise of power and decision is by majority rule.

Representative democracy​

In a representative democracy, representatives are elected by the people and entrusted to carry out the business of governance. Australia is a representative democracy.

Constitutional democracy​

In a constitutional democracy a constitution outlines who will represent the people and how. Australia is also a constitutional democracy.
What is democratic form of government?

Essential Meaning of democracy. 1 : a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy. the principles of democracy. 2 : a country ruled by democracy In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.

Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives.

Different types of democracies​

  • Direct democracy
  • Representative democracy
  • Constitutional democracy
  • Monitory democracy

Direct democracy​

In a direct democracy, such as ancient Athens, all citizens (only adult males who had completed their military training; women, slaves and plebs were not citizens) are invited to participate in all political decisions. This form of democracy is no longer practiced. In this form of democracy citizens are continuously involved in the exercise of power and decision is by majority rule.

Representative democracy​

In a representative democracy, representatives are elected by the people and entrusted to carry out the business of governance. Australia is a representative democracy.

Constitutional democracy​

In a constitutional democracy a constitution outlines who will represent the people and how. Australia is also a constitutional democracy.
Once again you fell from the US Constitution
Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence
Remember most Trumpers do not and will never support democracy. Witness how many of these Trumpers deny we are a democracy. That is because by arguing we are not a democracy, Trumpers give carte blanche approval for state legislatures or other state sanctioned authority to over turn election results. In this view, the will of the people is a chimera subservient to the will of the strongman or the party in power.
God, I can't wait until the shit hits the fan and you and Coyote get a face full of it! It's going to be very gratifying.
Barking... absolutely, HOWLING MAD. But you go right ahead and spin yourself deeper into the delusion. Eventually, that media you absorb is going to try to get you to do more than just troll internet threads. I wonder how many like you will have the guts to do more than talk trash.

I ask this same question a lot - IF Trump runs and wins in '24, what actions do YOU believe would be justified to keep him from reassuming power? In January of 2017, people like you did many times the damage to DC that a handful of pissed-off Republicans did on 1/6. They trashed buildings, burned a few vehicles, injured some cops... I don't recall the media solemnly revisiting 1/20 the next year. A bunch of political effing HACKS is all you people are. You can stick your righteous indignation up your arse.
How's Trump going to run from the SUPERMAX?
Leftists do love their mob rule
They do not care about rights.

Mob rule

You're right we aren't a democracy we are a Republic . A Republic protects your rights from 51% that doesn't agree with you.
We are a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution was meant to prevent the tyranny of the majority. Read your history.
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Once again you fell from the US Constitution
Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence
Once again, is what I posted not applicable to our form of government? Yes or no.

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