Happy Insurrection Day!

God, I can't wait until the shit hits the fan and you and Coyote get a face full of it! It's going to be very gratifying.

You are a loser.jpg
They lost an election. Their coup failed. They can’t win on ideas…only violence, threats and voter suppression.
That is all they have. These pathetic Trumpists then project their base instincts and thoughts on others.
Yes, let out all the psychobabble diarrhea.

Then, go touch base with reality.

Notice anything? Oops, you are on the wrong side of the law, reality, ethics, morality, and generally just functional adult common sense.



I see so in your progressive mind its alright for police to murder unarmed female protestors.


The Capitol was closed to the public that day dipshit. So there goes that argument. But then again since you are anti law and order, you're probably for people breaking into public buildings when they are closed.

If you people, and I use that term very loosely, didnt behave like animals we wouldnt have to have barriers around the Capitol now would we?

There you go again. Saying that rioters were tourists.

We get it already. You're against America, real Americans, and the American way of life. You are for criminality, being a traitor, and behaving like an animal.

Anything else, dumbfuck?


I'm not here to justify anything.

You seem set on justifying murder by the government though.

So the next time there's a shooting by a police officer it was most likely justified.


No, because I don't share your idiotic delusions.

You always make this same, very stupid mistake. Do you not understand where your brain ends and the rest of the word begins? Freakish.

Sounds like it to me otherwise you wouldn't have to get upset and start being abusive.

Do you need to take your meds?


Babbitt feeds the fishes now, because she thought the insane mob and the criminal president granted her power to charge at armed guards standing between her mob and congresspeople.

For shame, Trump.

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