Happy Insurrection Day!

Abuse is all that poster and others like the coyote and johnlaw have in their bag of tricks, with the exception of that big old low IQ hammer -- the one that turns everything into a nail. Smash, smash, smash. They simply quiver with violence and they are starting to act on it. We will see. It's beginning to happen. It's going to be lovely to watch them spin their way to their own doom.
You are projecting, sweetheart. The only one advocating violence is you.
I like you too much to be snarky. But a vehicle is not an attack on our government.

Looks like an attack on the government to me.

Just like shooting fire bombs at federal courthouses or burning down police stations sounds like an attack on the government.


oh puppy attacking the police because they enforced laws created by government and jo has been part of tht government for 49 years is attacking the government.
Again, this is not attacking our government, but feel free to continue with the false equivalencies.
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Looks like an attack on the government to me.

Just like shooting fire bombs at federal courthouses or burning down police stations sounds like an attack on the government.



Yes cultist, there is a difference between rioters firebombing a police station and lobotomozed hillbillies trying to overturn a free and fair election.

And you know it.
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Looks like an attack on the government to me.

Just like shooting fire bombs at federal courthouses or burning down police stations sounds like an attack on the government.



It is an attack on government facilities. Is it an attempt to bring down our government by overturning an election? No. Just mindless violence.

"The New York Times previously reported that the Speaker’s office confirmed that the National Guard was approved around 1:43 pm. Sund said he sent a request for help from the National Guard to Irving around 1:09 p.m, according to CNN. Irving said he was contacted about the matter after 2:00 pm, Axios reported. Sources questioned how Irving got the request after 2 pm but Pelosi approved the request at 1:43 pm."

“If you believe Irving’s timeline that he testified under oath to, how could he ask for permission from the Speaker 20 minutes before he got the request?” one of the sources told the Daily Caller.

How Did the Proud Boys Have Better Lines of Communication about National Guard Reinforcements than the National Guard Did?

General William Walker's Explosive Testimony on January 6th Capitol Riots​

This video basically blows the entire narrative away. If you are watching or listening to the media, you are being brainwashed. The whole thing was a set-up.
So the democrat controlled thugs profags and black lies matter picked one day from all four years of their insurrections?
Libtards have a separate and inaccurate definition of insurrection.

The Summer of 2020 riots, looting, assaults and "Autonomous Zones" were scores more REAL insurrection than the "frat pranks" of Jan.6,2021.

This is typical of the lies, distortions, and delusions that plague the minds of the Leftist Regressives;

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