Happy Insurrection Day!

I just did. Look at post #641.
You are so entirely full of shit and it's time out for the little baby's time out corner. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She hurt my widdle feewings!

Big mean lady OFFENDED ME!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have. You are easily offended in my opinion. So now you’re saying my opinion is wrong? How can an opinion be wrong?
I was just correcting you.

You may have an opinion that the sky is green. You would be wrong, would you not?
You are so entirely full of shit and it's time out for the little baby's time out corner. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She hurt my widdle feewings!

Big mean lady OFFENDED ME!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Correct. Leftists say language is violence and advocate for safe spaces.
You are so entirely full of shit and it's time out for the little baby's time out corner. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She hurt my widdle feewings!

Big mean lady OFFENDED ME!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol...your tantrum is rather funny.
I was just correcting you.

You may have an opinion that the sky is green. You would be wrong, would you not?
Because the sky isn’t green and can be proven via facts. Whether or not you are easily offended is an opinion. Tom Brady is the best player ever is an opinion. Tom Brady plays QB is a fact. See the difference? An opinion cannot be wrong at the time it’s given if there aren’t facts to disprove it. You must admit you double talk frequently and get offended fairly easily. We have conferred several times on this board and that is my opinion based on those interractions.
Correct. Leftists say language is violence and advocate for safe spaces.
And when you point out that they are going to learn that the real world is a whole lot meaner than any language you and I have to speak, they run away crying. How in the fuck do they think that they are going to survive in the actual real world?
Because the sky isn’t green and can be proven via facts. Whether or not you are easily offended is an opinion. Tom Brady is the best player ever is an opinion. Tom Brady plays QB is a fact. See the difference? An opinion cannot be wrong at the time it’s given if there aren’t facts to disprove it. You must admit you double talk frequently and get offended fairly easily. We have conferred several times on this board and that is my opinion based on those interractions.
I have the same opinion of you. I always noticed how you spent 3/4 of your time being an insulting prick, and the other 1/4 pretending to be up in arms over the merest slight.
Because the sky isn’t green and can be proven via facts. Whether or not you are easily offended is an opinion. Tom Brady is the best player ever is an opinion. Tom Brady plays QB is a fact. See the difference? An opinion cannot be wrong at the time it’s given if there aren’t facts to disprove it. You must admit you double talk frequently and get offended fairly easily. We have conferred several times on this board and that is my opinion based on those interractions.
LOL..I have read your posts and have found you to be easily offended. More so than most posters as matter of fact. That is my opinion of course.
And when you point out that they are going to learn that the real world is a whole lot meaner than any language you and I have to speak, they run away crying. How in the fuck do they think that they are going to survive in the actual real world?
They say they support free speech but once speech offends them, they call it violence.
They say they support free speech but once speech offends them, they call it violence.
I try to guess what forces would make them so ill-prepared for life in the real world and all I can come up with is that their parents were all complete drug addicted degenerates who simply didn't parent them, or they simply despised their children and set out deliberately to turn them into little monsters who would never be able to function in the bigger world.
LOL..I have read your posts and have found you to be easily offended. More so than most posters as matter of fact. That is my opinion of course.
And you’re entitled to it. Once I mention “Trump” ’you generally go off the deep end. In terms of me being offended it’s less that and more of me holding leftists and Alt Right pricks accountable. I do not pussyfoot around.
I try to guess what forces would make them so ill-prepared for life in the real world and all I can come up with is that their parents were all complete drug addicted degenerates who simply didn't parent them, or they simply despised their children and set out deliberately to turn them into little monsters.
Correct. Trump triggers them more than actual acts of violence as occurred during the “summer of love”.
And you’re entitled to it. Once I mention “Trump” ’you generally go off the deep end. In terms of me being offended it’s less that and more of me holding leftists and Alt Right pricks accountable. I do not pussyfoot around.
Now you are just making crap up. You are showing once again how easily offended you are. I make an observation, and you make some nutty comment about Trump that is totally irrelevant to the discussion.
Now you are just making crap up. You are showing once again how easily offended you are. I make an observation, and you make some nutty comment about Trump that is totally irrelevant to the discussion.
Nutty? Should we go through your posts? You despise Trump. Yes?

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