Happy Insurrection Day!

Today is the Democrats’ Day of Infamy.

Let’s all remember Pearl Clutching Harbor.

"Pearl Clutching Harbor" is the funniest thing I've heard in months! :udaman:
Nutty? Should we go through your posts? You despise Trump. Yes?
Once again you are getting easily offended. I don’t deny I do not like Trump. On the opposite end, you are a Trump sycophant supporter. That is fine. One can have any opinion they wish. We are on a political discussion board afterall.
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The violence has been used in an attempt to sway opinion in a variety of cities for the last few years so in effect it was used in overturning the government.

It's called do as I demand or I'll burn it all down.

Of course if they want to take it all from me by attempting to take it in the name of equality and equity I'll burn it down myself.



Riots might sway opinion, but usually it is the opposite. MLK advocated non violence. Swaying opinion is not attempting to overthrow the government, or every protest would be.
I saw a better photo of it on the day --- it MIGHT have been big enough to hang a dog ---

If it were a small dog.

It's a toy gallows.

But I guess if pictures of guns freak them out, toy gallows might be just as threatening.

Example? Leftists actually ask what peoples preferred pronouns are as not to offend them.
I think that is silly and I don’t bother.

Examples are banning teachers from discussing “CRT” in such a broad way that discussing any issues of race is potentially illegal. Banning books because they discuss racial topics or contain LGBQ characters.
Once again you are getting easily offended. I don’t deny I do not like Trump. On the opposite end, you are a Trump sycophant. That is fine. One can have any opinion they wish. We are on a political discussion board afterall.
Sycophant? Show one post where you see me being a sycophant please. Thank you.
There are people in many nations laughing at this. Calling a protest that got stupid an insurrection. People in those nations know what tyranny and insurrections can be. Progs have no shame and frankly, most people do not even care except Prog leaderships and those glued to the Prog fake new stations.
I think that is silly and I don’t bother.

Examples are banning teachers from discussing “CRT” in such a broad way that discussing any issues of race is potentially illegal. Banning books because they discuss racial topics or contain LGBQ characters.
Discussing CRT is fine but dividing kids by race in middle school is extreme and not necessary. We should not be discussing these until HS IMO. The preferred pronouns junk is insane. I am glad you agree.
Sycophant? Show one post where you see me being a sycophant please. Thank you.

These are just some of threads you started. You love Trump. Nothing wrong with that if that Is what you believe.

Riots might sway opinion, but usually it is the opposite. MLK advocated non violence. Swaying opinion is not attempting to overthrow the government, or every protest would be.

There would have been a lot more bloodshed if the 6th of January one year ago was an insurrection and someone was attempting to overthrow the United States government.


Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election. The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution.Dec 8, 2020
No traitors like you destroyed the trust of elections by spreading your propaganda and lies. That's all you are, traitor. A mouthpiece for foreign propaganda. Own it, traitor.
These are just some of threads you started. You love Trump. Nothing wrong with that if that Is what you believe.

How does that make me a sycophant? LOL

Those threads you must admit trigger the likes of those who use preferred pronouns and believe the country is systemically racist. Is it possible that’s the reason I create those threads Vs me being a sycophant? Look at other threads I create…see if you can find a pattern.

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