Happy Insurrection Day!

I think I'll go with the WHO and New Zealand's Immunology organization over some unknown contributor to the library of congress. My two unrelated sources disagree with your questionable source. My, how you've changed your tune. You have been spouting the WHO line for over a year and now they aren't reputable? Whatever fits your narrative, hmmm? Over the past two years I have lost faith in ANYTHING this country says especially some non descript contributor.
No traitors like you destroyed the trust of elections by spreading your propaganda and lies. That's all you are, traitor. A mouthpiece for foreign propaganda. Own it, traitor.
The trust was destroyed when no one was allowed to challenge the election. You people are just stupid.
How does that make me a sycophant? LOL

Those threads you must admit trigger the likes of those who use preferred pronouns and believe the country is systemically racist. Is it possible that’s the reason I create those threads Vs me being a sycophant? Look at other threads I create…see if you can find a pattern.
Listen we all have complex views. Not all left; not all right. There is much idiocy on the far left- wokeness, pronouns, defund the police - and idiocy on the far right - election fraud, conspiracy theories, paranoia.

You have started threads supporting Trump. That is fine. I did not read every post, so you may have areas of disagreement. I will not dispute that point.
Listen we all have complex views. Not all left; not all right. There is much idiocy on the far left- wokeness, pronouns, defund the police - and idiocy on the far right - election fraud, conspiracy theories, paranoia.

You have started threads supporting Trump. That is fine. I did not read every post, so you may have areas of disagreement. I will not dispute that point.
The police were de-funded. The fraud was never properly investigated.
Listen we all have complex views. Not all left; not all right. There is much idiocy on the far left- wokeness, pronouns, defund the police - and idiocy on the far right - election fraud, conspiracy theories, paranoia.

You have started threads supporting Trump. That is fine. I did not read every post, so you may have areas of disagreement. I will not dispute that point.
Thank you. As you saw but refuse to post, the vast majority of my threads are anti leftist ideologies. Trump just triggers leftists more than anything or anyone else I have ever seen. Hardly makes me a sycophant….IMO. But you’re entitled to yours.
If you support killing a woman just because she walked through an open door, that makes you a subhuman.

She was a magaturd terrorist that was taken out by a hero. :clap: I fucking celebrate the demise of magaturds. Regrettable that the body count wasn't much, much higher.
She was a magaturd terrorist that was taken out by a hero. :clap: I fucking celebrate the demise of magaturds. Regrettable that the body count wasn't much, much higher.
Johnlaw you are telling me that I'm violent, but this subhuman is on your side. You are associated with this animal in the minds of many on this board. Don't even bother to try to explain or justify this. I'm hitting the ignore button again.

Yeah, I know all about the dead terrorist's priors. The media actually took it kinda easy on her psych profile. Magaturds worship this deceased piece of shit as their martyr.

Psychos gonna psycho... :cuckoo:
What a repulsive thing you are to celebrate the death of a person just because she walked through an open door.
1. Get your eyes checked. She was actually crawling through a broken (formerly closed) window.
2. She's a vet. She took an oath. She knew better.
3. Magaturds, with their unsubstantiated 'fraud election' bullshit sought to invalidate the 15th, 19th and 26th amendment of the Constitution based on nothing but superficial entitlement. The silver lining is the seditious bastards did not succeed.
What does that add up to? Political terrorism. Terrorists are generally viewed by rational society as defective human beings. Bad people.

I celebrate the demise of bad people.

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