Happy Insurrection Day!

Only in your moist panty universe, where you will hammer it with your low IQ hammer forever.

Yet another right wing FuckBoi puts the full depth and breath of his intelligence on display. Talk of moist panties and low IQ.

Nothing of substance. Nothing to indicate any level of understanding or intellect. This is what passes for Republican discourse in the United States of America.

These are the people who want to rule the country. No wonder you’re in such bad shape.
Yet another right wing FuckBoi puts the full depth and breath of his intelligence on display. Talk of moist panties and low IQ.

Nothing of substance. Nothing to indicate any level of understanding or intellect. This is what passes for Republican discourse in the United States of America.

These are the people who want to rule the country. No wonder you’re in such bad shape.
Oh, but honey, now you feel so much better about yourself for having said that, so you should be thanking me. Public service. My pleasure.
So that’s how you see it? I see it as the day America was saved from fascism and, as we know, fascists don’t normally care about a few bodies. They like having a few martyrs, as we see Ashli Babbit being elevated to Trumpista sainthood.
Yeah, like the criminals George Floyd, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. The left's martyrs are plush papayas, while the right's are patriots.

Mod Edit due to wordfilter violation.
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I ate way too many Chocolate gallows yesterday.....I love chocolate, and I like it when I get Chocolate gallows in my Jan. 6 democrat party stocking but I have to learn to moderate........
I like the chocolate marshmallow gallows.
I like the chocolate marshmallow gallows.

Those are good too....I like the chocolate ones that are hollow......the solid chocolate gallows are just too much, you know what I mean?

I also got my Jan 6. play set......I have the FBI informant directing blm/antifa to attack the police action set and it is really cool.....

Someone also gave me the Trump supporter action set, but that's boring....all you get is a bunch of people with phones and the velvet ropes they marched through.......so boring...
Those are good too....I like the chocolate ones that are hollow......the solid chocolate gallows are just too much, you know what I mean?

I also got my Jan 6. play set......I have the FBI informant directing blm/antifa to attack the police action set and it is really cool.....

Someone also gave me the Trump supporter action set, but that's boring....all you get is a bunch of people with phones and the velvet ropes they marched through.......so boring...
I got the Michael Byrd/Ashli Babbitt Action Figure Set, complete with smashed window. The blood was really realistic! It was recommended to me by a lot of the leftists on USMB. A lot of them said they needed to wash their underwear after they played with it.
An insurrection when nobody brought any guns? What were they going to use, Trump flags?

cops were beaten with flags.


Capitol Protesters Were Armed With Variety of Weapons

By Joseph A. Gambardello
Posted on March 10, 2021 | Updated on May 24, 2021

Those weapons included baseball bats, chemical sprays, a captured police officer’s riot shield, a crowbar, fire extinguishers and a metal flagpole.

Before and after the storming of the Capitol, NBC News reported, police seized a dozen firearms, including an assault rifle, and thousands of rounds of ammunition from seven people attending the rally for President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. Other weapons included a crossbow, a stun gun and 11 Molotov cocktails.
Capitol Protesters Were Armed With Variety of Weapons - FactCheck.org

Stun guns, 'stinger whips' and a crossbow: What police found on the Capitol protesters

In all, police recovered a dozen guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition from seven people who were arrested before and after the Capitol riot.
Others had brass knuckles and pocket knives, stun guns and "stinger whips."

In all, police recovered a dozen guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition from seven people who were arrested before and after the Capitol riot, according to a review of court documents. One man, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, was found with a massive arsenal that included five guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, federal prosecutors say.
Stun guns, 'stinger whips' and a crossbow: What police found on the Capitol protesters
The upteem [sic] number of investiations [sic], court challenges, recounts and audits shows you are lying.
Exactly. The audits were run by Dominion. And every investigation was challenged or delayed in court. Stick with your narrative. Too bad it is not fact based.

At every turn, every investigation, every court case, was shut down before the point where evidence could be presented and examined.

Why is that, and what should it say about ow much confidence we should have in those procedures?

The determination that no cheating could be proven to have happened was always made before any attempt to prove what very obviously happened could be made.

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