Happy Insurrection Day!

A republic isn’t an aggrieved minority scared of the future trying to overthrow a free and fair election, pathetic old man.

Your great grandchildren will be embarrassed by your actions.
Dumbass kunuck America is a Republic protecting the Rights of the minority.

What did I lie about? Please, explain.
Democrats are failing keep spewing lies

That seems to be a familiar theme with you clowns. It's not the Democrats who are lying. They're not making false claims they won the election. The question becomes, how long are you going to continue to believe their lies. How lazy and gullible are you???

The Republican Party has been relentlessly lying to you for 40 years. Impoverishing working people and setting up an economy that benefits only the wealthiest Americans. You can't afford healthcare for all, but you can afford a Space Force. You can't afford free or low cost university for all, but you have afford to buy 700 fighter jets that each cost $9 million per year in operating costs.

It's funny how you can believe your own lies and believe others will. Only an idiot would believe a lie is the truth.

It funny how your only rebuttal is to call other people "liars".

You're right. Only an idiot would believe a lie is the truth, and YOU are that idiot. Everything Donald Trump told you is a lie and you still believe him. You believe the lie that Trump won the election - after losing the House, the White House and the Senate in just 4 years, and killing 500,000 Americans, you still believe Donald Trump.

That makes you, not just an idiot, but a totally gullible idiot.
It funny how your only rebuttal is to call other people "liars".

You're right. Only an idiot would believe a lie is the truth, and YOU are that idiot. Everything Donald Trump told you is a lie and you still believe him. You believe the lie that Trump won the election - after losing the House, the White House and the Senate in just 4 years, and killing 500,000 Americans, you still believe Donald Trump.

That makes you, not just an idiot, but a totally gullible idiot.
You are a leftist leftists lie leftists are ignorant.
At every turn, every investigation, every court case, was shut down before the point where evidence could be presented and examined.

Why is that, and what should it say about ow much confidence we should have in those procedures?

The determination that no cheating could be proven to have happened was always made before any attempt to prove what very obviously happened could be made.

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the cyber ninja turtles that the AZ GOP hired to audit the results ad nauseum... ended up finding even more votes in biden's favor.

You live in a fantasy world. The only reason you slope-headed ninnies are pushing your "insurrection" pipe dream is because you've convinced yourselves that you can somehow keep Trump from running in 2024. You already failed miserably over the four years he was in office, but like the anal-compulsives you people are, you keep trying and trying and trying. Have you got Trump's tax returns yet?

I hate to break it to you, but your little dream world is going to fall apart over the next couple years.

Tick motherfuckin' tock, sweetmeat. Enjoy the one year you have left, before you lose the House. Your fun's going to end sooner than you think.

donny is gonna either be in prison - whether it's because of his role in the insurrection ... or by the state of NY ... or by SDNY ... or dead by stroking out after getting a BIG MAC shoved down his gullet whilst sitting on the toilet ala elvis style.

Oh shut up sissy. The worry is that the gop cult will try again using official means. Nobody is worried that you lobotomized hillbillies will take over the country by force. Take your threats walking.
Another example of internet tough guy talk...Look puss, no way you'd be that brazen with your language face to face, so cut it with the silliness...

The more you people seek to divide this country the more risk there is of real violence occurring...So, let's keep in mind when Biden touted that he wanted to govern "not red states, not blue states, but the United States".... Then ever since has done NOTHING but to divide this country....
donny is gonna either be in prison - whether it's because of his role in the insurrection ... or by the state of NY ... or by SDNY ... or dead by stroking out after getting a BIG MAC shoved down his gullet whilst sitting on the toilet ala elvis style.


"Any day now", right? :21:
donny is gonna either be in prison - whether it's because of his role in the insurrection ... or by the state of NY ... or by SDNY ... or dead by stroking out after getting a BIG MAC shoved down his gullet whilst sitting on the toilet ala elvis style.

Your death fantasy for the former President is an example of the worst of our country....As much as I disliked Obama, and thought he was setting a foundation for destroying this country, I never wished ill will on him....You're a pathetic powerless stooge...face the reality.
"Any day now", right? :21:

Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. subpoenaed by NY Attorney General Letitia James

Updated: Jan. 03, 2022, 12:58 p.m. | Published: Jan. 03, 2022, 12:32 p.m.
Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. subpoenaed by NY Attorney General Letitia James

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Tom Porter

Feb 19, 2021, 6:51 AM
Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former Donald Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 3:50 PM
• 2 min read
NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

Manhattan DA convenes new grand jury in Trump Org. case to weigh potential charges

Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. (Biz Herman for The Washington Post)
By Shayna Jacobs,
David A. Fahrenthold
Jonathan O'Connell
November 4, 2021 at 3:08 p.m. EDT-

Capitol riot committee has interviewed

250[ + ] people so far
By MARY CLARE JALONICKDecember 2, 2021
Capitol riot committee has interviewed 250 people so far | AP News

i have no doubt that ivankaaaaaaaaaaa will sell her daddy out to save her own skin.

Mike Pence’s Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report

Ryan Bort
Wed, January 5, 2022, 9:18 PM·2 min read

Mike Pence’s Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report

Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him

By Veronica Stracqualursi, Betsy Klein and Gabby Orr, CNN

Updated 9:25 AM ET, Thu January 6, 2022
Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him

Last edited:
Your death fantasy for the former President is an example of the worst of our country....As much as I disliked Obama, and thought he was setting a foundation for destroying this country, I never wished ill will on him....You're a pathetic powerless stooge...face the reality.

it's not a 'wish' ... but rather an accurate scenario based on his documented behavior.

lol ... i coulda thrown in the scenario of him dying in prison from syphilitic brain syndrome ala al capone.

^^^ THAT ^^^ would be based on his documented behavior as well.

Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. subpoenaed by NY Attorney General Letitia James

Updated: Jan. 03, 2022, 12:58 p.m. | Published: Jan. 03, 2022, 12:32 p.m.
Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. subpoenaed by NY Attorney General Letitia James

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Tom Porter

Feb 19, 2021, 6:51 AM
Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former Donald Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 3:50 PM
• 2 min read
NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

Manhattan DA convenes new grand jury in Trump Org. case to weigh potential charges

Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. (Biz Herman for The Washington Post)
By Shayna Jacobs,
David A. Fahrenthold
Jonathan O'Connell
November 4, 2021 at 3:08 p.m. EDT-

Capitol riot committee has interviewed 250[ + ] people so far

By MARY CLARE JALONICKDecember 2, 2021
Capitol riot committee has interviewed 250 people so far | AP News

i have no doubt that ivankaaaaaaaaaaa will sell her daddy out to save her own skin.

Mike Pence’s Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report​

Ryan Bort
Wed, January 5, 2022, 9:18 PM·2 min read

Mike Pence’s Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report

Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him

By Veronica Stracqualursi, Betsy Klein and Gabby Orr, CNN

Updated 9:25 AM ET, Thu January 6, 2022
Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him


OMG! So what!? You people did the same thing with the Russian collusion hoax....Every week there some bit of crap that you people just knew was going to be the end of Trump, and his whole family....What happened? Big NOTHING!

Lot's of bluster, no result....

But, hey, you're allowed to dream...
it's not a 'wish' ... but rather an accurate scenario based on his documented behavior.

lol ... i coulda thrown in the scenario of him dying in prison from syphilitic brain syndrome ala al capone.

^^^ THAT ^^^ would be based on his documented behavior as well.
Well, the question should be why you feel the need to post that vitriol in the first place?

Trump is not President, and there are doubts right now that even if he did run in '24 that he would win the primary...

Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. subpoenaed by NY Attorney General Letitia James

Updated: Jan. 03, 2022, 12:58 p.m. | Published: Jan. 03, 2022, 12:32 p.m.
Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. subpoenaed by NY Attorney General Letitia James

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Tom Porter

Feb 19, 2021, 6:51 AM
Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former Donald Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 3:50 PM
• 2 min read
NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

Manhattan DA convenes new grand jury in Trump Org. case to weigh potential charges

Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. (Biz Herman for The Washington Post)
By Shayna Jacobs,
David A. Fahrenthold
Jonathan O'Connell
November 4, 2021 at 3:08 p.m. EDT-

Capitol riot committee has interviewed

250[ + ] people so far
By MARY CLARE JALONICKDecember 2, 2021
Capitol riot committee has interviewed 250 people so far | AP News

i have no doubt that ivankaaaaaaaaaaa will sell her daddy out to save her own skin.

Mike Pence’s Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report

Ryan Bort
Wed, January 5, 2022, 9:18 PM·2 min read

Mike Pence’s Staff Is Giving Up the Goods to the Jan. 6 Committee: Report

Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him

By Veronica Stracqualursi, Betsy Klein and Gabby Orr, CNN

Updated 9:25 AM ET, Thu January 6, 2022
Stephanie Grisham says group of ex-Trump officials to meet next week to discuss how to 'stop' him


Wishing and hoping won't get you shit. Was Obama's AG ever held accountable for supplying weapons to Mexican drug cartels? Nope. Was Hillary ever locked up for running a private mail server in her closet? Nope. Was Joe and Hunter Biden held accountable for Quid Pro Quo, taking money from Russia and China, or being a doper in possession of a firearm, as was Hunter? Nope.

You're wishing in one hand and shitting in the other. Guess which one filled up faster.

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