Happy Insurrection Day!

"if you're right and they're wrong, kill them" - John Wayne

that appears to be today's Republican/Trump philosophy
I'm denying that you even have a clue, which is a correct assessment. But keep livin' the dream, by all means. Don't let me stop you.

View attachment 585307

ooooOOOoooo, ^^^ that ^^^ sure showed me!

So, you're admitting that you're just trolling....Ok, thanks, I have better things to do than play that game.

noooooooooo............... i can because if he ain't gonna go away & keeps opening that orange pie hole of his - pushing the big lie - just so his dupes can keep giving him their cash ... then i can keep pointing that out.

see how that works?

i noticed you never answered the question re: why donny is still pushing that the election was stolen ...
So in Kazakhstan, they wouldnt let people go into the bank with out a vax pass and within 24 hours the citizens took down the whole government and then robbed all the banks. See how that works?
noooooooooo............... i can because if he ain't gonna go away & keeps opening that orange pie hole of his - pushing the big lie - just so his dupes can keep giving him their cash ... then i can keep pointing that out.

see how that works?

i noticed you never answered the question re: why donny is still pushing that the election was stolen ...

He feels, some think rightly, that the election was manipulated....In case you haven't noticed, the same freedoms that allow you to continually run YOUR piehole, allow him to run his....

The bottom line is, that a significant percentage believes that Democrats in swing states violated their constitutions on elections to change rules, using a pandemic to justify these changes that allowed a system of voting that even Jimmy Carters men said, back in the day, were easily corruptible....And, now that this is past us, it is only liberal progressives that constantly bring up this nonsense to use as a cudgel against any expression of ideas that don't align with progressive agendas and stifle any freedom of thought that disagrees with said agendas.....

Plus in my opinion, it offers another useful tool to progressives that placed our current President in office to deflect from the absolute horrible, country killing job that Presideent, and his administration is doing....
He feels, some think rightly, that the election was manipulated....In case you haven't noticed, the same freedoms that allow you to continually run YOUR piehole, allow him to run his....

The bottom line is, that a significant percentage believes that Democrats in swing states violated their constitutions on elections to change rules, using a pandemic to justify these changes that allowed a system of voting that even Jimmy Carters men said, back in the day, were easily corruptible....And, now that this is past us, it is only liberal progressives that constantly bring up this nonsense to use as a cudgel against any expression of ideas that don't align with progressive agendas and stifle any freedom of thought that disagrees with said agendas.....

Plus in my opinion, it offers another useful tool to progressives that placed our current President in office to deflect from the absolute horrible, country killing job that Presideent, and his administration is doing....

wisconsin election primaries 2020 ... run by (R)s:




texas ... not a swing state ... but run by (R)s only allowed ONE ballot drop box PER COUNTY

ELECTION 2020|Oct 13, 2020,09:42am EDT|45,164 views

1 Ballot Box For 4.7 Million People: Trump Judges Reinstate Texas Limit On Drop-Off Locations​

1 Ballot Box For 4.7 Million People: Trump Judges Reinstate Texas Limit On Drop-Off Locations
wisconsin election primaries 2020 ... run by (R)s:




texas ... not a swing state ... but run by (R)s only allowed ONE ballot drop box PER COUNTY

ELECTION 2020|Oct 13, 2020,09:42am EDT|45,164 views

1 Ballot Box For 4.7 Million People: Trump Judges Reinstate Texas Limit On Drop-Off Locations​

1 Ballot Box For 4.7 Million People: Trump Judges Reinstate Texas Limit On Drop-Off Locations
That is no comfort realizing that a significant portion of the Republican party were against Trump as well...In case you didn't know them, they were the "anti-Trumpers" comprised of the wishy-washy Republican's you Democrats have been manipulating for decades.
That is no comfort realizing that a significant portion of the Republican party were against Trump as well...In case you didn't know them, they were the "anti-Trumpers" comprised of the wishy-washy Republican's

i do believe they call themselves ' never trumpers' & that is because they know exactly what donny is & has always been. i've seen him in action for over 40 years.

you Democrats have been manipulating for decades.

i am not a (D). i've voted for (D)s (R)s & even green party. i vote on the issues ... NOT the person ... & certainly not because of 'party'.
i do believe they call themselves ' never trumpers' & that is because they know exactly what donny is & has always been. i've seen him in action for over 40 years.

Right you are....'Never Trumpers'... It highlights what I was saying...What's amazing to me is when he was in office, the forces aligned against him on anything he did, it was amazing he was able to do anything at all....These 'Never Trumpers' to me are establishment corrupt liars that are traitors to the party.

See, I didn't support Trump in the primaries. But he was our nominee so, I did support him as our President. I thought it was supremely unfair the way he was treated. His policies were some of the most Conservative in our history. That is if people could shut out the noise of the MSM, and his tweets...

He did much to expose the corruption with our government these days. For that alone he was a success.

i am not a (D). i've voted for (D)s (R)s & even green party. i vote on the issues ... NOT the person ... & certainly not because of 'party'.

Ofcourse, there is no way to verify that....I can only go by what you post in here, and from that, I find it extremely difficult to believe that you don't punch your ticket for straight line D every time.
I understand why the left was frightened, they're dumb and scared that way, and they're tossed around like rag dolls by leftistism rhetoric.

So you guys lived through the anniversary, good for you. If the right ever decided to stand for real, fucking-A, you'll know the difference between reality Vs Maddow reading off a bed-time story about the little train that could.

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