Happy Insurrection Day!

Well, the question should be why you feel the need to post that vitriol in the first place?

because i can. the question YOU need to ask yerself is why is he still pushing the big lie?

Trump is not President,

but donny still thinx he is.

and there are doubts right now that even if he did run in '24 that he would win the primary...

of course he's not gonna run - he's conning & grifting for more cash to pay off his mounting legal bills from the multitude of lawsuits & investigations he's got going on. LOL! i didn't even mention the ones coming from georgia & the DC AG. & he's got quite a bit of cash tied up in loans that will be coming due soon enough that he needs to be paying off.
Wishing and hoping won't get you shit.

lol ... denying what's gonna go down won't be helping YOU.

Was Obama's AG ever held accountable for supplying weapons to Mexican drug cartels? Nope. Was Hillary ever locked up for running a private mail server in her closet? Nope. Was Joe and Hunter Biden held accountable for Quid Pro Quo, taking money from Russia and China, or being a doper in possession of a firearm, as was Hunter? Nope.

deflection denied.jpg

You're wishing in one hand and shitting in the other. Guess which one filled up faster.

We had an amazing Jan 6 holiday and we all wore our pants backwards and ate McDa in celebration!
What's the use getting back to you on anything?

I don't know. Perhaps you do since you're the one is responding to a post having nothing to do with you.

What, are you one of those creeps that wants a woman to slap him around? Did you respond because you're hoping for abuse? I'm not into that kind of shit but I have a friend who is. She'll charge you a lot of money for it though.
It seems you’re still stuck in third grade. But that’s been common with you. Your only strategy in posting is to say “I know you are but what am I?”

Occupied made some very good points in his post and what did you do? Fling third grade insults. You didn’t address his post and all but you never do.

Republicans have become very good at accusing others of doing the things that they are doing. Trump called Hillary Clinton “crooked Hillary”, but look who’s facing criminal charges today.

Republicans say that Democrats cheat on elections, but every case of voter fraud in this election has been Republicans cheating. Maybe Republicans think that Democrats are cheating because they cheat.

They certainly believe that everyone is lying because they lie.

That's hilarious. You respond to your third grade "no you are" with .... wait for it ... no YOU are!!!!!

Stupid dyke
I think you and your continuously lying snowflake buddies should STFU and knock off the 'Insurrection' BS talking point.

1/6/21 was NOT an 'Insurrection', a point already made by the Judge presiding over the criminal cases of those who participated in the violent protest. No - ZERO - charges have been filed against anyone reaching the level of an 'Insurrection' - an attempt to overthrow the US government.

THAT means every single time one of you douche bags claim 1/6/21 was an 'Insurrection' what you are REALLY saying is, "Look at me - I am a lying sack of shit snowflake who has zero credibility, but I will continue to push the Marxist Democrats' talking points anyway."

One of the funniest things about people like you supporting Pelosi's latest nation-dividing Political Theater is that you are doing so despite her historic record.

Pelosi will go down in history as the only Speaker of the House to:

- Attempt 2 Impeachments

- Attempt 2 Impeachments of the same President

- Attempt not 1 but 2 Impeachments based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses

- Argue that none of these is needed to Impeach a President

- Have fellow Democrats criminally manufacture evidence and attempt to present it as actual evidence against a President

- Hold an Impeachment hearing during which the former VP and future President was implicated for Perjury and influence peddling by one of the Democrats' own witnesses (State Dept Employee)

And despite Pelosi and the Democrats' disgraceful, unethical, criminal, and treasonous actions in previous proceedings you and your fellow snowflake sheep are once again - a third time - supporting them doing the sane thing again...

That's pretty damn impressive ... and funny ... and despicable.
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Anyone who watched Pelosi bring in cast members from the play 'Hamilton' to sing on the anniversary of 1/6/21 and can still say with a straight face the entire 1/6 Commission is not 'Political Theater' is a complete idiot...or snowflake.
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